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Thread: Mistaken for Indian?

  1. #21
    Junior Member(有D料到)
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    Quote Originally Posted by Axeman123 View Post
    Money can't buy you love! Right?
    Haha. Exactly. If a girl who sells “love” for money still does not want to see you when you want to give her money, for whatever reason of personal preference, it’s madness that you would persist in trying to get the mamasan to convince her. A bad outcome for everyone concerned.

  2. #22
    Baby Member(留言版初哥)
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dmam View Post
    They’re not interested in a 23 and Me test. They’re making a decision based on their preference, for whatever reason, to avoid guys from that region. They say “Indian” because that is the dominant country in the region. More importantly, why would you want to have to convince a girl to see you? How is that a recipe for an enjoyable time?
    It's not convincing a girl to see me I'm more than happy to see another girl, I don' even hassle when it comes to stuff like this, the only thing is I don't want be called or get mistaken as an Indian.

  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Patio View Post
    It's not convincing a girl to see me I'm more than happy to see another girl, I don' even hassle when it comes to stuff like this, the only thing is I don't want be called or get mistaken as an Indian.
    You literally said in your original post that you wanted the mamasan to tell her you’re not Indian. To what end? Just so that some ML who does not want to see you and you claim you do not care about seeing does not confuse you as a Bangladeshi or Sri Lankan or something similar for an Indian. This sounds like an issue of regional nationalistic pride for you.

  4. #24
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Then stay anonymous mister south asian. Hahaha

  5. #25
    Baby Member(留言版初哥)
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    Unfortunately they have a reputation of being rough and haggling etc.
    If they're Indian themselves then they probably don't want to risk being seen with people of the same race incase somebody knows them.

  6. #26
    99 King Member (帝皇會員) GoldfishMan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AHLUNGOR View Post
    So true. And in particular with Asian girls!

    How many mainland Chinese MLs would advertise as being Korean or Japanese or from Hong Kong and Taiwan ?

    Malaysian girls posted as from Singapore etc.
    That last bit about Malaysian girls posing as SG girls, I'd have to say is actually not so bad. Same same la.... Most SG girls came from Malaysia anyway.
    I'm pretty sure SG bros will want my blood for saying this though, loll!

  7. #27
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Quote Originally Posted by GoldfishMan View Post
    That last bit about Malaysian girls posing as SG girls, I'd have to say is actually not so bad. Same same la.... Most SG girls came from Malaysia anyway.
    I'm pretty sure SG bros will want my blood for saying this though, loll!
    Really they switch between Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia. Sama Sama la or Same Same

  8. #28
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Very interesting but did the mamasan or girl outright denied because you were of a particular race?

    Just note that girls have the right to choose customers up to their discretion. Not saying OP is ugly, but you might've not floated the girl's boat.

  9. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by LuvJapPusssy View Post
    Well historically and geographically, Pakistan Bangladesh & Sri Lanka were once part of India

    Partition of India in 1947 led to Pakistan. Then further independence 1971 led to Bangladesh.
    Up to 1480, Sri Lanka was linked to India by the "Adams Bridge"

    This is why the girls just generally say "no Indian".
    Some even include Arabs & Middle Eastern as part of the "no Indian" customers rule as well. Some of the girls may not know the difference.
    Yes, that was my point. That is why it is an OP issue. He is clearly obsessed with proving he is not Indian for personal reasons, whereas to the ML there will be no difference.

  10. #30
    Loyalty Member(超級無聊鬼)
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    Russell Peters did a funny skit once when he was mistaken for a Sicilian.

  11. #31
    Junior Member(有D料到)
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    stupidest response i've ever heard

    lets play your game

    I am from Vietnam

    oh shit now you all know who I am from that

  12. #32
    Loyalty Member(超級無聊鬼)
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    Frankly, when they say "No Indians" they mean the whole of South Asia: India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, etc.

    After all, before 1948, India was one country consisting of today's India, Pakistan and Bangladesh. If you get my drift.

    There are always other working girls that will be happy to take your $$$$ so it is pointless to trying the "I am not an Indian" convincing strategy.

    Quote Originally Posted by Patio View Post
    Alright I'm make it short and simple.
    So We know how some WL have No Indians on their profile on the sites right?
    But what If I'm not Indian but look like one (no hate or disrespect to the Indian brothers out there). Should I try to convince them that I'm not Indian to see the WL I want too or let it go and choose another one? I don't mind choosing other but from recent ARs that I have read there are few good ones that I want to see but they have No Indians on their profile.
    _______stay on topic and we will all enjoy the thread______________

  13. #33
    99 King Member (帝皇會員)
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    Perhaps go to the shop and choose one of the girls who doesn't have a problem. After the session, talk to the mamasan and explain that you'd like to see X next time, ask if she thinks you would be acceptable.

  14. #34
    Junior Member(有D料到)
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    Op is Nepalese or Pakistani. Why don’t you just say where your from and we can decide if you have been mistaken

  15. #35
    Junior Member(有D料到)
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    Quote Originally Posted by andrewv View Post
    Frankly, when they say "No Indians" they mean the whole of South Asia: India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, etc.
    After all, before 1948, India was one country consisting of today's India, Pakistan and Bangladesh. If you get my drift.
    There are always other working girls that will be happy to take your $$$$ so it is pointless to trying the "I am not an Indian" convincing strategy.
    I can see why the OP doesn't want people to identify him as Indian, especially if he isn't from there. Same reason as someone from Japan wouldn't want to be identified as Chinese etc. but Chinese, Japanese and Korean probably all originated from East Asia.

    But in the context of punting, most of the WL/ML's just lump south asian's as Indian. Don't take that as an offense OP, its just how it is. Find an ML that will accept you as what you are.

  16. #36
    99 King Member (帝皇會員)
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    And Canadians get very upset if they are identified as Americans LOL

  17. #37
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Quote Originally Posted by nilhlator View Post
    stupidest response i've ever heard

    lets play your game

    I am from Vietnam

    oh shit now you all know who I am from that
    Oh, hey Dan, how's things?

  18. #38
    Junior Member(有D料到)
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    Quote Originally Posted by Icegodofhungary View Post
    Oh, hey Dan, how's things?

    you can sure tell who someone is by saying their nationality

  19. #39
    Loyalty Member(超級無聊鬼) 11Bravo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Patio View Post
    Alright I'm make it short and simple.
    So We know how some WL have No Indians on their profile on the sites right?
    But what If I'm not Indian but look like one (no hate or disrespect to the Indian brothers out there). Should I try to convince them that I'm not Indian to see the WL I want too or let it go and choose another one? I don't mind choosing other but from recent ARs that I have read there are few good ones that I want to see but they have No Indians on their profile.
    The reason the authors of these AR's had good times is simple: the providers wanted to do business with them. If she doesn't want to do business with you, then why waste time trying to convince her otherwise. Or to correct her on your correct nationality/heritage. She has other things on her mind then differentiating the region's various nationalities. Punters are turned down for many reasons: nationality/heritage, age, not having a high enough price ceiling... Myself, I've been told a number of times that I'm "too big"... unfortunately, she was talking about my stomach...

    This is just a bad case of FOMO. My advice? As Yul Brynner told Eli Wallach in The Magnificent Seven, "RIDE ON".

  20. #40
    Loyalty Member(超級無聊鬼) 11Bravo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aussiegaigin View Post
    And Canadians get very upset if they are identified as Americans LOL
    Believe it was Garrick Utley who told this story:
    Iranian hostage crisis, American diplomats held hostage in Tehran. An American TV news channel sent a reporter team to cover. Team surrounded by crowd, crowd growing more and more angry by the minute, chanting "Death to America, Death to America". Things looking grim. Then Garrick said, "But we're Canadian..." Crowd calms down, starting to disperse. Then a voice pipes up, "Canada? You're the ones who HID the Americans..." Crowd starts to regroup... Team decided to skip the story.

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