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Thread: Is this girl asking for a visa?

  1. #21
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    One shop , I would visit often. The mamasan, took me aside one night or morning, said do you want to marry her. 80,000 she offered me. I smiled , had a beer. Thought how sad. No thank you

  2. #22
    Loyalty Member(超級無聊鬼) Riff888's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by suka03 View Post
    there is a difference right with de facto or marriage visa for PR?

    I would agree de facto would be hard as there is no string attached that will wait long period, where as applying for PR after marriage is faster process?

    Anyone how long is the process for marriage PR visa?
    No difference in time, it still can take up to 37 months.
    The prospective marriage visa is an offshore visa. Your partner has to be outside Australia when you apply. Then wait until a temporary approval just to enter Australia. Then you have to get married within a time limit.
    The partner visa 801/820 is onshore and for both married or defacto.

  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Double_Adapter View Post
    Yep was checking that out a few days ago, I like the time to process calculator. $8850 application fee. I wonder if you paid more could you speed up the process as it takes years.

  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Riff888 View Post
    No difference in time, it still can take up to 37 months.
    The prospective marriage visa is an offshore visa. Your partner has to be outside Australia when you apply. Then wait until a temporary approval just to enter Australia. Then you have to get married within a time limit.
    The partner visa 801/820 is onshore and for both married or defacto.

    I went through this scenario eight years ago. Then split up, didn’t follow through and now I have another wanting. It’s now in the too hard basket. Plus if your relationship isn’t set in concrete what’s to stop her dumping you on completion? I’ve heard of that happening too.

    I’d forgotten how the system is designed to make a relationship fail.

    It’s deliberately this long on purpose.

    Nothing takes years.

    It should only take days.

  5. #25
    Loyalty Member(超級無聊鬼) Riff888's Avatar
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    You cannot speed up this process, it's the federal government.
    Don't believe the agents, they charge thousands.
    No stopping the girl from leaving after she gets PR.
    There is one loophole for the girls. They can claim domestic violence and this could speed up the PR grant. Not so good for the men who have to spend money and time proving their innocence. By then, they girl already has PR.

  6. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Riff888 View Post
    There is one loophole for the girls. They can claim domestic violence and this could speed up the PR grant. Not so good for the men who have to spend money and time proving their innocence. By then, the girl already has PR.
    I know of guys who came unstuck that way. It’s the get away from the mug card that’s played.

    I understand ST and LT game playing and why it happens. Money and residency.

  7. #27
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    It seems every man and his fucken dog has been approached by a WL to become a Visa or PR mule. With a an average going rate of $80k paid in several instalments (or milestones) ensures the mule doesn't do a runner before the full amount is paid.
    I've seen the opposite where the chinese bloke pays the resident ML $100k to become his mule. He comes to the shop to pick her up, only to hear her moans as she's getting drilled by some random punter. It's fucked but that's life for those in search of a lucky country.

  8. #28
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    Better for them to leave and come back after a period of time. Three years here go home for six months then come back. That must be possible.

  9. #29
    Super Fans (忠實Fans) Niceguy11's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Riff888 View Post
    You cannot speed up this process, it's the federal government.
    Don't believe the agents, they charge thousands.
    No stopping the girl from leaving after she gets PR.
    There is one loophole for the girls. They can claim domestic violence and this could speed up the PR grant. Not so good for the men who have to spend money and time proving their innocence. By then, they girl already has PR.
    Riff, Same thing happened to my ex from Chongqing. Not the loophole but using agents to assist with processing. I just told her in the end its too hard and she agree so yeah, she stayed in China.

  10. #30
    Loyalty Member(超級無聊鬼) Riff888's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niceguy11 View Post
    Riff, Same thing happened to my ex from Chongqing. Not the loophole but using agents to assist with processing. I just told her in the end its too hard and she agree so yeah, she stayed in China.
    Yeah bro, people do anything to stay. Paying immigration lawyers thousands for protection visas from safe countries. I have no idea how they pull that off.
    The government is getting tougher on immigration now.

  11. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rainyex28 View Post
    She's got your mobile number and you two have an arrangement, maybe seeing each other outside of the shop right?

    Maybe I'm overthinking but if I was you I'd stop seeing her, don't want to get trapped. Pregnant WL is really one way to fuck your life.
    Once had a ML once suggest we get married as she was so in love with me (I knew she was playing other guys at same time) but the stipulation was I get her pregnant immediately. I have had the snip so that was never going to happen but I did have a vision in my head of having to appear on Maury Povich to do a DNA test 😂

  12. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by bjl0v3s View Post
    Mate, years of dealing with women and a dirvoced myself. What I have learnt is that when a girl is complaining, all you have to do is listen and have sympathy. Thats it. Dont give solutions or get involved into it. More problems will come to you. Especially in your case, if she is telling you, she is telling tons of other guys too. Let her deal with her shit.
    Well said, this is the best advice.

  13. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by bjl0v3s View Post
    Mate, years of dealing with women and a dirvoced myself. What I have learnt is that when a girl is complaining, all you have to do is listen and have sympathy. Thats it. Dont give solutions or get involved into it. More problems will come to you. Especially in your case, if she is telling you, she is telling tons of other guys too. Let her deal with her shit.

  14. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Double_Adapter View Post

    thanks for the link bro. Legend! i gotta stop punting until i’m marriage

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