Back in the days the Kings Cross was the place for the action. Everything was there. 😎
I'm no spring chicken but I've always had the internet around when my punting journey began.
But how did it work way back in the day. 90's 00's
Before pictures were heavily photoshoped
before forums
How did it work?
Just rock up to a shop and see a lineup?
and drive around shops until you settle for someone you like
AR was word of mouth amounts mates.
How do you even know where shops were?
Please Share stories of how it use to work and what the punting scene was like. I mean pre 1995 brothels were illegal.
What happened before then?
And when Brothels first got started. What was the scene like?
Back in the days the Kings Cross was the place for the action. Everything was there. 😎
Unlike now we used to get our intel from either the Daily Telegraph or local rags classifieds. Rather interesting times back then...
the local rags were full of ads. so was the tele. there was no texting to book. mostly just lob and see whats avail. i guess there was a lot less privates because the privates had no way to advertise like a shop did.
Taxi drivers knew where all the action was. And classified at the back of local papers and girlie magazines, Pic and Post. Street walkers were common on Darlinghurst and Canterbury roads. Lots of terrace houses in Surry Hills and Darlinghurst would have red lamps shining discretely near front windows. There’s a line of a dozen tiny terraces on Crown street in which each door was left a little ajar when services were on offer. Workers always found a way to sell themselves
I am Gen X but I remember life before the internet.
We still managed to get on with life.
You can't miss something that doesn't exist yet.
I do love the internet though. It's fucken awesome. Hard to imagine life without it now.
Nah bro. I am a Sperminator. Sent from the future to fuck as many young Japanese girls as possible.
Don't know really as didn't start punting until around 2000. Early days of the internet and early days of forum chat sites.
Remember being called an "internet boy" way back then.
Newspapers had pages and pages of offerings. Local papers (those owned by the Murdoch boys) had the same.
Telephones have been around for a while ........................
I heard you could have fs for an hour with a hot fotb 19yo chinese girl back in the day! Is that true?
There were hundreds of young Chinese WLs arriving all through the 2000s and 2010s, started slowing down in the late 2010s and then stopped when Covid started and never took off again.
Japanese girls used to be very rare once.
Now it's the opposite. Lots of young Japanese girls and hardly any young Chinese girls.
I’m gen x also- Used to be the best trawling the local papers for ads. You really had no idea what was good and what wasn’t.
Also, the majority of those joints were illegal back then.
There were some established legal places that would post ads like The Black Garter or Tiffany’s, but a lot of them you just rocked up to a flat above a shop or whatever. None of this “massage” shop cover business like today where they are in every single suburb.
Some of these brothels from the 80s, 90s are still around.
this gives me memorys of a korean only place that was on crown. and boy did some dolled up honeys come through there.
I started when I was 18 which was 1991, I never got my driving licence until 23. I used to ride by bicycle everywhere. I used to read the local newspaper and just go and check out the shop and the line up. Back then it was only nude massage and proper body to body massage. About 2 years later I rocked up at a shop and girl from high school was there. Good times.
I'm Gen x and my first punt came by word of mouth. "You know Jen? Ask her if she wants $50"
Lots of people call anyone over 45 boomers these days abd and a lot of gen X get the tag as well. Most of us gen Xers did read the local papers and Penthouse even had adds for Kings Court.Thr yellow pages had tonnes of huge ads as well
Was there a big shift that happened when they legalised it in 1995?
Also pictures in the classifieds? just stock women pics or actual pics. I guess not a lot of catfishing if they did advertise their real pics.