Twitter and E&B. I don't have the Twitter link handy atm. Will return back and edit post when I do.
Plenty of talk about it. Where does one find their Brisbane listings etc?
Twitter and E&B. I don't have the Twitter link handy atm. Will return back and edit post when I do.
As far as I know, they have no listing in Brisbane. Their twitter is only for Sydney. Occasionally their girls come to Brisbane. It will there be on E&b. Currently there are no girls in Brisbane. Sofi said they'll return in November. E&b will have PCD in the title or in description.
Try WeChat Friskybuddies
Not sure about the twitter as I don’t use it.
Mamasan was going to do a separate WeChat for Brisbane and girls would be posted in Moments. I’ll send info when she gets back to me on that.
New girls should be coming soon as she’s had a short break for a baby, and ready to ramp up here in Brisbane. I’ll post a review soon with the new girl once she arrives.
This is their Twitter account:
search PCD on E&B
Hey guys and girls, I’m new in here and just looking around for some more detailed information on golden showers. Can anyone point me in the right direction? I’m on the north side and hoping to find something close.