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  1. #1
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    Tall Poppy Syndrome

    In Australia and New Zealand, tall poppy syndrome refers to successful people being criticised. This occurs when their peers believe they are too successful, or are bragging about their success. Intense scrutiny and criticism of such a person is termed as "cutting down the tall poppy".

    So the Sammael account has been banned.

    Do you think it worries me?

    You guys think you’ve won.

    What have you won? Let me tell you, nothing.

    You’re stuck in your 9-5 jobs or pensions earning peanuts and bitching about the price of a punt. If anything not being here wasting my time gives me that extra freedom to make more money.

    I’ll still be punting as many women as I want when I want. None of you loser complaining bitches will ever be on par with me as far as your hobby is concerned. It’s a fact. I’ve yet to see anyone step up to the plate in the nine months I’ve been here and flex their punting prowess.

    Let’s see, I’ve had people comment on my state of mind, my flexing, the number of women I punt, the women I date, the number of posts I write and just about everything else forum related.


    That’s all it is.

    You have no one to blame but yourselves. Go change your lives, work harder, work longer, work smarter, think smarter, go to the gym, get a better body, eat the right food, train your mind and make more money. Till then you’ll always be stuck in the same place as you currently are and will no doubt complain about the next person like me who comes along and joins this forum.

    A flex:

    I’m already planning my next overseas holiday with the new WL, dating that ML you all know about and still dating three other SWs when I have the time, plus I’m punting.

    Now go on, tell me how good your lives are.

  2. #2
    Junior Member(有D料到)
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    What a total loser you are

  3. #3
    Senior Member(無間使者) Kiki kong's Avatar
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    What is your huge interest in dating WL?
    It's like wanting to buy a Ferrari knowing the mileage is way over than its truly worth. It's may look nice but every Lebo and his habibii has chucked burnouts in that car.
    Heck probably even I had a turn.

  4. #4
    Loyalty Member(超級無聊鬼)
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    Dude,punting is at best a hobby managed well or at worst an addiction that may destroy someone.

    Considering the cost of punting I make a wild guess that most of us are on higher than average incomes.

    I punted a lot from 2018 until mid 2023. The WL that I met outside the shop and she lived with me for part of the week was a mistake. Nothing to be bragged about. Most of you fucked her. Just like we probably fucked your girls too.

    I now spend my time with SBs but I think going back to ginza or the other brithel I visited frequently is only a matter of time. Nothing to brag about.

    You are not special, you are average just like most of us here. Perhaps you are displaying that you are below average at best and in the worst case scenario for yourself you need psychological help.

    Pay, fuck, leave and seek help because it is clear that you need

  5. #5
    Loyalty Member(超級無聊鬼)
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    Quote Originally Posted by ditchtheboss View Post
    Dude,punting is at best a hobby managed well or at worst an addiction that may destroy someone.

    Considering the cost of punting I make a wild guess that most of us are on higher than average incomes.

    I punted a lot from 2018 until mid 2023. The WL that I met outside the shop and she lived with me for part of the week was a mistake. Nothing to be bragged about. Most of you fucked her. Just like we probably fucked your girls too.

    I now spend my time with SBs but I think going back to ginza or the other brithel I visited frequently is only a matter of time. Nothing to brag about.

    You are not special, you are average just like most of us here. Perhaps you are displaying that you are below average at best and in the worst case scenario for yourself you need psychological help.

    Pay, fuck, leave and seek help because it is clear that you need
    Great post. I have no idea of the original poster or who he is, but have a message for him....who fucking cares mate!. I have never criticized him, and am not jealous or envious in any way of him, I just live my own life.

  6. #6
    Baby Member(留言版初哥)
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    Quote Originally Posted by ditchtheboss View Post
    Dude,punting is at best a hobby managed well or at worst an addiction that may destroy someone.

    Considering the cost of punting I make a wild guess that most of us are on higher than average incomes.

    I punted a lot from 2018 until mid 2023. The WL that I met outside the shop and she lived with me for part of the week was a mistake. Nothing to be bragged about. Most of you fucked her. Just like we probably fucked your girls too.

    I now spend my time with SBs but I think going back to ginza or the other brithel I visited frequently is only a matter of time. Nothing to brag about.

    You are not special, you are average just like most of us here. Perhaps you are displaying that you are below average at best and in the worst case scenario for yourself you need psychological help.

    Pay, fuck, leave and seek help because it is clear that you need
    Great post, well said. Thank you.

  7. #7
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Being the resident psychopath on a punting forum is nothing to brag about

  8. #8
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Quote Originally Posted by ryanpumper View Post
    Being the resident psychopath on a punting forum is nothing to brag about
    100% this bloke has some screws loose upstairs.
    Get help Vinnie

  9. #9
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    I've often thought of saying this here so perhaps now's the time. As enjoyable as punting can be, it's still kinda sad, and nowhere near as good sex as with a woman who isn't being paid, who spends a long time in bed with you and gets off big time because she's not fucking 5-10 guys a day. Punting prowess?

  10. #10
    Loyalty Member(超級無聊鬼)
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    Quote Originally Posted by speranza View Post
    I've often thought of saying this here so perhaps now's the time. As enjoyable as punting can be, it's still kinda sad, and nowhere near as good sex as with a woman who isn't being paid, who spends a long time in bed with you and gets off big time because she's not fucking 5-10 guys a day. Punting prowess?
    Completely agree and that’s why I am not going to brothels anymore. The danger of punting is when you get that like I did, really dangerous

  11. #11
    Super Fans (忠實Fans)
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    Quote Originally Posted by speranza View Post
    I've often thought of saying this here so perhaps now's the time. As enjoyable as punting can be, it's still kinda sad, and nowhere near as good sex as with a woman who isn't being paid, who spends a long time in bed with you and gets off big time because she's not fucking 5-10 guys a day. Punting prowess?
    On the money there speranza. Not only what you have said but also of the spontaneity of natural sex.

  12. #12
    Loyalty Member(超級無聊鬼)
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    Quote Originally Posted by speranza View Post
    I've often thought of saying this here so perhaps now's the time. As enjoyable as punting can be, it's still kinda sad, and nowhere near as good sex as with a woman who isn't being paid, who spends a long time in bed with you and gets off big time because she's not fucking 5-10 guys a day. Punting prowess?
    Yea 100% agree. Have had many natural sessions with some pretty DTE girls. Was a shame as some of them were WL

  13. #13
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    How good your live is, wo’nt gonna change anything to us. No one really care.

  14. #14
    Super Fans (忠實Fans)
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    No one is jealous of you, if you think that is the case you really have to rethink your perspectives...

  15. #15
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Quote Originally Posted by speranza View Post
    I've often thought of saying this here so perhaps now's the time. As enjoyable as punting can be, it's still kinda sad, and nowhere near as good sex as with a woman who isn't being paid, who spends a long time in bed with you and gets off big time because she's not fucking 5-10 guys a day. Punting prowess?
    Counterpoint, no nagging.

  16. #16
    Senior Member(無間使者) TheBigChungus's Avatar
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    Yep you’re the King dude, nothing screams success like posting a brain rot on a punting forum about getting banned at 7 in the morning.

    We are really really really jealous of you, not.

  17. #17
    Junior Member(有D料到)
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    When the OP brags about dating a WL/ML, that's all the evidence you need that he lives a low life.

  18. #18
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Ffs who even brags about being able to afford to punt often. Like others have already mentioned, it is nothing to puff your chest out about nor is dating ML/WL.

    Most of the members on here post reviews as way of helping others make a more informed decision. Rooter, Jack Jack and AHLUNGOR are prime examples (apologies to those I have missed). They don’t feel the need to create fictional interactions or boast about their exploits.

    And whinging about having one of your accounts banned is just pathetic. Why would someone feel the urge to have multiple accounts?

    Do seek help.

  19. #19
    Baby Member(留言版初哥)
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    Punting cost me my relationship of 8 years cause I got so addicted that I ended up not having sex with my fiancée anymore. No matter how hard I tried I just couldn’t get it up with her….i could only get turned on from the girls in the shops. I have so much regret still.

    It is kinda sad

    I’m sharing this cause although punting is extremely fun it should also be done with caution. Wishing you guys all the best!

  20. #20
    Super Fans (忠實Fans)
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alexander911 View Post
    Punting cost me my relationship of 8 years cause I got so addicted that I ended up not having sex with my fiancée anymore. No matter how hard I tried I just couldn’t get it up with her….i could only get turned on from the girls in the shops. I have so much regret still.

    It is kinda sad

    I’m sharing this cause although punting is extremely fun it should also be done with caution. Wishing you guys all the best!
    Wise words, with a sad reflection I think quite a few if us can relate to...

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