Quote Originally Posted by Jack-Jack View Post
lets split the 2 first since they are quite different

id say with the no boob touching or limiting how long you grab and suck on them for is like 2% of the time over the last year or so that i can remember and i think those 3 girls i do recall...one got fired not long after cos she had JPS plus she was a whale
the other had a price drop i think and one got moved from club to empire

so the boob thing is super super rare in my encounters - ur more often to get no shower bbbj than boobs off limits esp with the rigourous amount of feedbacks reception is asking for these days

as for no FIV i'd say maybe 20-30% girls either say no or give a hesitant look meaning they'd rather not?

but in the girls defence i dont think FIV is normally something advertised in service so may just depend on the customer and the girls
But some girls who do allow it and love it i've seen encourage you to add more fingers

some of the more sensitive girls will ask to go slow and use one finger only

some of the ones that are more cleanly will ask you to put a dom on finger others will see if your nails are clean and sharp before saying yes

so many factors re FIV........ best to ask first and see their reaction and YMMV Always treat the girls with respect

DATY i dont think i have ever been refused by the top tier FS shops

hope that answers it -- what have been ur experiences?
Thanks for the detailed write up. As for your last question, I've only been to Ginza a handful of times. To be honest I wasn't even aware FIV was a thing since I've never seen it on the webpage profiles. I'm a very by the book person. For better or worse. In the case definitely for the worse. 😞