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Thread: MLs collectively going on a money-grubbing heist

  1. #21
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    The girl probably had a cut on her hand

  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by carmen farquis View Post
    The girl probably had a cut on her hand
    Is this a serious thought

  3. #23
    Senior Member(無間使者) massage addict's Avatar
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    Sydney area
    Just don't pay the higher rates they are asking. It's 50 for bhj with a bit of light push rubbing. 100 for bbbj and 150 full service. If everyone sticks to this they will stop trying to get more.

  4. #24
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Quote Originally Posted by 11Bravo View Post
    Promised early 20's and she was LATE 20's... The horror, the horror. Myself, I'm lucky to guess her DECADE...

    A reminder: the girls make their coin on the extras, so yes, MOST will be IRKED if you don't opt for extras... she's wasting her time and potentially losing other customers... Like a lot of govt contracts: the initial bid is low because you're hoping for a lot of follow-on work where you can make some money... If there's no follow-on work, you've lost money.
    Totally true.

    Was chatting to one of the ML's earlier this year (have seen her a few times - enough to say g'day in the street) and we were talking about costs and things in general and she broke down the pricing this way. For 1 hour massage, the punter pays $90 and in her case, the shop took $55 of that leaving her with $35 so for her the extras were her money. Remember her saying that she works 5 days a week, and between 09:00 - 21:00 and at the time of the chat, things were quiet and she was saying that her shop take home was around $250 - $300 per day plus what she made from extras.

    She has never been a pushy one for extras as I will always give a pineapple (occasional double it depends on how we go) but they do work hard for their money if they are to make it. Generally on their feet and those that can massage even reasonably have muscles have their own aches and what not.

    I don't begrudge the girls getting what they can or asking for things but if a girl were to get upset and say things to me about it if I refused, I woudl walk happily but to date, when ladies have asked I have simply declined and had no issues

  5. #25
    Baby Member(留言版初哥)
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    lots of interesting comments from fellow brothers. ive been a bit busy with life just before new years trying to organise things. Had a look at the comments regarding my experience and wanted to provide a few more notes:
    i do keep to the "golden standard of tips", ie. pineapple for nhj. but before when i started in punting there was also a pretty market price of 20 for clothed hj, NO GLOVES. part 3 ive had 100-150 throughout the years, seems to be pretty standard rates. 150 for the really hot ones id accept, otherwise my tactic is just to negotiate down to a lower service like nude hj. and bargaining with the girl and showing her you know your stuff is all well and good, and i have done it plenty of times, but with this industry sometimes the experience may suffer, and its not the greatest to try and hard bargain if you know what i mean.

    the girl i mentioend was fine otherwise, if she didnt want to be touched or had certain prices w/e its fine, i think it particularly stuck out in my mind because of the gloves. And sure its up to the girl in principle, but it certainly feels demeaning. and i am perfectly healthy, get regular sti checks, did NOT have any open cuts or sores or anything, so that felt particularly offensive like some bros here saying, even if the girl didnt realise. and thats why i just straight away asking her about more details of whats gonig to happen, normally i like to keep this part a little more vague and loose. but yea her attitude was polite, she didnt try to pin me to the table or get angry at me for one, but the entire experience certainly felt like a peak of all the bad ml experience ive had in last few months.

  6. #26
    Baby Member(留言版初哥)
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    and yea i think for girls who are working they definitely want extras involved, and thats fine. and i always go in to these shops ready to pay extras, but sometimes with what some girls are asking for the prices, like extra 30 to touch breasts or 100 for nude hj, or gloves on for a hj, i believe us brothers also have the option of saying no and even just walking.

  7. #27
    99 King Member (帝皇會員) GoldfishMan's Avatar
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    No offence bro. I would've immediately gotten up from the table and made it clear I wasn't going through with it the moment she started putting on the gloves. To go to any shop and have to suffer through an unwanted experience is worse than making a donation. Punting is all about doing something you enjoy.

  8. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by GoldfishMan View Post
    No offence bro. I would've immediately gotten up from the table and made it clear I wasn't going through with it the moment she started putting on the gloves. To go to any shop and have to suffer through an unwanted experience is worse than making a donation. Punting is all about doing something you enjoy.
    100% agree with this

  9. #29
    Loyalty Member(超級無聊鬼)
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    Quote Originally Posted by carmen farquis View Post
    The girl probably had a cut on her hand
    If a lady uses this reason to use plastic gloves on you, it's simple

    Respectfully stand up

    Show empathy that her injury may impact her work

    Get dressed

    Tell her about the standard treatment available at all chemists for cuts

    Walk out

  10. #30
    Loyalty Member(超級無聊鬼) 11Bravo's Avatar
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    I reread the OP's posts on this thread, and none ever mentioned IF price was agreed upon beforehand, nor was session time mentioned. Always best to agree on price and service beforehand just so there are no misunderstandings.

    With all due respect, seriously, I took this as the girl sending a message that, at that price (or service), she wasn't interested... And like the OP did, I would just say "No thanks" and walk.

    Yes, it could have been handled better by her. I recently had a massage, I asked about extras, and she said, straightforward, ONLY NHJ and B2B were available. Fine, her rights to decide what to deliver (and, BTW, I stayed, and she did deliver on what was on offer). It's BUSINESS, I don't take personal offense, and just vote with my feet, either one-n-done, or repeat.

  11. #31
    Baby Member(留言版初哥)
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    hey bro Bravo, like i said, i dont like to negotiate that clearly beforehand, takes some of the fun and mystique out of the experience. and lets face it, thats why we go to ML instead of WL. But like i said, for my part, im flexible with what level of extras, i can even accept a clothed hj, or, most often, a nhj for 50 and some girls will balk at taking off underwear or touching certain parts. and that is fine. I have accepted those situations with no problems in the past. but lately it just seems girls have become increasingly money hungry, with no care taken on service provided. this girl Sky with the gloves and yelling dont touch me(only put my hands on her leg) was just the pinnacle of this. funny thing is we had a decent time during pt 1 too, she was even laughing at a joke i cracked, so it just felt very off.

    And to clarify for the last time, i did ask her what extras she offered, she was a bit vague or hesitant, so i just said hj? she agreed. now i am a regular at this place, so when she agreed i had assumed nude hj for 50(this is with ALL other girls at this shop, at most just a bit of difference in what body parts they let you touch etc), but then she whips out the gloves and puts them on, which honestly flabbergasted me and i was just lying there trying to figure out for a few mins what she means to do with them....and because we had a good mood going on just before i tried to make a bit of a joke out of it and clarify... to which she basically said this is going to cost 50 or its not worth it. and im just left going Whaaaa?

  12. #32
    Loyalty Member(超級無聊鬼) 11Bravo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ceath View Post
    ..she agreed i had assumed nude hj for 50
    ASSUME - makes an ass of u and me

    The only assumption I make is with a regular that the price is the same as the last time. Even then, where there is a monthS gap, I still ask for confirmation.

    Same shop, different girls; independent contractors in an MP.

    Honestly, if a girl starts putting on a glove, I'd be worried for a totally different reason - only my proctologist gets THAT access. I'd be like "Sorry, I DON'T need my oil checked nor my pump primed..." Like you, I'd just roll off the table with an "adios"...

    I have a vague memory (maybe even a dream) of a girl using a baggie as a condom for oral, think I remembered reading about it, and was a bit WTF when it happened. I did let it ride just to see how it would play out, and, with that knowledge, I'd either pass on the CBJ or tell her I have 'doms... Way back when, I used to have some flavored 'doms for CBJ's, but not worth it these days. Actually, I'm impressed with the cheap doms the ML's use...

    Maybe gloves is her thing, maybe some guys like the latex feel, lasting longer? Still, bottom line: I'd just think that she wasn't interested in MY business which I don't take any offense at because the last thing I want is to be in a room with a lady who doesn't want to be there... Feet don't fail me now.

    And to get back to the original hypothesis: no, I haven't encountered any OTT pricing, but then, maybe we have different target groups.

  13. #33
    Loyalty Member(超級無聊鬼)
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ceath View Post
    hey bro Bravo, like i said, i dont like to negotiate that clearly beforehand, takes some of the fun and mystique out of the experience. and lets face it, thats why we go to ML instead of WL.
    Surely the whole 'mystique thing' ended when prices went up in some shops. I go in as a cash in hand customer. I demand nothing and if nothing is on offer, I respectfully leave
    But don't be naive and make the dumb mistake of the man recently charged in Sydney. He pushed his demands for services onto an ML. He was charged and convicted for sexual assault

    The 'mystique' approach is great if you want to risk wasting 90% of the session facing the massage table lol. You leave many ML to their practiced routine, then you will often be left with a 5 minute dick-handshake at the end

    Does anyone else agree on when to negotiate? When your pants are around your ankles?

    Of course if you don't mind risking dud punts then go for it. You are just ignoring the collective wisdom during this high inflation period

  14. #34
    Super Fans (忠實Fans)
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ceath View Post
    So i have been having a few bad experiences in ml world in the last couple of months. Mostly just MLs trying to overcharge and asking 100 for a nude hj
    This is one of the reason I seldom goto MLs these days, too much BS and uncertainty with extras, my advice is always to do your research beforehand and negotiate at the start if you can. If I do go it's usually a girl who's been reviewed by multiple people.

    I'm mostly after FS these days so usually I go to WLs, no headache of extras. Sure you get a larger selection of girls from all the massage shops but it's got too much uncertainty and unpredictability these days, there's never any guarantee, the girl may refuse a certain service or charge a higher than normal rate, of course you can always just walk if you are not happy with the negotiation (if you did it at the start of the session).

  15. #35
    Loyalty Member(超級無聊鬼)
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    Quote Originally Posted by l337dude View Post
    This is one of the reason I seldom goto MLs these days, too much BS and uncertainty with extras, my advice is always to do your research beforehand and negotiate at the start if you can. If I do go it's usually a girl who's been reviewed by multiple people.

    I'm mostly after FS these days so usually I go to WLs, no headache of extras. Sure you get a larger selection of girls from all the massage shops but it's got too much uncertainty and unpredictability these days, there's never any guarantee, the girl may refuse a certain service or charge a higher than normal rate, of course you can always just walk if you are not happy with the negotiation (if you did it at the start of the session).
    100%. But choosing a massage shop away from the CBD (lower rates) with good recruiting, improves the odds of success
    Don't go to those suburban GILF shops. Have some self respect

    Dress well. Be well groomed
    Negiotiate politely at the start. Showing your cash speaks far louder than your voice does. The flash of $100-150 is always a fair business transaction, otherwise I walk. I'm in control of the transaction, as it's my hard earned money

    Men being trapped by lust and spending way over the top amounts of money, are just repeating the same dumb mistake men have been making since time began

    This is business first, pleasure soon to follow. So keep your head screwed on. If you do know the value of money

  16. #36
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    It's true.

    MLs these days are trying it on.

    I always book for 1 hour. I'm usually a Massage (Part 1) + B2B and HJ (Part 2) guy. Usually it's no more than an $80 tip for this service (although I get away with less for some of my regulars).

    Two recent experiences I've tried in late December... MLs I've not seen before, both at Ryde based shops (2 Pope & 192 Blaxland - seems to be consistent with how this discussion thread began) - they tried asking for $100 for this service (no mention of CBJ to be included if I wanted it), and both times I said I only had $80 to which they accepted (9/10 they aren't going to say no).

    First of all, Happy New Year to everyone !

    Now that we are in a new year, and the economic situation very unstable both locally and globally, lets be clear on what are fair and reasonable maximum tips for this kind of service (the time for December bonuses is over):

    Gloved HJ - ? WTF !!

    Clothed HJ - $20 (I'm not sure who still goes for this kind of service but no doubt some still do)

    Nude HJ - $50

    Nude + B2B + HJ - $80

    Nude + B2B + CBJ (HJ conclusion if you don't fancy blowing into the condom) - $100

    Full Service - anywhere up to $150
    * all inclusive - YMMV but I wouldn't be paying anymore than this for sex on a massage table in a small noisy room, no matter how hot the ML is or how well she performs
    ** when it comes to FS - if you are concerned about uncertainty on pricing, then perhaps you're best off just going straight to a dedicated FS brothel/parlour

    ...and my final thoughts on this, we seem to be expected to pay (in some instances way) more for goods and services these days but are receiving more substandard goods and services in return.

    The industry, I feel, is in for a very rude shock in 2024 as punters really do start to tighten the belts. I know that most of us on this forum are unlikely to stray too far away from our current punting habits and routine but I feel some level of change will come for most of us i.e. if we've been going once a week for a RnT that might soon become only three times in a month or twice a week to only three times in a fortnight etc. Likewise, if we are driving or getting public transport to other areas of town to visit certain girls/shops, this habit is also going to change to save on associated costs i.e. fuel.

    The amount of disposable income to support the industry is not the same as it was. MLs should be thankful for not only the customer walking through the door so they can receive a cut from the shop, but for any tips they receive no matter how much. They should not scrunch their noses up at us for seemingly being "tight-arses" with our money. If they're going to act that way, then pretty soon they won't have any customers walking through the shop door - as they just won't come due to a lack of good basic customer service.

  17. #37
    Loyalty Member(超級無聊鬼)
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    Great post MDPorto
    Where were you as I have been giving a monthly economic report about looking for VFM punting shops?

    Recession times are here, and thank you for laying down the true market prices
    As I said too, if you show the cash, many working women will lower their inflated expectations
    Because most men have no idea what they are doing, and negiotiate with their pants around their ankles 90% into the punt. Lol

  18. #38
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    My barber recently charges $50 for a standard simple hair cut
    It's getting harder to walk out because hair is an essential, and all barbers are now doing it

    The essentials are definitely very expensive now

    Massages shops are visits to spend leisure income, we will walk out if you try to inflate your prices

  19. #39
    Loyalty Member(超級無聊鬼) 11Bravo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MDPorto View Post
    Nude HJ - $50
    Nude + B2B + HJ - $80
    Nude + B2B + CBJ (HJ conclusion if you don't fancy blowing into the condom) - $100
    Full Service - anywhere up to $150
    I agree with everything you say EXCEPT, maybe it's the pronunciation, you say "tip", I say "fee", as in "service fee". Like a restaurant (at least where I come from), you pay a defined charge for the meal, a tip for the waitress is optional. Obviously minor, but it can confuse some newbies. For me, a tip is optional, the amount optional. A fee for service is exactly that. Yes, the fee might be negotiated, but once agreed, it's no longer optional. And once established, on a return, is should be the same service fee, no need to negotiate.

  20. #40
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Quote Originally Posted by frisson View Post
    Great post MDPorto
    Where were you as I have been giving a monthly economic report about looking for VFM punting shops?

    Recession times are here, and thank you for laying down the true market prices
    As I said too, if you show the cash, many working women will lower their inflated expectations
    Because most men have no idea what they are doing, and negiotiate with their pants around their ankles 90% into the punt. Lol
    Thank you.

    I've been ignoring the rest of the forum and only focusing on individual reviews of late. But given recent experiences I'll certainly be keeping eye on threads like this and contributing.

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