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Thread: Shop CCTV (Video) - WARNING !!

  1. #1
    Loyalty Member(超級無聊鬼)
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    Shop CCTV (Video) - WARNING !!

    Yes, its hit the news again more recently, but no rnt/brothels in sydney I found to have knowing become porn sites (but that is no guarrantee).

    One of my clients in Hong Kong had me check and re-secure his shop video systems. One of the systems had been live steaming via a hack site. He did have quite secure passwords for his external access, but to totally secure them, I had to remove ALL external access to all his video. I wont say how I give him remote access nowadays, its a bit of extra hassle but is definitely secured.

    Its actually quite frightening how many systems are crackable, and already cracked, so whilst I was checking, locally (in HKG) I also checked some Sydney sites. Virtually every system I know of who had been owner installed was easily externally accessible. The vast majority of installed systems which are externally accessible by the owners are easily cracked.

    Any shop you enter or even approach externally nowadays has a video system, with the vast majority externally accessible by the owners and being externally accessible has a very good chance of being cracked.

    I was quite shocked at some of the things I found including hidden cameras in places where they just shouldn't be. Some of these sites are being continuously streamed without the owners knowing so even the workers probably don't know their rooms/activities are being monitored and fully visible.

  2. #2
    Super Fans (忠實Fans)
    Join Date
    Man - that's scary shit right there, 'tho I guess I shouldn't be surprised given the way things are these days...

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