Quote Originally Posted by keebab View Post
I agree with you Jack, and honestly, I respect the fuck out of the work you go into posting and curating ARs for Ginza.

I've never been to the venue because I punt inner and outer west as well as Wollongong. But rest assured I will contribute when I can.
Worth a try if you’re ever in the city hahaha

I don’t mind posting ARs as long as there’s no trolling or people nitpicking and finding a needle in haystack

It’s ok for me as I usually do it during downtime over a drink and winding down while reminiscing the session so if you can bear with the typo or me going on tangents…I can type relatively fast on mechanical gaming kb so all good

Shout out to those that appreciate it and especially those who have pmd me =) xD

I see punting as an expensive sport that we should enjoy as a community not have trolling accounts or shutting people down and bad naming girls/shops (where it’s uncalled for)

Just call it as it and if the reader like the AR they can make their choice to see the girl…sharing is caring the Australian way

Anyways bro if you have any good intel on these below shops please let me know I don’t mind travelling out a bit if there’s a hidden gem!

Out in Blacktown way Pussycatdolls used to have some girls work there occasionally and she runs tight shop very reasonable pricey for private and great quality girls

Without getting into too much or name shaming girls/shops below places have been my go to but recently it’s purely Ginza they are like Rolls Royce of shops with Toyato price and reliability

Explored shops (My honest review based on experience…no hate pls lol)
Ginza Club
Ginza Empire
No5 marrickville
No42 Glades
No5 star precovid(gone bust now?)
CBD Massage and it’s sister shop
108 mirage

Close to city and very reasonable prices but place could do with some decor/reno and more younger girls.

No5 no close for me and whoever said 5 min from the station…you must be flying there on a scooter

I saw a few gems back then (no longer working) and about half their roster is not my type cos I’m just not into Thai and Indonesian girls or I would rather younger Thai girls

Saw one of the top girls Indo Sandra? Not my type even though young fit great service
Another shop treasure T Lihn? So hard to book like booking J ice again not really my type and felt she was over hyped
A lot of the C and Thai girls been around ie C Jay and C queens

Not to mention name changes where I went to see the girl and realise oh it’s you….i saw you at Ginza like K Emma and J Hacha….

Used to be a regular before discovering Ginza and the place is treck plus the awkward parking and getting seen by the mechanics during the day iykyk
Has a few ok girl girls but quality is not as good as Ginza so would rather pay same price for better quality and save the travel time

Kyoto/sakura I’d say are biggest competitors with Ginza focusing on J girls and being so close to city but most of their j girls are bit more expensive than Ginza and photoshop heavy…got a few bait and switch, reception usually rushed/angry and I hate it that the girls use their own timer and short change you. Rooms are top notch though spacious and newly reno with warm tiles but could use with more mirrors I’d say my last 6-7 punts 4 were good? But it’s too much gamble esp since not many reviews on them

Kyoto/sakura is another shop where you can find ex Ginza most recently J Fujie left Ginza to go their for higher price

So in my head it’s like why pay higher price for same girl

Ahhh good old CBD Massage my favourite shop as it was in heart of CBD I went so often when Ginza had a drought of new j girls I was on first name basis with the boss but after the recent price hikes, arrogant and rude reception, no booking via WeChat no hello allowed I’ve removed from my list unless there’s an absolute gem there

CBD is now $210 for all diamond except sex which is usually $100 tip to girl id rather go Ginza and can do it in bed instead of massage table

108 mirage strong contender I say to give Ginza a run for their money $195 for nuru which includes Cbj and $295 for those that offer diamond

The trick to game this price mechanism imv is all girls are $295 flat whether top girl at shop average or sub par so if you have intel on top ones then its a bargain

Had about 7/8 tries only 1 dud which was my fault cos I went in whim
And dint ask too much feedback from reception and face had pics blurred and she was new probs a C/D tier girl in my ranking but didn’t hurt wallet as much cos I opted for nuru only luckily

There are some top girls here id recommend and vouch for and odd occasion also ex Ginza girls hahaha

On average Kyoto/sakura j girls are $320/330? Similar or lower standard than Ginza but I got burned too many times

108 mirage is good but a trek and also the really pretty girls is trial and error to see if they offer diamond that’s not listed so it’s an extra admission fee to gamble if she do diamond

Hahaha man I sound like a well versed traveller that’s not bar hopping but shop hoping and finally found the G Spot (Ginza) hahahaha