You know, one would think that if you (2nd person singular) were put on an ignore list, the ignore list designation would indicate that you're of no interest. Guess not. spankme seems to be so enamored of me, so eager for my approbation, that he's sending me PM's. That boy seems to be as thick as a brick.
spankme, it seems you didn't take the hint in my reply to your initial PM:
"Ask me if I care............ Fuck no, why'd you ask?" (and that IS a rhetorical question).
So go ahead and PM me as you like (another 11Bravo public service, providing a bit bucket destination/distraction, sparing others). Ignore list works on messages too. But since you seem to have a penchant for unrequited relationships, if it pleases you to beat your head against that window, knock yourself out (though maybe you should wear a helmet, seems enough brain damage has already occurred.) Certainly getting a better feeling of what she must be experiencing...
To quote Mr. T, "I pity the fool..."