just BBBBFSSsSTTttttttTtttDDddddDDd
Well I don't BBFSCIP so how could I get a girl pregnant?
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just jam it in bb
I've had it offered by J and C and I even remember some W girls over the years. I've literally felt my cock retract when it has been offered like a Menu item. Clearly some of the punters on here think they are bulletproof or have never had the shit scared out of them with either getting an STI/D or waiting for the results. Just remember, there isn't a cure for everything you could get. Including bring someone else (like a partner) an unwanted souvenir...
Not correct. Mostly PRC girls will do that for money
Im Malaysian who born in Melb, when i go to Malaysia, often WL doesnt prepare condom big enough for my size...
Every now and then, I got offered to do BBFS. I think the WL wants to avoid going out of the room or getting cancelled because room hire is paid separately.
When i was single, its all fine, lets do it.
Now im married and have children, so i always bring condom when i have the urge to go do the deed.
Much safer to waste a few dollars by throwing away the unused condoms and just buy a new pack each time. The money you save by hiding is not worth the small risk of the wife finding them by accident. Never underestimate accidental discoveries by wives.
Mate of mine rushed to work one morning and forgot his Apple watch. Somehow the wife managed to get into it and discover all his secrets. An expensive divorce is underway.
Never, ever try to save money by keeping unused condoms....
_______stay on topic and we will all enjoy the thread______________
do you guys have any idea how common abortions are in Japan
There is no place a wife not going in 1 billion years. It just is a question of when it happens.
Very true, a mate deleted messages on his iPhone but thought that it would automatically delete from his iWatch but it didn’t. His wife got into his iWatch and found his messages to his side chick. If you’re deleting messages on your iPhone, delete them from your iWatch.
Another guy I know deleted messages on his iPhone but didn’t realise he had to delete them again (at message screen, select edit then show recently deleted). Wife found them after her friends suspected something but they’re still together.
Be careful lads.