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Thread: Who is your favorite Asian WL currently working in a Sydney shop? And Why. Vote with her link

  1. #41
    Loyalty Member(超級無聊鬼) 11Bravo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GoldfishMan View Post
    I don't even know how you guys keep tabs on who's posted ARs / intel and who hasn't. Do you really go check out all their posts? You can't make a judgement based only on started threads. Great intel can come from just a short post inside another thread.
    Easy-peasy. Click on the user's handle in the leftmost column. In the pop-up, select "View Forum Posts". There is a limit, but you get the last 300 posts. Title and the first couple of lines in each post. Easy to scan for quality, where quality is based on your OWN criteria. Might not be 100% accurate, but after scanning a couple of 30 posts/page pages, good enough for forum work.

  2. #42
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    On the comment about people not writing ARs. It's the nature of this forum. I used to write more but have slowed down because I noticed there was a dip in both quality of the ARs being provided and the quantity in which people were posting.

    Also the quality of the reviews are so mixed and although sometimes I truly understand the whole YMMV. It's helpful when you identify a person who has similar taste in service and appearance and you can piggy back their punts if they review.

    Also to the OP sorry I have no recommendations for you especially if it's not an equal exchange. Plus our tastes seem really different (I'm not a fan of milfs)

  3. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by T1ooo View Post
    its just the vibe of this place and most people, brings out the worst in people.


    yes its not illegal to be a jerk or cunt in society, dosnt mean its good behaviour, some people cant realise that.

    Which is why bravo will be waiting a long time for an answer to his reasonable question, which is framed in a very nice way, but simply put its .. why are you a cunt in essence, to which there is no reply hence none forth coming from reginalBubbles.
    Dude, I made a maths joke (a maths joke!) that wasn't even having a go at you. You responded with, "you have no right to even speak", "low life parasite", "sorry ass", "fucktard", and some nonsense about "white devil".
    I've never read a review of yours or asked for advice but somehow you're all butthurt that I don't pay you back with my own reviews.

    Who is the real cunt in essence in this scenario?

    You're really boring the shit out of me now but I think I now know why Skynet discontinued the T-1000.
    I will leave you alone with the solace that as a shape shifting android at least you can suck your own dick while you type.

    Hasta la vista....

  4. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by 11Bravo View Post
    I have NO desire to be a part of this little cat fight, but just curious. I fully understand there is no forum rule about contributing AR's. I don't care to wade through all of your posts to see but there is an implication that you don't and I'm just curious as to why? No provocation intended.
    I don’t write reviews because for me what happens in the room stays in the room. Guys may expect things that they don’t get which can be bad for them and the girl. I also don’t read reviews for the same reason, apart from Rooter’s sometimes because I like the same kind of thic non-professional J girls that he does. I’m sure he won’t have a crying fit reading that though.

  5. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by 11Bravo View Post
    Easy-peasy. Click on the user's handle in the leftmost column. In the pop-up, select "View Forum Posts". There is a limit, but you get the last 300 posts. Title and the first couple of lines in each post. Easy to scan for quality, where quality is based on your OWN criteria. Might not be 100% accurate, but after scanning a couple of 30 posts/page pages, good enough for forum work.
    Sounds like you have too much time on your hands!

  6. #46
    Loyalty Member(超級無聊鬼) 11Bravo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ReginaldBubbles View Post
    I don’t write reviews because for me what happens in the room stays in the room. Guys may expect things that they don’t get which can be bad for them and the girl.
    VALID points which I share and for why, for some, I don't post. Comes down to individual cases. But at least here, most of what is discussed happens in shops where there is some protection. You get in climes where it's all illegal FL's, then, believe me, I'm much more careful. But I give most readers here the benefit of the doubt. After all, Oz is a first world country...

    Quote Originally Posted by ReginaldBubbles View Post
    I also don’t read reviews for the same reason, apart from Rooter’s sometimes because I like the same kind of thic non-professional J girls that he does. I’m sure he won’t have a crying fit reading that though.
    I view my posts as words in the wind. If they help some, fine. If some of my critiques sting, fine. But what happens to them... up to the reader. Machs nicht to me. And MY preferences are MILF's, and they do tend to know how to take care of themselves. No interest here in submissive schoolgirls, I graduated high school a LONG time ago. Likewise for uni's, grad student TA's... Now professors... that's a different game. FYI: if she's working in this industry, she IS a professional, but perhaps just a better actress...

    Quote Originally Posted by T1ooo View Post
    Yeah look there is something really really wrong with the culture in this place tbh,,, there is 1% of people that make up the vibe which is good, and you can just sense the creepy leeches that are 99.99% of the cunts here, thats why im reluctant to post or share, just scum. it needs fixing.

    id create a super VIP forum with guys that have 10 reviews and also 500+ post.
    Ah, the apostrophe, so small, but yet, it just adds something.

    And yes, I was a proofreader, back in the dark ages, before spell checks...

    Quite honestly, TO ALL, stooping to name calling, that's really bush league. Flame wars are never productive and what I've seen here, childish. If you (2nd person plural) are going to flame, please, make it an ADULT flame war with erudite arguments. Otherwise, it's just childish.

    PS: I too caught the math error, but just thought there might have been some Venn diagram inference, a small intersecting section (creeps that have a good vibe).

    Quote Originally Posted by ReginaldBubbles View Post
    Sounds like you have too much time on your hands!
    No, but I do take pride in my work and knowledge, and like I posted elsewhere, why I get along so well with the WG's... I don't work for free. And I don't believe in welfare.

    But reciprocity, yes. A number of times, being a stranger in a strange land, I've found forums like this very useful in finding out info, the how, the where, the who, even the when... Here, it's legal or semi-legal. In other climes... not so much. So it pays to understand the norms of behavior. I choose to give back. Whether others do or not, up to them. But ask me a question... just like a WG, that comes with a price.

  7. #47
    Super Fans (忠實Fans)
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    Quote Originally Posted by 11Bravo View Post
    VALID points which I share and for why, for some, I don't post. Comes down to individual cases. But at least here, most of what is discussed happens in shops where there is some protection. You get in climes where it's all illegal FL's, then, believe me, I'm much more careful. But I give most readers here the benefit of the doubt. After all, Oz is a first world country...

    I view my posts as words in the wind. If they help some, fine. If some of my critiques sting, fine. But what happens to them... up to the reader. Machs nicht to me. And MY preferences are MILF's, and they do tend to know how to take care of themselves. No interest here in submissive schoolgirls, I graduated high school a LONG time ago. Likewise for uni's, grad student TA's... Now professors... that's a different game. FYI: if she's working in this industry, she IS a professional, but perhaps just a better actress...

    Ah, the apostrophe, so small, but yet, it just adds something.

    And yes, I was a proofreader, back in the dark ages, before spell checks...

    Quite honestly, TO ALL, stooping to name calling, that's really bush league. Flame wars are never productive and what I've seen here, childish. If you (2nd person plural) are going to flame, please, make it an ADULT flame war with erudite arguments. Otherwise, it's just childish.

    PS: I too caught the math error, but just thought there might have been some Venn diagram inference, a small intersecting section (creeps that have a good vibe).

    No, but I do take pride in my work and knowledge, and like I posted elsewhere, why I get along so well with the WG's... I don't work for free. And I don't believe in welfare.

    But reciprocity, yes. A number of times, being a stranger in a strange land, I've found forums like this very useful in finding out info, the how, the where, the who, even the when... Here, it's legal or semi-legal. In other climes... not so much. So it pays to understand the norms of behavior. I choose to give back. Whether others do or not, up to them. But ask me a question... just like a WG, that comes with a price.
    A considered response and some fair points. Thank you.

  8. #48
    Loyalty Member(超級無聊鬼) 11Bravo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ReginaldBubbles View Post
    A considered response and some fair points. Thank you.
    I understand exactly what you're saying. In some cases I'm reluctant to post prices. Just the other day, a girl told me "up to you". Now, I'm sure that was with consideration of my age, nationality (I'm NOT PC), demeanor, ability to run, upper body strength, etc. In that case, I'd just say I stayed within the standard guidelines. With others, I also agree with you - certain add-ons might not be offered to all so I probably won't mention. Myself, I understand YMMV, and I ALSO understand others might not understand. Not here, but I've seen posters post "I NEVER pay retail and she wouldn't give me a discount..." REALLY... So your points are also well made and I fully understand. It is a free forum.

    All I'm saying is, for THOSE who don't post AR's, but yet want specific info, I feel no obligation to answer, and perhaps offer an explanation why. Just today, there was a member who requested some MINOR info, had 50 posts, LITERALLY a count to 50 to meet that threshold. Will it correct their behavior - nope. Is it fun for me - you betcha... Professor Kingsfield is MY role model.

  9. #49
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    Because no one is giving, I'll entertain to see if anything gets returned. Emily at 200 Stanmore. I would visit at least once a month pre-Covid when she was up at Top Ryde which was more accessible. She was always bubbly and friendly but it really took a few months before we really got to know each other. At some point we were just 2 friends chilling in the room having fun. Alas I lost my job, had to move, she moved onto 200 Stanmore and its not geographically accessible for where I live/work now given my situation. its been a good 3~4 years since we saw each other. Wonder if she remembers me... Anyway, she will always be one of my favorites but probably not for the reasons for this thread.
    Last edited by gamer2; 31-01-2024 at 12:32 PM. Reason: less personal info

  10. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by JSteel96 View Post
    Just for fun & chit chat tell us who your current favorite Asian WL in Sydney is and why is she the best, share link to her profile so others can try her. She must be currently working in a shop.
    I don’t have one but two…

    These two Thai firecrackers 🧨 from N5M.

    Linda & Paloma

    If you have punted these two you know they are well and truly PSE. In fact my next double, if they’re up for it, will be to drive both these Ferrari’s home at the same time!

    Just gotta check if their rosters match up.


    Seeing Linda walk in through the bedroom door, jump onto the bed, and present doggy with her exposed money maker for me to admire and mount was something I’ll never forget.

    Pounding Paloma oh-so hard and fast while she reverse slammed herself onto me at the same time guaranteed her a place in my top two PSE’s at N5M.

    Need I say more?

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