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Thread: Sensational Transformational Budget from Joe Hockey, well done Joe........

  1. #221
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Quote Originally Posted by SmilingGiraffe View Post
    Joe Hockey and Tony Abbott are freedom fighters against the global media dictatorship,

    Why would they fight Rupert? He got 'em elected.

  2. #222
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    Quote Originally Posted by uglyphil View Post

    Why would they fight Rupert? He got 'em elected.
    Don't be silly, Rupert is little more than a concessionary diversion.
    The global media dictatorship is controlled by the richest handful of the world's wealthiest bankers/financiers.
    Their goal is the decline and degeneration of traditonal western democratic society and culture.
    It's way over Rupert's head......and yours.

  3. #223
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    Newsflash captain plough - no one cares about your schitzophrenic (or bi-polar or whatever mental illness you have) delusions. Take your pills and piss off

  4. #224
    Senior Member(無間使者) waynekerr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JC1 View Post
    Thanks for pointing that iut. How despicable these conservative media - using lies to support their agenda. Then people treating what they read or heard from these media as gospel.
    Yeah, it's true. Sad though.

    Waynekerr by name, waynekerr by nature.

  5. #225
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wayne View Post
    I suspect no matter how much reason you use there is little likelihood of getting through to these rusted-on Abbott supporters. Abbott represents ignorance, greed and self-absorption. All qualities some find attractive. There is no reason for such like to listen to rational argument.
    Agree their brains are "stoned" and it is waste of time to rationale with those biased mind individuals.

    Know there are still top 1% earners who do not buy Tony Abbott budget lies and did not vote for him . Conscience lead them willing to contribute to share the pain with those needed! (They would not declare themselves as High Earners nor Middle Class, instead just humble ordinary Australian....)

  6. #226
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    Quote Originally Posted by greybeard_ View Post
    Newsflash captain plough - no one cares about your schitzophrenic (or bi-polar or whatever mental illness you have) delusions. Take your pills and piss off
    It sounds like you need a nice poem to help you reflect, think and relax...I'll see what I can do for you PP/JS

  7. #227
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    Quote Originally Posted by greybeard_ View Post
    Are you a Keynesian? I suppose your solution to government debt is for the government to borrow and spend more money? Thats crazy. These sort of fiscal stimulus strategies are usually advocated by vested interests and captains of industry who always end up cashing in. Bad economics. Bad public policy.
    Agree with you. That's the easy way out, it is easy to keep borrowing and spending to create economic growth, and let the next governments to worry about bigger debt. It is also very easy to cut the budget from people who will never vote for you. But much harder to address the real problems, such as discouraging people to keep borrowing and spending more and more on unproductive housing, and encouraging more business investments to create new jobs.

  8. #228
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    Ezra Pound was the editor and mentor to TS Elliot, Ernest Hemmingway, James Joyce, W.B Yeats and Eustace Mullins.
    Ezra had one the best minds and intellects of the 20th century. The american govt put him in an insane asylum for
    apparently objecting to WW2, and America's involvement in WW2. There were no real criminal charges against him,
    but when he said he would defend himself in any court, the govt got scared and put him in a funny farm without trial.
    It took about 8 years to get Ezra out. It was Eustace Mullins who managed it in the 50s. Eustace was the last surviving
    member of the group mentored by Ezra Pound, and Eustace died only a few years ago. If you're ever interested in knowing
    what makes the world go round, you can checkout Eustace Mullins' earlier public speeches or rare interviews on youtube.
    Eustace Mullins was the last great independent scholar of the 20th century - and a courageous man.

    Eustace Mullins 1 -

    Eustace Mullins 2 -

  9. #229
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    the fuck you say? ezra pound was a fascist. He worked for fascist italy during ww2 producing anti-american fascist / nazi propoganda. after the war was over he was arrested by the americans for treason (tortured just a little) and incacerated

  10. #230
    99 God Member (神級會員) AHLUNGOR's Avatar
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    From Sydney CBD to Central
    I am no politician nor economist, but I am a pretty good business manager who lived and works hard for my salary in the real work, and I am held accountable for the profit and loss of my employer and the company.

    Sometimes , the government just have to run the country like a business:

    The people of the country are the customers and all the incomes ,taxes, levies, GST etc are the incomes.

    All the social welfare, infra structures, educations, health cares etc. are expenditures. In business, you can not spent more than you earn, but may be you can borrow money to sustain growth or invest in infra structure (building plants and purchases of equippments) but all these investments must make a positive returns within a reasonable time frame for the company to survive .

    If the expenses far exceed the income and you can't increase the income stream, then the only way out is not to borrow more money but to cut expenses.

    I personally went through a few corporate restructuring and also worked for company under receivership, it ain't pretty and the words cut, cut, cut are almost daily rituals !!

    If you are the head of you department which had 30 staff, you could br told to cut 10 people in the next 7 days and take everything into considerations , the remaining people must raise their productivity dramatically so that they can keep the department functioning with 2/3 of the man power. Talking about tough decisions!

    I don't think our country is in that bad shape yet, may be if we accept some pains now , there will be less pain in the future or for our children.

    Remember that movie where George Cooney and another hot chick was doing exactly that to a lot companies to fix their "problems" hopefully we never have to call upon outside assistance to do the dirty works for us !!

    The age of entitlements are gone !!

    Just my two cents!


  11. #231
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    Quote Originally Posted by greybeard_ View Post
    the fuck you say? ezra pound was a fascist. He worked for fascist italy during ww2 producing anti-american fascist / nazi propoganda. after the war was over he was arrested by the americans for treason (tortured just a little) and incacerated
    Ezra was against the war, he knew it shouldn't have to occur. He was incarcerated for 8 uears without trial, then released.
    He was not a traitor, that's why he was released. And he was put in an insane asylum brcause the US didn't want to got to
    trial with Ezra defending himself at court. They would lose any court battle against Ezra, so they said he was insane and
    needed to be put in the insane asylum. Eustace Mullins managed to get him out after about eight years.

    Ezra was right about WW2; more than 60 million people died for no good reason. Can you justify the deaths of over 60 million during WW2.

    Thankfully Eustace Mullins, the last living mentor of Ezra Pound and a very great scholar, was courageous enough to tell us what makes the world spin round.

    Eustace Mullins 1 -

    Eustace Mullins 2 -

  12. #232
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    The ANZ-Roy Morgan Consumer Confidence survey charted a fall of 3.2 per cent since the budget, taking its index to 100.4 - a significant 14 points lower in a month and the fastest rate of descent since October 2008.

    October 2008, of course, was a significant time: the month after Lehman Brothers collapsed and the global economy began to go down the tube. Well done Abbott.

  13. #233
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    Against the war? America joined the war after it was attacked by Japan (pearl habour) Also, nazi germany and fascist italy declared war against the usa way back in 1941. Isnt america entitled to act in self defence?

    anyway, if ezra pound was such a pacifist why was he prepared to work for the mussolini regime?? fascist italy invaded albania and greece (and other countries) for no reason other than to steal their lands

    n'ah, ezra was a hypocrite, traitor, racist, fascist apologist. by the way, the reason he went crazy is because the americans tortured him so badly after they captured him (LOL!)

    Quote Originally Posted by SmilingGiraffe View Post
    Ezra was against the war, he knew it shouldn't have to occur. He was incarcerated for 8 uears without trial, then released.
    He was not a traitor, that's why he was released. And he was put in an insane asylum brcause the US didn't want to got to
    trial with Ezra defending himself at court. They would lose any court battle against Ezra, so they said he was insane and
    needed to be put in the insane asylum. Eustace Mullins managed to get him out after about eight years.

    Ezra was right about WW2; more than 60 million people died for no good reason. Can you justify the deaths of over 60 million during WW2.

    Thankfully Eustace Mullins, the last living mentor of Ezra Pound and a very great scholar, was courageous enough to tell us what makes the world spin round.

    Eustace Mullins 1 -

    Eustace Mullins 2 -

  14. #234
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    Quote Originally Posted by greybeard_ View Post
    Against the war? America joined the war after it was attacked by Japan (pearl habour) Also, nazi germany and fascist italy declared war against the usa way back in 1941. Isnt america entitled to act in self defence?

    anyway, if ezra pound was such a pacifist why was he prepared to work for the mussolini regime?? fascist italy invaded albania and greece (and other countries) for no reason other than to steal their lands

    n'ah, ezra was a hypocrite, traitor, racist, fascist apologist. by the way, the reason he went crazy is because the americans tortured him so badly after they captured him (LOL!)
    Ezra Pound, tortured and incarcerated without charge for eight years for opposing WW2, and then more than 60million deaths during WW2.
    It appears you think it was all worth while......the forces behind the creation of WW2, and more deaths since, don't take kindly to opposition.
    Do you think think the deaths of more than 60million people during WW2 were justified?

  15. #235
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    Quote Originally Posted by henry View Post
    Who cares, at least they will run the country properly. Most people that will pay the $7 don't even pay medicare. It's any wonder why everyone wants to move here because you can be a dole bludger, get a free uni degree and never pay off your debt. The biggest mistake Abbott made was speaking during the election. He didn't need to speak to win that election against that wanker Rudd. It is annoying that people who earn big money pay but someone has to. Way too many people living in this country who don't pay tax and feel that they deserve everything for free.
    100% agree. Especially on the point that Rudd is a wanker!

  16. #236
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    Quote Originally Posted by RoyalFlush View Post
    If you go to school, you pay the school fees.
    If you go to see a doctor, you pay the medical bill yourself.
    When you retire, you should have set aside money when you were young to fund for your retirement.
    Why should the government subsidise all these for you?
    Yet, Aussies get all these concessions, benefits and help from the government thinking the government owe them a living. I am not referring to the hardworking Aussies but those lazy ones. Most of these ppl who take advantage of the system are the most unproductive bunch. We should be deploying resources for better usage such as increase marketing to attract tourists, foreign entrepreneurs/investors, build infrastructure etc. instead of directing resources to fund their living.
    Ive heard stories whereby some of these ppl work in cash jobs while taking the dole and then they can still go overseas and spend taxpayers money for their holiday.
    Ive also heard stories of ppl who pretend to be mentally challenged when they are not, so centrelink will deemed them as not fit to work so they can get the dole to spend on alcohol.
    Im gen Y and I see most of the ppl who make the most of the system are the gen X and baby boomers. If this trend of national deficit continues, then we will have nothing but inherit all the debts and pay interests that the older generations have left us.
    The financial well being of a country is like the financial statement of a company, if it is in red, it should be brought to black. Otherwise, it is not sustainable and if we go bankrupt, everyone loses.
    We should start the Syd99 Party. Better than that rubbish Sex Party, which are just a left wing communist party. Royal Flush can be Treasurer. Ah Lungor will be Leader!

  17. #237
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    haha ezra pound worked with the fascist mussolini regime to SUPPORT their war effort!!! He spread hate and sewed discord at every opportunity (a little like yourself!)

    Anyway, my favorite ezra pound quote from one of his radio propoganda broadcasts: "You let in the Jew and the Jew rotted your empire, and you yourselves out-jewed the Jew ... And the big Jew has rotted EVERY nation he has wormed into"

    Yeh the americans tortured him pretty bad when they captured him. They locked him up in a small wire cage for a month and when he emerged he was a wild animal LOL!!!!

  18. #238
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    Quote Originally Posted by greybeard_ View Post
    haha ezra pound worked with the fascist mussolini regime to SUPPORT their war effort!!! He spread hate and sewed discord at every opportunity (a little like yourself!)

    Anyway, my favorite ezra pound quote from one of his radio propoganda broadcasts: "You let in the Jew and the Jew rotted your empire, and you yourselves out-jewed the Jew ... And the big Jew has rotted EVERY nation he has wormed into"

    Yeh the americans tortured him pretty bad when they captured him. They locked him up in a small wire cage for a month and when he emerged he was a wild animal LOL!!!!
    America Govt against a lonely Ezra Pound, do you think the government covered itself with glory in their action,
    only to let him free after eight years without ever being charged. Thankfully, Eustace Mullins got him out.
    Ezra was right, that's why he was treated so harshly, as a lesson to all.
    You don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows.

  19. #239
    99 Premium Member (特級會員) Raybo's Avatar
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    My question is for the brothel and RnT shop owners. Does any of the budget changes mean a price rise for the services that you offer???

  20. #240
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    Quote Originally Posted by Raybo View Post
    My question is for the brothel and RnT shop owners. Does any of the budget changes mean a price rise for the services that you offer???
    I took your question to a couple of very good friends of mine, and they said..."no,no..we do very good price for customer now...two, three dollar down.."
    You see, they know their customers will be a few dollars worse off after the budget. Accordingly, they will bend like....willows to accommodate them.
    Therefore, it's probably a no-impact budget as far as RnT punters are concerned. But you'll still need to ask for the three dollar discount, they're not stupid.

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