Quote Originally Posted by Christmas View Post
Hi all~ many of my customers know that I'm a food fighter. I'm not afraid of try new things and apparently i like to put something inside my mouth. I enjoy mouthful moment... (Hehe)

So here i brought some k dishes that you can try when you want to try some new,
or you can just pretend to be kfood expert when you hang out with kgals, you might impress them.

Many people still don't know well about kfood except kimchi, as we know we korean love kimchi but that's not all about korean food. There are some popular dishes that you can easily find out in k-restaurant, and those are kind of easy-going taste food so my foreigner friends, they liked it.

1. Bul go gi - marinated beef

sweet ★★★★☆
spicy ☆☆☆☆☆

2. Sam ge tang - chicken ginseng soup

spicy ☆☆☆☆☆
sweet ☆☆☆☆☆
feel strong after finish ★★★★★
prepare this winter ★★★★★

3. jap chae - stir fried potato noodle

I made this to my ex and he cried ★★★★★
just try, you won't disappoint.

you can slowly build up your k-food level with these simple but not very popular for foreigner dishes.

1. kim bob

it looks exactly same as Japanese sushi roll, but more delicate, taste (because its ingredients), and tasty.....(IMO)
try cheese kim bob, tuna kim bob too.

2. mool naeng myun

cold noodle soup, which is one of my favourite kfood all the time. you can simply order in k-bbq place, and perfectly suit with grilled galbi..... aww... yum....
many of my friends complained that it not really..... has taste?! like they said...not very salty, or sweet or spicy...

they will serve bottle of mustard and vinegar, and you should pour those two to your naeng myun bowl very carefully to find your own taste.
once you find your perfect naeng myun, you never gonna have rice in bbq place. (I prefer K bbq place than japanese, chinese bbq because Kplace has naeng myun!)

3. soon dae

It made generally by boiling or steaming cow or pig's intestines that are stuffed with various ingredients. It is a kind of blood sausage and believed to have been eaten for a long time. (from wikipedia)
don't be scared yet with its image and description... lol
it's kinda after soul food for kgals, I always have this after school with my gangs. ttopoki and this are perfect duo indeed...

you might not like these, but worth to try because I like it(?????)

1. nae jang tang

it is literally intestine soup. If you like chewy stuffs, you may like it.
spicy ★★★☆☆
oily ★★★☆☆

2. al tang

literally fish egg soup. I like that texture... and I dont know its english name but this one

so damn good too. (i've heart that is fish's testis lol!)
spicy ★★★☆☆

3. ge jang

soy sauce fermented crab. your hand will smell fishy after eating... i wonder why do i like this? because i'm such a korean?? you try and let me know..



I was going to do my assignment so i turned on my laptop then i was going to just check my PM box before i start to do my work but look what i did for an hour...
my plan was 4 steps, that noob-inter-advance-professional and after i finished intermediate section I felt kinda exhausted already...LOL
and asked to myself what the heck i'm doing/?? guys anyway enjoy Korean food and girls~~~~~

all questions are welcome!
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