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Person's Name : Jasmine
Establishment : Bodytone 299
Month/Year of Visit : Feb 2023
Some fantasies demand to be transformed into reality. No getting around it. Life is too full of regrets anyway. This one could be satisfied. Late December, called Bodytone to book Jasmine. She was off for the holidays, back in a month. Called late January, she'd start Sunday. Fine. Walking around Maroubra one late morning, trying to decide where. Considered Massage Center, but then I remembered Jasmine. What the hey, worth a shot (pun attended). Called, she was busy NOW, but in 30 minutes... Made an hour booking without any hesitation, and just enough time to take public transport to the shop.
Up the stairs, doorbell, yes, I have a booking, Jasmine. Great, shown a room by a, from the back, very fetching backside in a g-string. Of course, forgetting any lessons, FORGOT to ask her name for future reference...
Jasmine enters in the usual bra and g-string. VERY fetching. That GIRL is RAIL THIN, barely a hip flair, but that rack? Genetics? Something they put in the curry? And I knew they were legit... She remembers me; believable as I do stand out here, and we pick up on several discussion threads that we'd started the first session. She's a bit surprised and pleased that I've returned. Given the disaster of the original meeting, I'm not sure if I should be pleased or not.
I knew the total price was OTT, brothel diamond plus category. But the opportunity was in front of me, and I was going to grab it with both hands (among other body parts). Paid the $160, confirmed FS was $130 (yes), stripped and jumped in the shower while she went to settle the bill. After drying off, pulled out $130 from my wallet, along with a condom (SO naive I was wondering if she had any - you ARE welcome to laugh).
On the table, she returns, massage, again nothing to write home about. But I wasn't here for a massage; I am NOT repeating my earlier mistakes. (You WILL make mistakes, key is to LEARN from them and NOT repeat). I ask for the flip, I sit up, she puts on my condom (on ME, ha, ha), THEN starts the bj. Don't you just HATE it when the CORRECT order is reversed? With FEW exceptions, a CBJ doesn't do anything for me, and this is NOT an exception.
I suggest we move on... She hops up on the table, perpendicular to the length, leaning back, ass on the edge of the table, feet on the edge of the table, legs in a V, bent at the knees. She is VERY dark, but that flash of pink is VERY enticing, standing out from her dark skin. She uses some lube on herself and me, and I position for entry, standing. Along with being VERY thin, she is VERY tight, and it is NOT a slip-n-slide process; takes some effort. Once in, besides her warmth, I give my hands something to play with - like I said, that rack is legit.
This is fun, but variation is the spice of life. I request "change", and she lays lengthwise on the table for some missionary, legs spread. Still a push to enter. Again a change request to doggy, and she readily flips. That rear view is SOMETHING to behold, one of those "OK brain, take a mental snapshot". Some deep full thrusts, but then... FMTT, I misjudge the outstroke, and now I'm outside. The bold is correct because it's ONLY me, the condom is still in-situ. Bad but also good because the view of the white dangling condom contrasting with her dark skin, half out, is very erotic. I grab the condom and pull, there is tactile resistance (I said she was TIGHT). From experience, while it is POSSIBLE to re-coat a loose condom, it's really a time waster, and I do have a spare (lesson learned a LONG time ago).
Before I can say anything, she says "no problem", jumps up, and grabs her clutch purse. Opens it, and my naivety flies out the window; the purse is FULL of condoms ("always be prepared" seems to have been learned by her). She's rifling through the condoms (no doubt looking for that extra large, but most likely looking for a cheap one). On it goes, mission continues.
She turns around, bending over the table, one leg vertical, foot on the floor. The other leg is lifted up onto the table, along with the foot. An inverted "L". VERY fetching, and spread about as wide as possible. With a bit of pushing, re-entry is achieved, and off we go. Very fetching view, her slenderness EVIDENT. Not anorectic, no bones showing, just SLENDER. But I do want to enjoy the frontal view, so back onto the table in missionary. Very adept, she's got her legs tight around my waist, crab like. I reach the point of no return, deep as possible, and it's done.
Even with the a/c, I'm sweating, and the shower is welcoming. After I finish, she showers. The Indian box has been checked (pun intended).
Now, with any fantasy, the reality is most likely less. MY fantasy was with an Indian MILF in a sari... If those are 3 specifications, only one was met (the first). And here's some OBVIOUS news... while height, weight, hair, size, can vary, the BASICS are the same. So why Indian, PRC, Thai, Indo, European matter, certainly, they do, but why? Something I can't answer.
WIR: would I repeat? Nothing to complain about, the experience was delivered. But the price... can pass, for ME, better value elsewhere. Now, if there ever was an opportunity for an Indian MILF in a sari - yes, I'd go for it. Otherwise,...well..., I've always been known as an Asian studies major.