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Massage (for the room and the legit massage): $70-$90/hour
Part 2: +$50 NHJ
Part 2.1 +$50 other sexual activities short of penetration, e.g. B2B, oral (probably CBJ but could be BBBJ), Spanish, etc.
Part 3 +$50 FS
Total: $150 SERVICE FEES. There's no "skipping" needed, up to you and the ML as to the speed of the progression. Maybe a little "handsy", followed by some "oral", followed by some "pelvic thrusters" if you've paid "in full".
Each stage is "additive", and includes the lower numbered stages, e.g. $100 should get you a NHJ + oral, but not FS (OK, with some ladies, it will allow you "access" to check her oil with your dipstick).
Grand total, bottom line: $70 to $90 + (SERVICE FEES noted above) = in most cases, $220 to $240/hour for FS