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Thread: J Miru - fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me

  1. #21
    Baby Member(留言版初哥)
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    Something similar happened to me at a RnT shop many years ago. I paid and they did a switcheroo with an unattractive thai woman. Anyway when I refused the extras. She started berating me about how I'm a bad person and karma will get me one day. That gave me a good laugh for a while. I'm the one paying, I will not be gaslighted into paying extra if I'm not interested.

  2. #22
    Baby Member(留言版初哥)
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    So the shop disrespected your time by making you wait 1.5hrs. Then the girl disrespected you by continuously pushing for tips. You didn't walk but at least you recognised not to return after this type of service

    I've been to both sakura and kyoto once each, both were good sessions but nothing to write home about. Im lucky to not have a complete dud there considering reviews like this one. The only thing they have on ginza is better rooms. But really who cares about the room

    Lol even in jacks review he said this girl loves money.. no doubt she was aggresively pushing tips at ginza too

  3. #23
    Junior Member(有D料到)
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    Quote Originally Posted by Meng View Post
    The fact that she's still on roster means they don't give a fuck and the girls can pick up on it too. If the shop don't give a fuck then the girls won't give a fuck.
    Correct, it's a behaviour pattern that girls also pick up on it from shops

  4. #24
    Junior Member(有D料到)
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    Quote Originally Posted by mn69 View Post
    It seems its mainly Ginza who care's about their customers and customer feedback

    Other shops should take note. Its the customers who pay their salaries. Without customers they will go broke & bankrupt
    Sad but a truth is, some shops don't have that brain

  5. #25
    Junior Member(有D料到)
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    Quote Originally Posted by secret0 View Post
    I only started punting last month, but I've been reading the forum for about 4 years now, and seeing stuff like this is why I decided to only visit Ginza (and might chance N5M/42G).
    Other shops just don't seem to care at all, and probably because there aren't enough complaints and no direct consequences as they've stayed in business this whole time. I check 206/57's roster every now and then, but they come up a lot in the shitty service stories for both shop and girls.

    Like with other stuff these days (gaming, eating out, etc), customers can only make a difference if they vote (or walk) with their wallets, and just not spend at the known shitty places if they're not going to provide good or even a basic level of service.
    Mate how could you endure reading the forum 4 years but only started punting last month? hahaha just kidding

    You're right, "customers can only make a difference if they vote (or walk) with their wallets, and just not spend at the known shitty places" I was thinking the same after this time, otherwise the shop won't care and won't change, and some old sh*t happen and happen again

  6. #26
    99 Premium Member (特級會員)
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    Lightbulb FK ALL GIRLS and Ads - Punters should make informed decisions on how/where they spend their $$$ 🤔🙄

    FK ALL GIRLS and Ads - Punters should make informed decisions on how/where they spend their $$$ 🤔🙄

    As per the Title....
    - its your own hard earned $$ so why not think wisely where to spend it and either do more research or if you've been burnt a few times just add them to ignore list

    A simple search in the AR thread for these should will show a few bad/not so good ARs - but the disappointing this is the girls there are only 1/3 of the problem....

    Sick of seeing newly created accounts or accounts with low post count and the only time they post is for a bad AR to give a rant

    Or trolls who are a keyboard warrior and go trolling other long term members that give a lot to the punting community

    I'm making the below post purely on my own opinion so take it as you will but i feel the forum at times loses it worth for what it was designed for

    And that is giving real intel on shops and girls with real and true ARs be that good or bad instead of personal attacks on shops/girls

    We as adults and human beings have half a brain and logic so just do some analysis and due diligence instead of going to a joint or seeing a girl and then regretting it when there are clear red flags...

    Sometimes i see an AR on how old and ugly the lady is or how half the services advertised not given well when its $120-150 for the hr for diamond what do you expect...?

    The girls gotta eat too and they are probly at a much less popular shop so desperate to try haggle you some more cash...

    Dont even get me started on the recent RnT trends...

    Long story short..... we as punters we should stand our ground and go to the shop/girl where we are respected as customers and to shops we trust (based on how many times you've been burnt and fucked over)

    - If the shop has burnt you before - stop going
    - If the girl is known to be hustler and short change you or have major princess syndrome blacklist them (this is why i was saying girls that move shops cos of poor performance should get called out - just like reference checks)
    - If reception/management never respond to bad AR on this forum they probly dont care
    - If they dont care for ur feedback right after the session again they probly dont care

    Soon enough they will learn the importance of customer service is not just about the girls

  7. #27
    99 Premium Member (特級會員)
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    Quote Originally Posted by xxxdindin View Post
    Ok, I don't know where to start “Roasting”

    For folks who visited ginza couple months ago, kyoto 206 J miru is ginza J miru, same name, same girl

    For folks who hadn't seen J miru at ginza, here are Jack mate's report,

    as can see J miru's service is around 6 (out of 10). Not great, but she looks like one of my previous girls, I seen her at ginza last time and decided to revisit her when she on kyoto 206's roaster today.

    Booked 12pm, 've been told the girl changed to 1pm, ok changed my booking to 1pm. Walked in at 1pm, 've been told girl was not ready, ok waited again. Another 30mins waiting, the girl finally ready.

    Walked in the room, J miru recognised me, she started using google translator on her phone asking me if I made the payment to the shop, I was like, "yeah...sure, of course I needed to pay to the shop first to see you". Then she asked me if I wanted same options (she used "chipping money" in the translator, I guess she wanted to say "tipping money"). I really confused with her translation so she showed me her notes on her phone says "No condom sex $xxx", ok I got your ideas now but I just wanna have a safe sex so I refused. She seeing me to decline her offer, persuaded if I want to do "filming", No I don't have filming fantasy so I refused again. TO THIS POINT, she didn't offend me, I understand some girls need money sometimes so they want to provide extra options.

    HOWEVER, things go south from here. After I decline her offers twice, she asked me if I can just tip her? I wasn't quite sure if she just want me to give her money for free (because I clearly said I don't want no condom sex and filming ), so I asked her again. "Yes, I don't earn enough money in this shop so if you can tip me I will try to provide good service, because working in this shop doesn't bring me the money I want, I will go to a premium shop later maybe", she used her phone translator to show me. For the record, I don't like the tipping culture in America because customers already paid products and services together in the price, I saw some silly waitress beating customers if they don't receive tips on youtube, but this is in Australia, if I really like the service I can tip, that's after I have received some 5 star service, how can you ask me to tip you even before any services?? (And again I don't do tipping in shops, I just book longer hours with the girl and do one sex and do the talking for the rest hours, so girls happy they get money and resting, shops happy they get more money, me happy I got better service, everyone happy). I refused again for the tipping. J miru saw that she couldn't get extra money from me, she became unhappy and started to complain that why I didn't tipping her (I understand some Japanese words like money, like why, so I can put together that she complain why I didn't tip her), 15mins passed from my 45mins booking now because she kept using phone to ask me for extra, options and tips. Until now I still treat her like a naughty girl who didn't get the candy. THINGS proved I could be very wrong.

    On to bed, she had that poker face (was smily when asking for extra money) and "no kissing" when I tried to kiss her, 30 seconds bbbj and 3 mins sex, she asked me if I had cum and finish because time up. I wish I chose the filming option so I can prove to you guys that I didn't exaggerate when I say 30 seconds and 3 mins, I looked at the clock on wall and draw her attention to say 25 mins left in my booking, she didn't believe and used her phone timer (which her set up earlier but even though still 10 mins left even on her phone timer). She realised she's wrong but kept saying time up now. Ok, I hj myself, asked again if I can kiss her? No. Hugging? No.

    To this point, I totally lost my interests, used my phone translator to tell her "It's your freedom to choose this shop, no one forced you to earn this rate, you can if you want to choose a premium shop, but as long as you worked in this shop you should at least provide basic service". And walked out the room earlier before booking ends. Walked down the stairs, told the receptionist Amber the very same thing. Amber knows that I was a regular client and apologised several times.

    I rarely used sh*t service to describe a girl, I don't want to insult or offend any girls, they worked hard and just want to make some money. But today I really think J miru didn't worth a dollor to spend on her

    In conclusion, damage for me today, $260 for the 45 mins booking, 2 * $6.2 parking tickets (because the girl couldn't be on time I had to get 2 ticket to avoid possible fines)

    WIR for the girl, NO. I been very tolerant with almost every girls, I always say to receptions that everything is fine the girls is fine, even it is not that fine. You folks hardly see me to post a bad AR for a girl even I just had another bad experience in 108 a few weeks ago, I didn't say anything. However J miru today is just RIDICULOUS

    WIR for the shop, NO. I like Amber at 206 reception, she is very lovely girl and has done a very good job, but 206/57 had failed me not one time, not two time, but many times which girls just can't provide service as described (diamond service), that’s ENOUGH. Not mentioned to that today J miru just break a record, LOWEST service score, 1/10 for her service.

    Firstly bro - sorry to hear you had such a bad punt and exGinza girl of all girls... worse a girl that i saw hahaha

    But cant say that i am surprised i probly only had 30% hit rate of good punts between Sakura and Kyoto
    -- 1 was purely TOFTT and roll the dice
    -- Another was recommendation from the boss when i used to be somewhat regular there as he said see this girl shes so good she is asian only but not mentioned on roster page
    -- then the others were off friends recommendations and my best ever punt was a exginza girl who moved there but business was slow so she sent me some sexy pics to go see her cos shes like i left for more money but its no where near as busy as ginza do you want to come play with me?
    (and NO i will not mention who this girl is)

    I think these 2 shops has a small % of hidden gems i mean Haru came from there but even Haru complained about the shop how funny is that??

    The problem is not just the girls are bad but the over the top pricing compared to service recieved, the "Creative" photoshopping plus the customer service its just not worth it

    WHY... Why do i have to be berated when i am the customer, why do i have to absorb the costs when the girl sets her own timer and short changes me its not a money thing but a principle thing and unethical complain and shop does nothing.....

    Ginza its black and white no timer since the shop controls it all via intercom

    thats on the shops before i digress too much.... now onto Miru... fuck this hustler LOL

    LMFAOOOOO - thank you (i guess) for quoting/refencing my AR on Miru lol ... as i said i call out girls for what it is no cap no bs

    I dont sugar coat things or upsell like they are the best ever otherwise what is the point of having a pricing model to seperate the girls ....

    I looked at Miru profile again on the website and also back to my AR...

    Honestly in hindsight if she was NOT as pretty with that banging body and white skin i would of been more pissed off and maybe rated her lower than the 6.5 - 7.5 for service and for attitude

    But i wanted to be fair and give credit to Ginza team and also the girl as they clearly put this in her profile:

    Which is true and she did do all things diamond (from memory)
    This is almost a automatic checklist for me after i see the girl and reception knows this and usually dont ask by listing out the diamond services... instead they just go how was she? Did she do everything as they know how detailed i am in my feedback

    Gotta give credit where credit is due as I challenge ppl to find other shops that have such a detailed profile description of their girls...

    I tried to make it obvious she has clear JPS with these points in my AR....

    I can tell she’s pressured with the time and always watching the clock when I nutted before the buzzer went off she goes shower? And I said no

    She cos oh but 5mins left on her phone Google translate

    I translate back and said relax wait for first buzzer … I come here often I know how the buzzer works

    She is not service oriented but she didn’t REFUSE anything diamond I think just need to go longer session and not expect an experienced girl but enjoy ur time with a super cute young j girl willing to suck and fuck you

    I reckon the price might be fair but defs can’t be bumped until she gets more consistency in her service but worth the admission for her body and face

    BRO i think punters should avoid this girl period unless they are seeking those extras....

    that is FUCKED she is so aggressive and blatant in offering those extras and for her mood and service to change after saying no i would of walked out

    FWIW... she did have the extras avail but she did not sell it to me nor did her service change cos no tip

    she must have incurred alot of debt or her "AV Debut" was a failure cos doesnt make sense if she did an AV to not put that in her profile

    I hinted she does the extras cos i saw a piece of paper on the table under the lube and her water with the "menu" and no dom was like $300 i was like WTF u havent even made an AV yet......

    hence i put something like this girl loves money LOL .... i think the only thing not on the cards was anal? pretty sure filming was there with no face so u can do ur on AV debut with her LOL but yea her menu she wrote down was covered by the bottle of lube and water

    if she did what she did with you on me i would of walked out as her room was just above reception thats almost forcing customer to do unsafe sex otherwise they gonna get standard service ...

    the only thing this girl has is looks and body - service and attitude was very Meh and it seems it went from C Tier service and attitude to BLACKLIST from seeing her unless ur going just for those extras but be prepared to be charged a premium.....

    This is borderline fucked not just in terms of bad service but unethical and not a professional like walking into a scam

    Keep the honest ARs coming and call out these girls with the shit service and attitude so other avoid

    Peace out and as always happy punting

  8. #28
    Junior Member(有D料到)
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    Quote Originally Posted by The giver View Post
    Something similar happened to me at a RnT shop many years ago. I paid and they did a switcheroo with an unattractive thai woman. Anyway when I refused the extras. She started berating me about how I'm a bad person and karma will get me one day. That gave me a good laugh for a while. I'm the one paying, I will not be gaslighted into paying extra if I'm not interested.
    That's double damage, "bait and switch" plus "berating for no choosing girls' extra"

  9. #29
    99 Premium Member (特級會員)
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    Quote Originally Posted by xxxdindin View Post
    That's double damage, "bait and switch" plus "berating for no choosing girls' extra"

  10. #30
    Junior Member(有D料到)
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    Hi jack mate, thanks again for the detailed input in this post

    I agree with you, and other mates opinions in this post, that I should have walked when J miru haggled in the room.

    I can share one more story with fellow punters, that I DID DECIDE TO WALK OUT the room for a jap girl in 108 massage just several weeks ago, that's about 10 mins (my booking was 60mins). I can't tolerant of that girl having JPS, no willing to hug, no willing to bbbj, meh in shower (she tried hj even when I used both english and japanese asking for bbbj, she pretended she didn't understand). So yes, I walked out, told the reception what happened, Guess what, the reception offered 1/4 refund...the reason was that the girl took off her clothes so they can't do full refund, even I received no sex, no bbbj, no hugging, and a light kissing, even when I walked out in 10mins, but because the girl took off her clothes, so I need to paid the 30mins rate which is $220

    I then called the shop owner Nana and some calls exchanged, we settled at a 1/2 refund, that is me paying $155 for a 10mins no sex, no bbbj, no hugging, and a light kissing service. I didn't write an AR because 1. some friendship with the shop owner and I don't want to impact her business, 2. I tired of debating and I let it go

    So yes guys, I DID walk out in a similar situation and that wasn't a pleasant either. If putting this a few weeks ago's experience together, that explain why I didn't walk straightaway this time for J miru because I still likely just get 1/2 refund for none service (or 1/4 refund if losing the debate with shops). Wasn't a wise decision but somewhat logical (from my previous experience)

    Of course both cases were ridiculous

  11. #31
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    I don’t think owners didn’t know what was happened with these girls, they just try to make a balance between punters and girls, it would be very easy for owners to make a clear decision about these girls if enough girls came to their shops.

  12. #32
    99 Premium Member (特級會員)
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rub101 View Post
    So the shop disrespected your time by making you wait 1.5hrs. Then the girl disrespected you by continuously pushing for tips. You didn't walk but at least you recognised not to return after this type of service

    I've been to both sakura and kyoto once each, both were good sessions but nothing to write home about. Im lucky to not have a complete dud there considering reviews like this one. The only thing they have on ginza is better rooms. But really who cares about the room

    Lol even in jacks review he said this girl loves money.. no doubt she was aggresively pushing tips at ginza too
    I've had a few decent punts there and off course the legend that is Sandra is still working at Kyoto. Having said that I wouldn't try any of their jap girls. More often then not they're overpriced and shit service.

  13. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by xxxdindin View Post
    Hi jack mate, thanks again for the detailed input in this post

    I agree with you, and other mates opinions in this post, that I should have walked when J miru haggled in the room.

    I can share one more story with fellow punters, that I DID DECIDE TO WALK OUT the room for a jap girl in 108 massage just several weeks ago, that's about 10 mins (my booking was 60mins). I can't tolerant of that girl having JPS, no willing to hug, no willing to bbbj, meh in shower (she tried hj even when I used both english and japanese asking for bbbj, she pretended she didn't understand). So yes, I walked out, told the reception what happened, Guess what, the reception offered 1/4 refund...the reason was that the girl took off her clothes so they can't do full refund, even I received no sex, no bbbj, no hugging, and a light kissing, even when I walked out in 10mins, but because the girl took off her clothes, so I need to paid the 30mins rate which is $220

    I then called the shop owner Nana and some calls exchanged, we settled at a 1/2 refund, that is me paying $155 for a 10mins no sex, no bbbj, no hugging, and a light kissing service. I didn't write an AR because 1. some friendship with the shop owner and I don't want to impact her business, 2. I tired of debating and I let it go

    So yes guys, I DID walk out in a similar situation and that wasn't a pleasant either. If putting this a few weeks ago's experience together, that explain why I didn't walk straightaway this time for J miru because I still likely just get 1/2 refund for none service (or 1/4 refund if losing the debate with shops). Wasn't a wise decision but somewhat logical (from my previous experience)

    Of course both cases were ridiculous
    It can be hard too sometimes and conflicting esp if it’s a shorter session

    I have maybe 2-3 sessions where I was tempted to walk out but wanted to see how bad it got ie was it just we didn’t vibe and she is not the talkative type but still try to service you and do most of diamond or she just a bitch with princess syndrome…

    I can tell you the few times I did complain like I wanted to punch someone and when I walked out early reception were very keen for my feedback the funniest was when the girl got fired the next day even after her price dropped the same day

    But yea it had to be very bad cos usually I do 30mins and by the time we are on the bed probably 10mins gone so I just wait it eye or close my eyes and think of BLACKPINK and pump away hahaha

    Miru sounds like she’s much worse than when she was at Ginza and she was pretty bad there already

    At least J Miru was pretty imagine getting shit service but her looking is a 6/10 and has size 7-8 body with dry skin….

    Fuck I got ptsd from that girl

    Yea it’s really annoying when shit girls don’t get retrained or fired
    It’s like a lucky dip to see which unlucky person picks her

    Mirage and 360 in its glory days were pretty good

    Mirage was great when nana was very involved with day to day

    360 when Linda and hitomi were running things and super involved in day to day would give most shops a run for their money even Ginza but sadly it’s gone downhill and seems to still be recovering

  14. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by xxxdindin View Post
    when ginza managed J Miru, her service was 5 or 6 out of 10. Not great, but met some minumum standards that draw me to revisit her again

    J miru under 206 management, her service was 1 out of 10

    Same girl, see the difference?
    Same with a number of girls that left Ginza … as mentioned by other punters

  15. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by xxxdindin View Post
    Mate, very same reason I told the boys she was good when at ginza. I didn't want to make difficulty for any girls, so even when some times the reception said they will displine the girls, I said no that's all fine. I know girls need to make some money.

    Things turn out I could be very wrong (for some girls)
    lol I came out not so happy and Roy swore in Chinese like fk and then with a defeated smile said no good?

    I said yea not up to my standard and he nodded acknowledging she has room to irl over comment through what she did as per diamond advertised vs what she needs to improve and what is NOT ON

    You don’t tell the customer to shower before the buzzer so you can rush them out and short change them I made that very clear

    Reception team were amazing he was like shit she has customer now but I will talk to her after thank you

    But end of the day if the shop tell them what to do to improve or even get girls to train them it comes down to attitude to change

    A bitch will always be a bitch like the Karen’s and if this keeps up pretty sure Ginza will tell them to F off because they just have to deal with their complaints all day … maybe that is why miru never went back to Ginza LOL

    Same applies for Tomo who went either Sakura or Kyoto

    That girl showered like covid period when you came home from Westfield or a medical clinic… she may as well scrubs in the room …

  16. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jack-Jack View Post
    It can be hard too sometimes and conflicting esp if it’s a shorter session

    I have maybe 2-3 sessions where I was tempted to walk out but wanted to see how bad it got ie was it just we didn’t vibe and she is not the talkative type but still try to service you and do most of diamond or she just a bitch with princess syndrome…

    I can tell you the few times I did complain like I wanted to punch someone and when I walked out early reception were very keen for my feedback the funniest was when the girl got fired the next day even after her price dropped the same day

    But yea it had to be very bad cos usually I do 30mins and by the time we are on the bed probably 10mins gone so I just wait it eye or close my eyes and think of BLACKPINK and pump away hahaha

    Miru sounds like she’s much worse than when she was at Ginza and she was pretty bad there already

    At least J Miru was pretty imagine getting shit service but her looking is a 6/10 and has size 7-8 body with dry skin….

    Fuck I got ptsd from that girl

    Yea it’s really annoying when shit girls don’t get retrained or fired
    It’s like a lucky dip to see which unlucky person picks her

    Mirage and 360 in its glory days were pretty good

    Mirage was great when nana was very involved with day to day

    360 when Linda and hitomi were running things and super involved in day to day would give most shops a run for their money even Ginza but sadly it’s gone downhill and seems to still be recovering

    Which Blackpink girl to think of (when you endured) you need to tell me!! LOL

    PTSD part make me laugh too

    I probably use "minefield" instead of "lucky dip" in some shops, I mean you wouldn't get unlucky with "lucky dip" stuff, but really "minefield" is more appropriate to describe how I feel to walk into some shops, cos that cause damage.

  17. #37
    Junior Member(有D料到)
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    Guys may want to check this out

    J miru is J Tsuki at 42g

  18. #38
    99 Premium Member (特級會員)
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    Quote Originally Posted by xxxdindin View Post
    Guys may want to check this out

    J miru is J Tsuki at 42g
    Holy crap thanks for this info. I feel like there's a dip in quality Japanese girls post covid.

  19. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by Meng View Post
    Holy crap thanks for this info. I feel like there's a dip in quality Japanese girls post covid.
    Its the new generation. The Gen Z social media generation who think they're hot because they post up heavily filtered fake make-up photos of themselves

    And also alot more desperate for money post Covid

  20. #40
    Junior Member(有D料到)
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    Quote Originally Posted by Meng View Post
    Holy crap thanks for this info. I feel like there's a dip in quality Japanese girls post covid.
    No worries mate. Sharing is caring.

    I like your reports in early days back at 42g, cos that's when I punted at 42g too

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