Please elaborate on pricesBro I just returned from a 4 week stint in Vietnam Started in Hanoi then Danang and finished up in Saigon. I also have been to Thailand several times but I have to say that Vietnam has it all. Especially having WeChat on my phone was definitely the single most successful way for picking up chics everywhere. You have to see it to believe it. My phone on the 2nd day in Hanoi had more than 20 new contacts via WeChat and I tell you they were all hotties. The same thing in Danang and by the time I got to Ho Chi Minh city I was spent. However the variety here was way better than the rest of Vietnam only because of the size of the city and the level of tourists and population there. Gaito has its fair share of talent as well but I didn’t feel the need to go down that path. Messages on my WeChat ac were just pouring in and the ones I chose to respond to didn’t disappoint. From just a massage to an hour or two of full service to an all-nighter it was worth it. The girls were pretty, genuine, some of them were even just normal office workers or whatever day job they had. However I have to mention this, that I did get scammed in Japan town in Saigon, at a karaoke bar/anything goes place. So beware lads the women here will try and get the most money out of you out here so keep your wits about you and know when to walk away. Overall my experience here was nothing short of amazing.