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Thread: Sex worker expressions and or issues

  1. #21
    Loyalty Member(超級無聊鬼)
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    Did you say something or did the dummies lips move?


  2. #22
    Loyalty Member(超級無聊鬼) 11Bravo's Avatar
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    You know, one would think that if you (2nd person singular) were put on an ignore list, the ignore list designation would indicate that you're of no interest. Guess not. spankme seems to be so enamored of me, so eager for my approbation, that he's sending me PM's. That boy seems to be as thick as a brick.

    spankme, it seems you didn't take the hint in my reply to your initial PM:
    "Ask me if I care............ Fuck no, why'd you ask?" (and that IS a rhetorical question).

    So go ahead and PM me as you like (another 11Bravo public service, providing a bit bucket destination/distraction, sparing others). Ignore list works on messages too. But since you seem to have a penchant for unrequited relationships, if it pleases you to beat your head against that window, knock yourself out (though maybe you should wear a helmet, seems enough brain damage has already occurred.) Certainly getting a better feeling of what she must be experiencing...

    To quote Mr. T, "I pity the fool..."

  3. #23
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Quote Originally Posted by Spanky69 View Post
    Some people you have a connection with. Why I don’t know, it’s like something that was meant to happen. That we were meant to be together for a period of time. Whether it has an end date is anyone’s guess at present.

    No it’s not. It’s for anyone to put forward issues they may have and hopefully obtain a solution.
    For punters who have issues in relation to SEX workers not responding to their text messages? Get help ffs.

  4. #24
    Super Fans (忠實Fans)
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    Quote Originally Posted by Spanky69 View Post
    Reggie, “you think too much” is a phrase.
    Very good, you're learning.

  5. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by ColesBag View Post
    Did you say something or did the dummies lips move?


    I was rudely awoken by a work call hence posting at this ungodly hour. ColesBag condolences for your loss of the “forum experience”, whilst you may have me on block for effect I really know it’s just for show. Secretly you’ve unblocked me just for your own personal pleasure and have your hand on yourself satisfying your forum eagerness as only you know how… well that’s what the ladies tell me. You can let them pleasure you, you know. Just remind me if we ever meet up to never to shake your hand.

    Quote Originally Posted by 11Bravo View Post
    You know, one would think that if you (2nd person singular) were put on an ignore list, the ignore list designation would indicate that you're of no interest. Guess not. spankme seems to be so enamored of me, so eager for my approbation, that he's sending me PM's. That boy seems to be as thick as a brick.

    spankme, it seems you didn't take the hint in my reply to your initial PM:
    "Ask me if I care............ Fuck no, why'd you ask?" (and that IS a rhetorical question).

    So go ahead and PM me as you like (another 11Bravo public service, providing a bit bucket destination/distraction, sparing others). Ignore list works on messages too. But since you seem to have a penchant for unrequited relationships, if it pleases you to beat your head against that window, knock yourself out (though maybe you should wear a helmet, seems enough brain damage has already occurred.) Certainly getting a better feeling of what she must be experiencing...

    To quote Mr. T, "I pity the fool..."

    I’m stuck in a reiteration of alliteration to the B Team it seems. The mere fact I display tact and audacity with a propensity to publicly postulate my adversity with sex workers serves me up to ridicule and scorn and it’s a meal you guys force me to eat every day. Luckily I have great bowel movements, that’s all I can say. Calling me a fool, how is your stool 11Bravo, feel loose enough to take me off block?

    Here I am worrying I’m the guy who caused 11Bravo’s blockage! All I can suggest is eat more fibre and don’t strain yourself with excessive ingestion of CAPS lock. I know I worried you that much you dedicated a thread just to keeping me out of your life. Pity you cannot help yourself. You’re not a chronic flagellator by any chance? Perhaps more a chronic masturbator? If it’s the latter you’ll be another guy I won’t be shaking hands with…

    I too provide a service 11Bravo. It’s called stimulating the mentally adept. You thrive on my input and why should I leave you bereft? Thus I send you PMs of my daily conquests. Where else could you find such entertainment? Not out in public or in the course of your daily life, correct! .

    The mere fact that I can and do occupy my time by dating multiple sex workers only emphasises my differentiality, my ability to think not just outside the box but in most instances back into theirs. Freely, yes freely back into theirs. It’s unheard of and unholy speak on this forum I know but I don’t follow, I lead, like Moses and the Red Sea, I’m now parting their legs without any need for filthy lucre! Great isn’t it! With the exception of this one ML of course but she’s become an anamoly and everyday with your help 11Bravo I get closer to her heart. As such I refuse now to take advantage of her good nature and will accept her as a person with a kind heart and not rush at her like a randy bull at a gate. See, I’ve learnt from you 11Bravo! She deserves better and I will give it her, one way or another.

    Quote Originally Posted by Johny77 View Post
    For punters who have issues in relation to SEX workers not responding to their text messages? Get help ffs.

    I am Johny77 right on this very thread. Oh it’s taken time, reluctance and acknowledgement to admit that I have been wrong by exhibiting certain behavioural traits. I’m learning and with your help I shall overcome any textual adversity and my first request is that you change your name to Johnny77, could you do that for me? You did go to school I presume and it reads better don’t you think?

  6. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by ReginaldBubbles View Post
    Very good, you're learning.

    Reggie, one day will you give me a merit badge for being such a high achiever? I don’t need your acceptance just the badge. They’re worth a dollar or two down at Vinnies. Oh that name… it rears its ugly head once more like a turd that swims n floats and cannot be flushed down on a oneway trip to Bondi.

    Do you think just maybe your fascination with me is inversely proportional to your fascination with your home away from home?

    You're torn between two lovers, Vinnie and Vinnies.

    Am I correct?

  7. #27
    Super Fans (忠實Fans)
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    Quote Originally Posted by ColesBag View Post
    What a window licker.
    I love that line mate & use it too when the occasion warrants

  8. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Spanky69 View Post
    Reggie, one day will you give me a merit badge for being such a high achiever? I don’t need your acceptance just the badge. They’re worth a dollar or two down at Vinnies. Oh that name… it rears its ugly head once more like a turd that swims n floats and cannot be flushed down on a oneway trip to Bondi.

    Do you think just maybe your fascination with me is inversely proportional to your fascination with your home away from home?

    You're torn between two lovers, Vinnie and Vinnies.

    Am I correct?
    You really go off in weird irrelevant tangents and have a weird perspective but you have definitely captured your personas by comparing them to an unflushable turd.

    And in terms of my so called "fascination" with you, you're the one that keeps messaging me Vinnie.

  9. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by ReginaldBubbles View Post
    You really go off in weird irrelevant tangents and have a weird perspective but you have definitely captured your personas by comparing them to an unflushable turd.

    And in terms of my so called "fascination" with you, you're the one that keeps messaging me Vinnie.
    Reggie what do you expect after I was rudely woken up from a deep slumber by a phone call in the wee hours of the morning. With nothing better to do and one eye half closed I decided to retort.

    I message you because you need awakening. You need to know how the other half lives. It’ll give you something to strive for. To know that you too can be a man about town like myself and and get himself into all sorts of trouble with SWs.

    Forget television, forget listening to the trots on your local AM radio station, forget your slippers and your two dollar servo specs, actually go out there into the wild wide world and get involved with, well… you know what, as I tell you via PM everyday. WOMEN.

    Can you do that for me?

    Then start a thread and let me post conjecture about your life, ok!

  10. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by schloong View Post
    I love that line mate & use it too when the occasion warrants
    I can get you a job in the lost mail room at Strawberry Hills. It’ll depend on your lickability.

    Have you had much practice?

  11. #31
    99 King Member (帝皇會員) GoldfishMan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by schloong View Post
    I love that line mate & use it too when the occasion warrants
    It’s quite effective when you’re short on Windex!

  12. #32
    Loyalty Member(超級無聊鬼)
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    You want a thread to die and then you continue posting on it, that's some retarded shit there vinnie.
    My level of sarcasm depends on your level of stupidity.

  13. #33
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    This thread screams mental illness.

  14. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by dotcumdotinyou View Post
    You want a thread to die and then you continue posting on it, that's some retarded shit there vinnie.
    Who wants the thread to wind up? You? I can’t remember if you’re the guy who complained about working too much previously on that now deleted Indian thread ? 62 and owns a company works 60 hour weeks pays taxes etc doesn’t like bludgers etc

    That being the case go do some more work. You need to catch up to me and my work load then come back and date more women, live more do more spend more punt more and then post about it and I’ll show you some more respect. Till then you’re a whiny premature posting postulator.

    Quote Originally Posted by ryanpumper View Post
    This thread screams mental illness.
    You’re welcome to start your own thread about how you’ve asked punters and shops to pay for your punts. Does that scream of begging?
    Quote Originally Posted by ryanpumper View Post
    I’ll accept a free punt mate you can even watch.
    Quote Originally Posted by ryanpumper View Post
    If you front the cash for it I'll be happy to pump one with you
    Quote Originally Posted by ryanpumper View Post
    Let me do a few of your sluts for free and I’ll write a review that’s not in Chinglish
    Quote Originally Posted by ryanpumper View Post
    Give me a free bang on the house with cof and I’ll post a review
    Offering to write reviews in exchange for sex, what word exemplifies that? It starts with the letter B but it isn’t begging….

    Go on ryanpumper, amuse me, guess the word.

  15. #35
    Loyalty Member(超級無聊鬼) 11Bravo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dotcumdotinyou View Post
    You want a thread to die and then you continue posting on it, that's some retarded shit there vinnie.
    The thread can serve a legit purpose in helping newbs decipher cultural differences (not WG speak). Actually, I did do some WG translation work over on ISG a LONG time ago, but not really applicable in SYD.

    Quote Originally Posted by ryanpumper View Post
    This thread screams mental illness.
    Posters scream mental illness; some of the answers have been spot on (LuvJapPusssy and tpol).

    There are tools that provide noise cancelling funtionality.

  16. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by 11Bravo View Post
    The thread can serve a legit purpose in helping newbs decipher cultural differences (not WG speak). Actually, I did do some WG translation work over on ISG a LONG time ago, but not really applicable in SYD.

    Posters scream mental illness; some of the answers have been spot on (LuvJapPusssy and tpol).

    There are tools that provide noise cancelling funtionality.
    I think, yes I do. I think too much. I think 11Bravo you are one of the few genuine people on here. Doing battles every day and knowing when to walk away. We all have things on the go, pots on the boil, irons in the fire and in actual fact I’ve neglected those women I’ve written about today. Skipped a seafood dinner tonight with the ML in lieu of more filthy lucre. Yeah she can wait. Didn’t message the WL. She can wait too. It’s my life you see. No time to enjoy the finer things.

    Parting is such sweet sorrow that I shall say goodnight till it be morrow.


  17. #37
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Quote Originally Posted by ryanpumper View Post
    This thread screams mental illness.
    100%. Starts a new thread as the other one had died. Just a continuation of the same old crap. No one cares about the made up fantasy about dating a WL, her supposed response times etc.

    It’s actually quite sad and the OP needs help.

  18. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by Johny77 View Post
    100%. Starts a new thread as the other one had died. Just a continuation of the same old crap. No one cares about the made up fantasy about dating a WL, her supposed response times etc.

    It’s actually quite sad and the OP needs help.

    Johny77 pleasure me… no I don’t mean it that way, read below.

    The only thing I could suggest to you is if you wanted to bring your own hottie and join us for dinner. Of course you’d have to pay your own way as you’ll be there entertaining your woman and I mine.

    Then if you’re up for it, another meeting and you bring a different woman so she doesn’t spill the beans and I’ll bring my other girlfriend. Drinks, lunch whatever.

    You can personally meet both, the ML and the WL.

    This will shut yourself up and any other non players who contribute on the forum but don’t back themselves up.

    I cannot be fairer than that.

    Oh yeah and the stipulation is you bring attractive women not old bags. Mine are eye catchers and I won’t be dragged down by a punter I don’t know just to prove a point.

  19. #39
    Baby Member(留言版初哥)
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    Quote Originally Posted by Spanky69 View Post
    Johny77 pleasure me… no I don’t mean it that way, read below.

    The only thing I could suggest to you is if you wanted to bring your own hottie and join us for dinner. Of course you’d have to pay your own way as you’ll be there entertaining your woman and I mine.

    Then if you’re up for it, another meeting and you bring a different woman so she doesn’t spill the beans and I’ll bring my other girlfriend. Drinks, lunch whatever.

    You can personally meet both, the ML and the WL.

    This will shut yourself up and any other non players who contribute on the forum but don’t back themselves up.

    I cannot be fairer than that.

    Oh yeah and the stipulation is you bring attractive women not old bags. Mine are eye catchers and I won’t be dragged down by a punter I don’t know just to prove a point.
    As a sex worker, I can say that understanding and respect from the client is important. There is very little of that in this field. Clients are sometimes rude or too harsh in their words and actions, asking us for something inappropriate or uncomfortable. The only hard thing I like in my work is dildo sex. I love it! I started liking dildo sex by watching porn videos which is one of my favourite categories! Anyway, I love my job and enjoy it every day!

  20. #40
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    It is pretty simple , she sees you you see her... no concern

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