Some girls would like to talk and ask when we enjoyed each other’s bodies, which made me distracted and became softer and softer. How about you?
This is an interesting one...I admit I am a bit on the chatty side myself and get quite into a convo if the girl is talkative. I think it does help build rapport even if there is a bit less hanky panky initially, but I do understand how it can affect the transition to naughty stuff as the topics can end up quite unrelated to sex and somewhat kills the mood even if the atmosphere is friendly. I had this happen the other day as I was with a Japanese ML, and my fluent Japanese encouraged her to talk a lot, even after she had flipped me over. Lovely girl who is super pretty but I failed to get over the line.
Nice topic
As many have said many times, this is a business transaction
You are paying for 30,45,60 minutes to maximize your pleasure. And punting isn't cheap anymore
By all means talk, but only when there is 10 minutes to go, after you have had the physical payoff
Dont you realise WL are much happier to talk rather than fuck
Unlike you, they have to work in a tiring job for hours after you have gone
Talking is best left for after your have got your value for money
She isn't your sister, time isn't cheap and your aren't there for conversation
With a M/L i like to have general conversation with the girl during part 1 just to be nice, so i get a more personal part2/3 instead of a mechanical motion
With a W/L i like to have a friendly pre chat to make the girl feel comfortable with me, so she doesn’t feel threaten or vulnerable during sex, if she knows your here to enjoy her company they kind of put more passion into their love making instead of just lying there like a starfish hoping you will finish quickly and leave
So too much conversation could also be used a defence mechanism for the girls, as people tend to talk too much when they are in an awkward position
Indeed! Lesson learned...
I don't mind a bit of a chat before as long as we are doing it at the same time as the general routine of intro, showering and jumping into bed.
Women do love to talk and they spend most of their shifts in a room by themselves alone and when i ask how their day is etc, I find it's gives me a better service because the girl starts to feel comfortable with you and not feel like a awkward situation vibe, nothing pisses them off more than a punter having the attitude of "shut up and just suck my dick"
but I have had a few punts where I am thinking "will you just shut the fuck up" only find out on a AR that these girls are just generally time wasters for everybody.
I think most of the bros problems here is they let the girls steer the conversation and get distracted themselves when they are the ones who should be steering the conversation instead
I think they are just buying and wasting enough time so you can do less on that you paid for.
It's kind off distracting, it make perfectly sense.
i find im able to icebreak when talking with the girls. i find it awkward when we are too quiet in the room
The only lips I want to see movement from are ones that don't talk