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Thread: Female Punter!

  1. #121
    Baby Member(留言版初哥)
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    Quote Originally Posted by 11Bravo View Post
    lilac, here's a life preserver as no doubt you're drowning... besides LYAO. Drop a pebble in a lake and it creates a tidal wave.

    It's like "Is that a GIRL in the boy's locker room?"...
    hahaha I would be lying if I said I didn’t like the shock value just a tiny bit….

  2. #122
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    So it’s been a week since this bullshit post was “about to happen”..and all I read on here is you engaging with all the other comments.
    So what happened?

  3. #123
    Baby Member(留言版初哥)
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    Quote Originally Posted by dotcumdotinyou View Post
    I'm still calling bullshit on this.

    Why would a female punter who doesn't want to see Asians come onto an Asian forum for males. Surely there's a forum out there for women by women. Then she can't find anything or is too lazy to do the research to find places like bodyrotic who advertise for "men, woman and couples". Or even look at the private pages to find that Lily and Sophie at Chatswood do a great lesbian double according to the information by other forum members. You can get anything you want in Sydney you just have to put in the effort to look.

    Its a bloke taking the piss but its not vinnie.
    you know, I understand the suspicion (except for the asian part lol). yk, female nature is a little more emotionally driven, it’s not really likely that a girl would come on here simply for horny reasons. i guess i owe the forum a little bit more context.

    so yes, when i first made this thread, i wanted to share my experience and see if there were any girls out there doing the same thing as me. plus see if i could get any more “insider” information on the shops.

    but i did also mention that I have also been reading the forum for some time. apart from the above, i’ve always been curious:

    like, what kind of men pay so much money to have sex? why is it more appealing than picking up a girl at a club/bar etc? is it because they can’t? broke, unattractive, awkward? why do married or taken men do this, are their relationships unfulfilling? do they feel guilty? is the desire for variety just something men are naturally cursed with? do men actually respect or care about these MLs or WLs? are they happy with their lives? do the women feel regret or shame? what happens to them when they get older? what do men really think of female nature? do they all think we’re evil and bitchy and only care about the benefits/value rather than them as people? or is it just the type of girls they’ve met? or perhaps the way they treat women? would they be happier in a LTR with the right girl rather than meaningless, casual sex? maybe that’s why so many guys start catching feelings for the girls they pay? why do so many girls chose to do this type of work? would i be happier doing that too or is slutty = empowering just an idea the media generates? is it more fulfilling to be slutty or to be a good wife? do these men really value a girl’s purity still, even if they’ve paid for sex with different girls over 100 times?

    reading directly from the target demographic on this forum is a pretty good resource.

    i guess the men ive had relationships with ‘red pilled’ me a little too hard lol.

  4. #124
    Baby Member(留言版初哥)
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    Quote Originally Posted by ryanpumper View Post
    So it’s been a week since this bullshit post was “about to happen”..and all I read on here is you engaging with all the other comments.
    So what happened?
    if you wanted the AR so bad you could have just asked nicely….

  5. #125
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    well done , i know a girl that also wants this , for different reasons than yours , she wants me to come alog and watch. but cant find a place

  6. #126
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    AR, HE, ML, punter, ginza..
    For a newbie female you’ve certainly got all the regular lingo worked out.

  7. #127
    Loyalty Member(超級無聊鬼) 11Bravo's Avatar
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    I'd say, on the international side, maybe even here, if it was a guy saying he and his female significant other wanted to enjoy a massage together with the same benefits, there would be any number of members posting suggestions on where to go, who to try. But for some reason, when it's a female (real or not), any number feel what, threatened, wanting to deny the possibility of a female acting solo. Might be strange, but damn, if you've been around, you've no doubt seen some strange things. Certainly believable that the opposition might want to gather some inside intel. Or not, but regardless, someone certainly seems to be having some fun stirring the pot.

    Quote Originally Posted by lilac View Post
    do men actually respect or care about these MLs or WLs? are they happy with their lives? do the women feel regret or shame? what happens to them when they get older? what do men really think of female nature? do they all think we’re evil and bitchy and only care about the benefits/value rather than them as people? or is it just the type of girls they’ve met? or perhaps the way they treat women? would they be happier in a LTR with the right girl rather than meaningless, casual sex? maybe that’s why so many guys start catching feelings for the girls they pay? why do so many girls chose to do this type of work? would i be happier doing that too or is slutty = empowering just an idea the media generates? is it more fulfilling to be slutty or to be a good wife? do these men really value a girl’s purity still, even if they’ve paid for sex with different girls over 100 times?
    MY experience, probably skewed by my preferred demographics, but as I remember, all have financial reasons for working, and while they're not happy with the job, it's the ends justify the means and that's what they keep in mind, the end result.

    Not surprisingly, they lack a higher education (school wise, anyway). 6th grade, 8th grade, high school. Maybe even tech school. Doesn't mean they are stupid; graduate degree in street smarts. But where they come from, there is no CentreLink (MY demographics, anyway). And with Asians, it's ALL about family. I've known widows, divorced/abandoned, and I'll assume those that don't say are married. Maybe the husband knows, maybe he doesn't want to know, believing she's working in a foreign country really as a hotel GRO. The end goal is money to improve life back home. Buy an apartment. Put a kid through a good school, and there, kids are the social security for old age. Buy a shop, I've heard flower, material for dresses/suits, neighborhood small grocery. Also known financial support for a sick parent (and it's not the BS "buffalo died"). I was surprised to find that in a communist country, medicine, medical services are not cheap. One girl said that for a toothache, extraction was the solution. Why? Extraction is $15; filling those cavities was $90. No brainer for us, but when your shop salary is $500/month, almost 20% for ONE tooth ("I have others"), then it might be a more difficult question. Medicine... doctors... In Asia, a family member goes with, and STAYS with, the hospital patient. Who better to fetch water, wipe their brow, assist them to the toilet (and there IS a career of being such a helper when the family is rich enough and too busy to perform the task themselves, they hire someone). And you have those that are making the sacrifice for a sibling, the family's chosen one, who's been selected for higher education, nursing school, etc. When not everyone can go, you place your bets on the best shot.

    They go back home, continue with a civilian life. Some marry a punter, have kids, off to a 1st world country. Maybe looking to upgrade, but... what I'd say, those that see their husband as family, not as a stepping stone, I'd think they'd have a better chance of making it. Enjoy their grandkids. Back to married life. Start a business. Retire. Now that the LARGE boulder of a house/apartment has been rolled up the hill, not saying life gets easier, but that is one heavy stone they don't have to worry about. Or the kid's graduated, a professional, good career. And less worry for their kids... Mom has a place to live and babysit the grandkids.

    Do all make it? No. But I've always figured that when they drop the extended contact (e.g. New Year's wishes), they've moved on with their lives. Are they marked for life? Certainly a chapter, but, perhaps like combat vets, not all develop PTSD; they just get on with their lives.

    And for the doubting Thomas's, my Happy New Years were responded to with like wishes, and NO BTW, the buffalo died...

    Might be different in OZ, with the limited interactions. Offshore, where it's LT, overnight, with regulars... you do get to know each other (and more than just the biblical sense).

    MY experience, anyway. No great insight, but when you do share a common bond (no, not THAT bond), but being expats in foreign countries, treating her as a person rather than an orifice, I've found it is returned, for awhile, anyway. YMMV

  8. #128
    Junior Member(有D料到)
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    Quite an interesting read. Welcome!

  9. #129
    Super Fans (忠實Fans)
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    Quote Originally Posted by lilac View Post
    you know, I understand the suspicion (except for the asian part lol). yk, female nature is a little more emotionally driven, it’s not really likely that a girl would come on here simply for horny reasons. i guess i owe the forum a little bit more context.

    so yes, when i first made this thread, i wanted to share my experience and see if there were any girls out there doing the same thing as me. plus see if i could get any more “insider” information on the shops.

    but i did also mention that I have also been reading the forum for some time. apart from the above, i’ve always been curious:

    like, what kind of men pay so much money to have sex? why is it more appealing than picking up a girl at a club/bar etc? is it because they can’t? broke, unattractive, awkward? why do married or taken men do this, are their relationships unfulfilling? do they feel guilty? is the desire for variety just something men are naturally cursed with? do men actually respect or care about these MLs or WLs? are they happy with their lives? do the women feel regret or shame? what happens to them when they get older? what do men really think of female nature? do they all think we’re evil and bitchy and only care about the benefits/value rather than them as people? or is it just the type of girls they’ve met? or perhaps the way they treat women? would they be happier in a LTR with the right girl rather than meaningless, casual sex? maybe that’s why so many guys start catching feelings for the girls they pay? why do so many girls chose to do this type of work? would i be happier doing that too or is slutty = empowering just an idea the media generates? is it more fulfilling to be slutty or to be a good wife? do these men really value a girl’s purity still, even if they’ve paid for sex with different girls over 100 times?

    reading directly from the target demographic on this forum is a pretty good resource.

    i guess the men ive had relationships with ‘red pilled’ me a little too hard lol.
    There are a lot of questions here and not gunna lie, would have been ideal if bullet pointed.

    I am of course generalising when I say the following but it should hold true for most.

    NOTE: WALL OF TEXT. No tldr because I'm answering stuff.

    Why do single men punt?
    - because they've probably realised, no matter what happens you 'pay' for sex with a woman anyway. There is absolutely an element of the socially awkward there's no doubt about that. However, if all you are after is to get your end wet, at least you are guaranteed it at a brothel rather than having spent for a lavish night out only to get a brief hug and peck on the cheek for your efforts and money.

    Why do taken men punt?
    - there are no doubt a number of men who are just of the promiscuous type. They couldn't be tied to a woman if you had a pair of titanium handcuffs.
    However, MOST men, are 'good'. They enter and exit LTRs. Now as a GF/BF scenario with no real 'ties', as a good guy, you will probably end up getting terribly hurt by a woman (more on women's nature further down) and maybe punting is a path you'll walk. Should you survive that and end up getting married, here's where things get interesting. I'll answer this more specifically on women's nature, but the short version is, if the guy ISNT of the promiscuous type and is a good bloke, the woman is creating an environment which almost FORCES the man to find some other avenue or some other female to feel 'safe' with. Whether that's through punting or an affair, same same but diff.

    Do we respect or care about WL or ML?
    - again generalising, we dead set do. The default stance for a normal healthy male is to be protective and caring of females in our lives. Despite the job these women are no different. There are no shortage of posts here where the community had absolutely thrashed a bloke who has bragged about practically raping a WL or ML. No normal man has any desire to force women into anything sexual in fact it's often so much the opposite that it frustrates and bores the Fuck out of normal women!

    Blah blah about women's thoughts on the job
    - no idea sorry ask them

    What do we think of female nature?
    - can of worms opening. *Craaaaank*
    Female nature is hideously erratic to the average man. Women are born of intense emotion. Everything is 'feel'. I 'feeeeel' like there was nothing in our relationship (meanwhile living in the absolute lap of luxury) I 'feeeeel' like the relationship wasn't working (married to a man worth X amount of billions of dollars whos attractive, hung, and does everything for her). You know what I mean.
    Women always date up. Men always date down.
    We marry you shits hoping to god you will never change. We loved you how you were when we first met you. You marry us liking what we were, but wanting us to change into what you think is better. Only to find that when that happens that's absolutely not what you wanted anyway, and then manifesting that into a divorce (I 'feeeel' like it wasnt working!!!) you are the 'best' communicators (because talking 10x more about things which have no relation to the point at hand is absolutely better communication) but the silent treatment is somehow what you think is the best way to communicate problems to us.
    So when you as a female create this toxic space of dissatisfaction and silence with everything we (usually) try to do for you to make you happy, we go seek that peace elsewhere. In someone else's arms (or other orifices as it were). Am I saying it's always the woman's fault and men are never to blame? Of course not! But your AVERAGE dude walking around on the street who gets about as much sexual attention per year as you would give to a spider on the wall, are usually really good guys. 'where are all the GOOD men!!??'

    Uh, they are the ones you rejected, the ones in your friend zone. Those are the 'good' guys who would be with you through thick n thin. But of course, women would prefer to share and get pounded and dumped by a 'better' bloke, than stay with a good one.

    Before you say it, this isn't bitterness talking, it's experience.

    Do you want slutty or nice?
    - as per Ushers song 'Yeah!'
    "We want a lady on the streets but a freak in the bed". End of story.

    Do you still like purity even if you've banged 100s of girls?
    - yeah of course. That's a no brainer. The reverse question for a girl would be : do you want a guy who's got no idea what he doing in bed or a guy who has banged 100 women and knows the female body inside out? For us we love the idea of being your first, because virginity means that your reactions and emotions are also pure. Once you've banged 100 blokes you know how to act like you love it etc when you don't. Conversely a guy who has no idea what he is doing is a turn off for girls. But a bloke who knows how to dominate you and take you to an O, is sought after.

    That's all I'll answer. Enjoy Lac'ster.

    - F0x

  10. #130
    99 Premium Member (特級會員) rooter's Avatar
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    Lilac, violet, mauve, lavender, salmon ... so many beautiful shades of pink and purple ... life is a rich tapestry of colour light sound and movement ... Enjoy!

  11. #131
    Junior Member(有D料到)
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    Bit hard on the brown brothers...

    And salmon has a bit of orange in it though.

  12. #132
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    I too would like to know if it's forthcoming !!!!!!!

    We are now on Thread #131. The Op was supposed to fill us in . No AR or even the mention of the ML shops she researched ????

    When asked (by ryanpumper) about the AR she wants to be asked politely?

    Instead of fulfilling her end of the deal, Lilac has now shot us with a whole bunch of questions ? Sounds like a distraction!

    She is in a this LT relationship ........... I reckon her BF can answer them , good under the bed sheet questions to ask him too . Lol

    Let to be seen if Lilac is really Lilac .........

    Quote Originally Posted by ryanpumper View Post
    So it’s been a week since this bullshit post was “about to happen”..and all I read on here is you engaging with all the other comments.
    So what happened?

  13. #133
    Loyalty Member(超級無聊鬼)
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    Quote Originally Posted by 11Bravo View Post
    lilac, Drop a pebble in a lake and it creates a tidal wave.
    One dog barks at a shadow & many bark at the sound.

  14. #134
    Baby Member(留言版初哥)
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    Quote Originally Posted by F0x View Post
    There are a lot of questions here and not gunna lie, would have been ideal if bullet pointed.
    omg didn’t expect a legitimate answer to this at all, apologies for not making bullet points hahah. but i do have to say, i really appreciate this information, thank you so much.

    these are the only parts I’d comment on as a woman:

    Quote Originally Posted by F0x View Post
    Female nature is hideously erratic to the average man. Women are born of intense emotion. Everything is 'feel'. I 'feeeeel' like there was nothing in our relationship (meanwhile living in the absolute lap of luxury) I 'feeeeel' like the relationship wasn't working (married to a man worth X amount of billions of dollars whos attractive, hung, and does everything for her). You know what I mean.
    i do know what you mean, we are really emotionally driven creatures. but i think we’re often not that hard to understand as men make out. short answer, we’re more concerned with how things are said/done rather than what things are said/done.

    i think because men have this idea that woman feel “loved” or satisfied in a relationship when the man is simply ‘high value’ and providing. of course, money and looks are ideal, just like a pretty, fit girl is ideal - but not at the expense if she’s a complete bitch. so it’s kinda similar.

    women are more concerned with passion which is that ‘feeling’ - a special ‘spark’ or deep connection. we’re also highly driven by feeling special, desired, beautiful (similar to guys feeling strong, capable, powerful).

    feeling like there’s nothing in the relationship meanwhile living a luxurious lifestyle = “my husband gives me a nice lifestyle but he’s always busy/unattentive, he’s always looking at other girls, he never does chivalrous gestures” etc etc, basically translates “my man doesn’t make me feel desired, or emotionally safe or secure, I can’t be my most genuine, peaceful, feminine-self, because I’m constantly having to be in my masculine energy in order to deal with my emotions/problems on my own and keep a level of guard up in case this man practices infidelity.”

    Quote Originally Posted by F0x View Post
    We loved you how you were when we first met you. You marry us liking what we were, but wanting us to change into what you think is better.
    noooo this is so bullshit though. men always want their partner to be better too. there’s always never ending expectations of nicer dinners, cleaner house, more devotion etc. men are attracted to younger, more passive women, majorly because they are more mouldable to what they believe is ideal. sometimes it’s even a physical thing; dating a girl where you love her personality but hoping she can improve her looks to fit your ideal.

    i laughed reading the next part, I do have to agree there are sooooo many toxic women who just talk and talk the same problem in circles and call it communication and then give the silent treatment too. and even use sex as a punishment. idk but in my experience this is usually good looking entitled girls who want a man they can control, rather than one that can lead them - just stay away from the ‘brain rot’ types lol. i promise you, not all of us are like this.

    Quote Originally Posted by F0x View Post
    Uh, they are the ones you rejected, the ones in your friend zone. Those are the 'good' guys who would be with you through thick n thin.
    just because a guy is devoted and nice doesn’t make him a good partner or a “good guy”. there are plenty of girls who would be devoted to you but they’re not super hot, or they have a promiscuous past, etc, and men would not even consider her. so I don’t think it’s unfair for women to have realistic expectations/standards when it comes to looks or finances in dating too (note realistic is a key word lol). i have to say, many girls i know stuck with their partners who didn’t have much and now they are very wealthy together. i think men are actually inclined to love a girl for what she gives him (e.g. you love her cause she brings you peace, takes care of you, cooks your meals, etc) where i know many girls who stay with losers or toxic guys (“i can fix him”, “he wants to change”) etc.

    Quote Originally Posted by F0x View Post
    Do you want slutty or nice?
    - as per Ushers song 'Yeah!'
    "We want a lady on the streets but a freak in the bed". End of story.
    all men say this but why don’t the “good girls” get more attention. as I mentioned, women’s nature is so focused on being the most beautiful, desired, usually measured by attention. why would we be sweet, innocent and cute when that never gets us approached anymore, and we only get approached in clubs wearing tiny mini dresses etc.

    it creates such a huge dilemma for us of how to be and present ourselves because men SAY they prefer good girls but their actions never follow. we understand on a logical level it’s just sexual attention and not ‘wifey’ attention but because we want to be desired so bad it still affects us. men complain so much about girls all being hoes these days, then stop giving them so much attention and start asking out the cute, quieter girls…

    Quote Originally Posted by F0x View Post
    Do you still like purity even if you've banged 100s of girls?
    - yeah of course. That's a no brainer. The reverse question for a girl would be : do you want a guy who's got no idea what he doing in bed or a guy who has banged 100 women and knows the female body inside out? For us we love the idea of being your first, because virginity means that your reactions and emotions are also pure. Once you've banged 100 blokes you know how to act like you love it etc when you don't. Conversely a guy who has no idea what he is doing is a turn off for girls. But a bloke who knows how to dominate you and take you to an O, is sought after.
    hmm yes and no. of course it’s appealing to be with a guy that can satisfy you (especially when men have such a bad reputation of being able to lol). at the same time, me, most girls in my circle, we wouldn’t like men with ridiculously high body counts because 1) we feel like just another body and less special or less connection 2) we compare ourselves and wonder if we are the best and drive ourselves crazy feeling insecure and 3) we wonder if you’re ever going to be able to be happy with just us once your brain is so accustomed to promiscuity.

    anywayyy just sharing my take as a woman, thank u again for the insight.

  15. #135
    Loyalty Member(超級無聊鬼) 11Bravo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ColesBag View Post
    One dog barks at a shadow & many bark at the sound.
    Brilliant. This one I'll remember. Cheers.

  16. #136
    Baby Member(留言版初哥)
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    So why many comments but no AR!!!

    You are just another account of the delusional Vinnie. Aka old fat Chinese bald guy who loves writing about his hentai fantasiesÂ…Â….

  17. #137
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wombat1 View Post

    So why many comments but no AR!!!

    You are just another account of the delusional Vinnie. Aka old fat Chinese bald guy who loves writing about his hentai fantasiesÂ…Â….

    Old, Bald, Fat and I’ll throw in for good measure covered in Tatts. Almost a Falang look, agree?

    Reviews will happen but not under this account as the time is near.


  18. #138
    Baby Member(留言版初哥)
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    No bald fat white pasty Chinese guy that does not get enough sun on his skin…..

    But has very rough hands

  19. #139
    Loyalty Member(超級無聊鬼) 11Bravo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wombat1 View Post

    So why many comments but no AR!!!

    You are just another account of the delusional Vinnie. Aka old fat Chinese bald guy who loves writing about his hentai fantasiesÂ…Â….
    You talking to me? You talking to me?... Fortunately, I'm not the only one in here. Number of people here, so it always helps when you quote who you're replying to. Just a suggestion to lessen confusion.

    In one way, I have to hand it to ole Vincenzo. Maybe ex Stasi, Iranian secret police trained, SVR, MSS... He has everyone seeing him everywhere, distrusting everyone... Hell, maybe it's even effecting me... am I just too paranoid?

  20. #140
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Dear 11Bravo
    There is nothing to admire here. I don’t care if it is Vinnie, I am concerned that you have concussion.

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