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Thread: Learning the basics by a Newbie

  1. #1
    99 Premium Member (特級會員) 11Bravo's Avatar
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    Learning the basics by a Newbie

    24 Station St, 7+ years later, Tuesday 11:30

    A punt from last year, posting now just to give hope to other newbies that you're not alone when starting out. Yes, you make mistakes, but that's part of the fun.

    Not my first visit to Sydney, but my first visit where I can go visiting. FIRST, did a lot of reading here going back a number of years, just to get the lay of the land. Before I went on the hunt for the elusive large racked Indian, wanted to start small with a large breasted PRC mature hen. Mature hens might not be to everyone's taste, but they do have some appeal, and they are easy to catch and cook the way YOU like. Before I jump into the brothel deep end, I want to get my toes wet in the shallow (well, some part of the anatomy wet, anyway).

    Saw a post from a long time ago and just wondered what was it like TODAY. Google maps' street view from 4 months ago showed the OPEN sign lit, so a good sign. Google maps also allowed me to plan my route. Easy ... well, if you DON'T assume that the train on the correct platform, ready to leave, is YOUR train. Google maps showed me my mistake, so with a bit of backtracking, on to the correct train, and off at Marrickville. Exiting the station, the shop is only 10 m away down the aptly named Station street. Having read some reviews and looked at street views, I knew that there was a side entrance around the corner from the main, an open door through some thick plastic strips.

    Walking into the shop, heard a voice call out Hello. Turned left into the office. The PRC mamasan was there, at least I hoped she was the mamasan. The face. Well, perhaps the masking restrictions had been eliminated too quickly because I would have felt safer if she had been wearing one, and I WASN'T worried about Covid. Body was masked by a heavy sweater, skirt, with long jeans underneath. I, or she, said "massage", I was asked how long; figured 45 minutes would be sufficient. Price quoted, 50. She showed me to a sparse room, massage table, maybe a chair and table. I asked for the toilet; it was down a corridor, past the laundry. Returning to the room, she wasn't there, so I hoped she was in the office calling in some staff. When I asked (hopefully) who would do the massage, she said she would. Decision time, continue or walk. I was there and wanted to see how the experience would play out, so would continue.

    Back to the room. I QUICKLY found out what type of shop it was (really no doubt) when she asked if I was there for "massage or relaxation" (or some form of the word relax). I replied both, first a GOOD massage (members are now falling off their chairs laughing), then some relaxation, 50/50. I had paranoidly translated "Can you suck, no condom, ejaculate in mouth, spit" into Mandarin, and taken a screen shot. Showed it to her, she parsed it, nodded her head yes. To be sure, and she did speak English (with a large accent), I asked again in English. Again nod yes. Now, for the curtain call spec: not spit, but a nice drool into the tissue (swallowing, IMHO, is so anticlimactic). I had a photo from another PRC decades ago who had done that unsolicited, the tissue held below her rack, a nice silvery stream from her mouth falling towards the tissue, a large blob at the far end. A picture being worth a 1000 words, I showed her the picture, again she nodded. Great. I asked how much, she quoted 150. Yea, that was NOT going to happen.

    Now, a basic disconnect. I offered 50, she said couldn't, that previously it was 120, but now, 150. Somewhere along the way, I realized MY mistake, I was NOT including the base charge of 50, she was. I repeated 100, and since I was still fully clothed, stepped towards the door. She offered 130, I said OK, total (50 massage, 80 extra). I stripped, she excused herself to brush her teeth as she'd just eaten "spicy" (yea, it was THAT kind of place).

    She came back, asked for the money. Damn, of course I'd left it in my wallet, so up, rummaging around in my hung-up pants, finding wallet, due to pre-planning, had exact change ready. Returned to face down, she stripped. Now, between the knees and just below the rack, one of those redacted strips would have come in handy. Likewise, from the chin up. The only redeeming thing was the rack was nice, some mangoes, with nipples still mostly pointed forward.

    Massage starts, a VERY light running fingers up and down my body, from neck to ankles. Reminded me of the teasing of a BKK Tantra massage. This continued for all of 5 minutes, and while it was enjoyable, not quite the style I was expecting. Then the request to flip. WTF. Raised my head, and asked "Massage"? She had that look of "WTF, you REALLY want a massage?" Fine, so be it. It was very half-assed, more rubbing then pressure. Time passed, then the flip request. Fine.

    First, positioned at the side of the table, she began some light finger teasing up and down my body, then zeroed in to my crotch. She then fully bent over and took me, now at attention, in her mouth. Reminded me of that desktop toy, the ostrich that would dip her beak into a thimble of water, rise up, then back down to repeat. Or an oil derrick, pumping up oil from underground. The rack hung down nicely, and handling was allowed. Also ran my fingers up her hamstrings, her ass, back, allowed. She kept her legs closed, which I didn't mind, as I wasn't so interested in exploring THAT cave.

    She then moved to the foot of the table, climbed on, some more light fingers up and down the legs, then back to the oil extraction. The BBBJ was actually pretty good. Not strong, not really vigorous, but just a nice sucking, no hands, no teeth. The occasional spit to tissue, but not often. A few slurping sounds, but thankfully, no artificially moans. Her hanging mangoes very nice, so I concentrated on those, not where my trouser snake was disappearing into. Eventually she struck oil, and kept extracting after the gusher. Kept at it until I tapped out. True to her word, she stood up, grabbed a tissue, and a nice drool into the tissue. Then quickly dressed, off to the toilet, with the traditional "hacking up" that the PRC's are so good at. Those continued for quite some time. I had no idea of the time, so just continued to lay there. Eventually I got the non-verbal message that we were done, so started dressing. I was just about finished when she entered and asked if I was OK. Yes, mission accomplished. Number of mistakes, but for a first go, good enough. Checked my watch - 30 minutes would have been sufficient, time shorted by 15, just let it ride.

    Would I repeat? Well, hell yes, the very next day (for the clueless, that's sarcasm). Certainly the visuals were "POOR, REAL POOR", except for the rack. Was reminded of that by any number of Asians on the train and bus on the RTB. The massage was crap, but the BBBJ was actually decent. And the curtain call was delivered, perhaps a bit quickly, but it was given. And, NOW I KNOW what 24 Station Street, at least on 1 day, can deliver. But seems time has not been too kind to the Station. YMMV

  2. #2
    99 Premium Member (特級會員) 11Bravo's Avatar
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    Still Learning

    Massage Center, 116 Boyce Road, Maroubra. Thursday, 14:00.

    Still learning the ropes, that's for sure. Thought about another visit to the Dungeon, but having read a mention of this place on a forum, thought I'd try here. Up the flight of stairs, before I even reached the top, the door opened. CCTV in operation. Reasonably nice 30-40 PRC nicely attired showed me in, led me to a room. Again, one of us mentioned massage, I was asked how long, and I opted for 60 minutes, cost 65 (and there IS a reason that is bolded, read on). I handed her 70, asked for the toilet (don't get old), and on returning, asked the PRC who would do the massage, if there was a lineup. She would, which I didn't object to. I was looking for my change and she just pointed to a table in the room; there a 5'er was. Nice.

    The room was of reasonable size, massage table, chair, tables. Everything, including her attire, was nice, so I (here's your first laugh) was debating if this was LEGIT or legit. There was no mention of extras, I stripped, and got on the table. She closed the door, remained clothed, and the massage (AND PROBLEMS) began.

    Soon after the massage started, she momentarily left the room. Could see her talking to another masseuse, seeming to give her directions. Then back in to continue the massage. After awhile, she took a phone call in the room, Mandarin, about what no clue, probably next booking, but importantly TO ME, now a 1-handed massage. Then back to 2 hands. Time passed, then another out of the room / back in to disrupt the flow and vibe. Awhile later, another phone call answered, English, for the next booking, and again the 1-handed massage during the call. Thing is, it was a decent massage, but with all the interruptions, NOT. Time passes, about 35 minutes, and another leave / return to the room. Now these were a minute, maybe less, but hey, I'm paying for some UNDIVIDED attention. Last straw.

    I roll up on my side on her return. She then mentions "extras? I'm like REALLY? I just tell her to finish the massage and I'll be leaving. She then says (make sure you're sitting down), that for a massage with no extras, it's 90. WTF? I sit BOLT UPRIGHT, smokin'. I call BS, literally, and point to the price list on the wall, that CLEARLY shows 60 minutes - 65. She says, straight face, that that's for a massage WITH extras; without, it's 90. I point to the sign next to it, the traditional "No sex services on-site" sign. Listen, I might be a newbie HERE, but I'm NOT brain dead, nor mesmerized by her, and understand that the 25 WILL be her extra for nothing.

    Houston, we have lift off. I roll off the table, head for the chair and my clothes, grab my shirt. I tell her her extra will be me leaving NOW and the price difference between now and 60, no refund expected. Now she changes tack. She can offer a nice B2B, make me happy for a pineapple. I've done my homework here, I understand that's the standard rate for the standard NHJ. All this time, she's remained fully clothed, attractive but non-revealing. I AM PISSED, but also I AM curious as to what she looks like au naturel, and I am here. As my mother would say, "Don't cut off your nose to spite your face". I'm 65 in, the massage is a washout, but... hope springs eternal. I agree, and climb back on the table.

    She strips, nice body, a slight midriff bulge, but not much, nice B's, with a nice bristle pad down south. It's a decent B2B. There has been some chat about travel, and now, along with the B2B, she's trying to tell me where she's been. Turns out, we've been to some of the same destinations, and I'm surprised as they're not the usual places; I would have never guessed. Time for the flip, some more B2B, and instead of a HJ, I'm in the travel mood, so go for Spanish. Had to laugh, at first she declines, saying there's not enough there. I assure her there is, it doesn't have to be encased. She seems a bit baffled as to exactly how. I try and explain she should assume the traditional pose: kneel, lift my ass on the her thighs, and simply bend forward. She misunderstands (now how could THAT happen), sticking her legs straight out, outside of mine, and scooting up so that she can reach. She certainly understands how to push 'em together, certainly not a tunnel, but a sufficient ditch for the pipe. Friction works its magic, and the pipe gushes.

    She cleans up, dresses, and offers me a nice (upper) head massage for the last few minutes. As I'm dressing, she's showing me some travel pictures on her phone. She mentions that FS is 2 pineapples.

    WIR: believe it or not, maybe, if she can guarantee undivided attention.

  3. #3
    99 Premium Member (特級會員) 11Bravo's Avatar
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    Better Informed

    Massage Center, 116 Boyce Road, Maroubra Part 2.

    After the semi-disaster first visit, I think I have a better handle on things, and I am curious about a complete service. I have her WeChat so message her, seeing if she has DEDICATED time in the afternoon, then ping (1 WeChat phone call ring). It works, she messages back, and we agree on a time.

    Up the stairs, door unlocked, I open. She sees me, runs to greet me, with a LK. She's probably surprised that I've actually returned. Shown into the same room, tell her I'm off to the toilet. On return, start to strip, THEN told we'll change rooms but she helps with the shirt and shopping bag. Equally nice room. Another 60 minutes, price 65, pay, strip. I confirm the price of 2 pineapples for totality, hand over the pineapples, and pull out my own dom. Lay on the table.

    Part 1, she remains clothed. Why not, I'm face down in a hole. She apologizes for the previous visit, before Christmas, things a bit crazy (last time, only had a glimpse of 1 other masseuse, this time I see at least 2 more). I'll assume she was trying to do double duty as manager and masseuse. As before, decent massage, with NO interruptions. Sometime in, I hear some rustling, look over, and she's stripping. On a second viewing, perhaps the face is not as nice as I thought, not unattractive, but the body is nice.

    Part 2 starts. Very nice B2B, even with the full-on prone-on-prone being ALMOST a bit much, she's no spinner. But not enough to tap out, and it doesn't last long. Some nice nipple use, and by turning my head (a bit far), get a nice visual in the wall mirror. Flip, some more B2B, LK. She retrieves my dom, puts it on, THEN starts a BJ. A CBJ does nothing for me, so suggest we move on. I probably will repeat, if nothing else, it's convenient, and will have to inquire about the full range of oral available. First some CG, both full contact up and down, back and forth grinding, and squat with only the privates touching (though the last takes considerable thigh muscles). Then did a connected vertical flip to missionary with her head hanging over the edge of the table. Some nice facial expressions, no fake moans to distract, and ready access to her clit, very enjoyable. Time marches on, I consider but then decide no on doggy and lazy dog, content to enjoy the frontal view, play with the clit, then brace for some final deep thrusts until completion.

    She cleans up, gets dressed, and once again uses the small remainder of the time for an upper head massage. It wasn't earth shattering, no PSE, no GFE, but friendly and still nice enough for the last totality of the year.

  4. #4
    99 Premium Member (特級會員) 11Bravo's Avatar
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    Learning to walk

    The Dungeon Part 1 Thursday 14:00

    Again, reading about this place at 775 A Anzac Parade, now called Chinese Therapy Clinic, wanted to try. Looking down the flight of stairs reminded me of the inverse of BKK's Patpong The Rose bar, UP a flight of stairs. That bar had ONCE been a place, but now fallen on hard times. Managed to resist its gravitational pull of good memories. But the CTC had a similar effect, luring me down to...

    Rang the bell, seemed like a long time, but in actuality, only a minute or two, door opened. Attractive MILF, at least the face was an order of magnitude better than Station's. Invited in, asked what I wanted. Once again, no doubt the type of shop. Besides the "massage or relax" verbal question, there was also the universal pantomime of fist to mouth so it seemed that oral was part of the relaxation. Mamasan said that "anything was possible" which really sounded like a very skilled carnival barker. Opted for 45 minutes, divided between GOOD massage and relaxing. Talking with the mamasan, when I mentioned it'd been a long ride on the plane, she recommended 60 minutes which I Ok'd. I also showed the drool photo, and, of course, anything could be provided. 120 all inclusive. Fine. Again the toilet, and on returning to the desk, asked hopefully if she'd be the masseuse. She laughed and said, no, she just manned the desk (though I came to question that later).

    Paid the money, back to the room. Had to wait in the room about 10 minutes for the masseuse to finish with a previous customer. Lucy came in, another MILF, not bad. I said I wanted a good massage, BBBJ, CIM. Her accent was thick, and I'm not sure of her English, but she knew the basic words of the profession. Of course, when I went to bring up the photo, my phone breathed its last gasp of battery and died. Oh well, mamasan had been in a Mandarin discussion with Lucy before she entered the room, so I assumed all had been explained. (You know what they say about assume: it makes an ass out of u and me. I stripped, laid down on the table, and she stripped. Again, not bad, late 30's, perhaps 40 ish MILF, OK body, decent rack. She began the massage, and she knew massage. VERY enjoyable, VERY relaxing. She had to ask me several times if I was sleeping. Time passed, and when she mentioned the flip, I had a chance to look at the clock. Seems almost 45 minutes had passed. Standing at the side of the table, she got right down to business, bending over to suck. Again, it was a decent BBBJ, no hands, little tissue. Oil was struck and she quickly grabbed a tissue and closely spit; no curtain call. Oh well, the massage made up for it. Touching was allowed, but not encouraged, legs basically kept together. I took it that she knew massage, THAT was her profession, and the extras were just to satisfy the customer. IMHO. Couple of minutes left, finished with a very nice (upper) head massage.

    WIR: yes, probably. Price was right, massage was great, and perhaps the extras could be delivered with a bit more warmth (note, the money was paid to the mamasan directly, not to the masseuse). Something to keep in the back pocket before crossing the street for some Cole's shopping.

  5. #5
    99 Premium Member (特級會員) 11Bravo's Avatar
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    The Dungeon Part 2

    Following week, went back to visit the Dungeon on Tuesday, around 15:00. Rang the bell, took a bit longer to answer, mamasan said they were busy, could I come back in 30 minutes. OK, reluctantly agreed. Returned in 30, let in, led to room. One other masseuse besides mamasan, and it did seem that mamasan WAS busy herself.

    In the room, different masseuse, another MILF, decent face, seemed less of a rack than Lucy. Asked for the toilet. She kept me from leaving the room until she checked that the coast was clear; mamasan was not around, the door to the other room was closed, and I assumed that mamasan was picking up some slack. Returning, explained what I wanted, massage, BBBJ, CIM. That seemed to be OK, but when shown the drool photo, she demurred, said couldn't. I don't know, perhaps she thought I wanted to take a photo of her. When I asked about her massage ability, she said she'd try. Finally, when I asked the price, she said 130. I said I had paid 120 just last week and she grimaced. The sum total was that I declined. Mamasan was busy cleaning up the other room after services were rendered, which I assume would be a task for the provider. Wanted to get mamasan's wechat and explained that it wasn't going to work. She didn't seem surprised, and hidden from the masseuse, mentioned I should come back tomorrow when there would be a better selection. Left.

    Bit disappointed in the whole matter. If I had been told initially that good immediate service was not possible, I was familiar with another MP in the immediately vicinity and would have gone there. But the small delay resulted in my window of opportunity being closed. But I will try again if just to see what else is on offer. I know there is another shop, but that was is off limits for me.

  6. #6
    99 Premium Member (特級會員) 11Bravo's Avatar
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    Experience (hers, not mine) Counts

    Yuki, 158 Bondi Massage.

    Given her fame, decided to give her a try for some edging. Called around 10:30, asked for an early afternoon appointment, got 15:00. Fine. Bit of a ride on public transport, but I do enjoy the public transport here, and a chance to see new parts of the city. Get there, bus stop a block down from the shop, stall a bit until 14:50, and walk in the shop.

    Head peers around the edge of the stairs. Face is one of those ageless PRC's. "Busy". I say I have a booking at 15:00 with Yuki. "I'm Yuki. You have a booking?" Yea, called you at 10:30 this morning. Oops, perhaps she hadn't had her morning coffee, she'd forgotten. "Could you come back in 20 minutes, eh, make that 14:30?" I point out it's already 15:00, you mean 15:30? OK, not happy, but I had put in the time to get here, so why not.

    Came back at 15:25, Yuki was downstairs, waiting. Toilet is downstairs, then up the NARROW stairs to the room. NARROW room, just room for the table and almost enough room on either side for a person. 60 minutes, cost 70, "we can talk about extras later". I hand her 70 PLUS a pineapple. She smiles, says "you know, OK, nude".

    Part 1: I strip, she comes back, stays fully clothed. Massage starts, and it's a GREAT massage, hands, forearms, elbows, the works. Into the massage, she excuses herself, another customer. A brief "come back in 20"; I check my watch, hmmm, that's cutting into MY time, and I'm selfish. Not a major lapse, and the massage begins again. Back, head, shoulders, legs. Another buzz, another customer, quickly handled with a come back in 30. That's more like it. During the hamstring massage, there's been some reaching in, reaching under, for some nice teasing.

    Part 2: Hear some rustling, her clothes are off. Yes, she's small, but there is something there, she's not flat. Again, one of those ageless PRC's full length. Some nice B2B, her doing the "doggie scratches his ass on the carpet" routine, very nice feeling. I can't say if any touching is allowed, I'm just along for the ride. Flip, she's standing on the side of the table. Nice TEASING HJ, SOFT touching of the little head, thumb massage, whatever. I specifically ask her about edging, figuring she's heard the term. Nope, not in her vocabulary, but her technique is good enough for government work. She then uses the 2 hand joy stick wrap around grip, speeding up, but I'm not ready so ask her to slow down. She readily does, back to the teasing. At some point, I give her the nod, and she goes into final approach mode, both hands on the stick. Mission accomplished.

    She cleans me up, cleans herself, dresses. Oil has been used, and at some point, she has brought in a HOT towel to wipe the oil off front and back (first wipe must have been before part 2). Nice touch due to no shower. Towel is now draped on my torso, and she proceeds, with the time left, with an arm and hand massage, each side, then a head / face massage. Times up, I'm happy. DO be careful on exiting; that FIRST step DOWN the NARROW stairs is something as there is NOT great lighting; you trip and fall, it's a LONG way down... On the way home, I was COMPLETELY relaxed, from head to toe, completely. What did the Michelin guide say, "worth the trip".

  7. #7
    Junior Member(有D料到)
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    Getting around

    Thanks for the reviews. You definitely get around the city. Great reading

  8. #8
    99 God Member (神級會員) AHLUNGOR's Avatar
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    From Sydney CBD to Central
    Welcome to the forum 11Bravo,

    Excellent works mate, you were in fine form last light.

    And thanks for sharing. Particularly the one with Yuki, definitely worth the 40 something trips I had made to see her over the years.

    A very informative description of the Bondi shop as well.

    And don’t sell yourself short, those were Not the works of a Newbie.

    Please keep them cuming.


  9. #9
    99 Premium Member (特級會員) 11Bravo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AHLUNGOR View Post
    Welcome to the forum 11Bravo,

    Excellent works mate, you were in fine form last light.

    And thanks for sharing. Particularly the one with Yuki, definitely worth the 40 something trips I had made to see her over the years.

    A very informative description of the Bondi shop as well.

    And don’t sell yourself short, those were Not the works of a Newbie.

    Please keep them cuming.

    Thanks, especially coming from a well known member such as yourself. Given that you and I share a common affection for Spanish, I've used quite a bit of the info provided by you to be successful in my language pursuits. I'll be posting some more with specific shop tags, along with some other punts here.

    And yes, Newbie HERE, but not to the hobby.

  10. #10
    Super Fans (忠實Fans)
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    That is indeed quite a lineup.
    Will wait for more in the coming days .
    Punt on !

  11. #11
    99 Premium Member (特級會員) 11Bravo's Avatar
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    Early punt from last year

    Having read about another shop in Maroubra, 108 Maroubra Road, just past the police station, ventured inside on a Tuesday. Still taking baby steps, just to see what possibilities existed (Maroubra is "Goldilocks" for me, far enough from the homestead but close enough via public transport).

    One masseuse, Alice, "at bat", heard other noises from the back. Seems it's one of the shops that order the masseuses by turn. I wasn't overwhelmed by the looks, asked who would do the massage, she would. Asked for the toilet (one of the FEW benefits of being, I say mature, you say "old"). Passed by the break room, another masseuse there, but nothing that would supersede the current one. I just decided to stay, not only in the shop, but with the "at bat" masseuse. I just considered it batting practice.

    Here, the cubicles had solid walls that didn't go to the ceiling (as I remember), along with a curtain door. Stripped, laid a pineapple on the edge of the table. Massage was descent if unremarkable, except for, at one point, I felt like she was walking on my back. Wasn't quite certain, but certainly seemed like it. On the flip, I did see horizontal poles suspended from the ceiling, so it must have been fact.

    Part 2 was a simple NHJ. OK rack, nothing remarkable, as was the HJ. Functional, serving its purpose.

    WIR: no, but this seems to be the shop where "Nancy" once worked. Current status unknown.

    The ONLY reasons I mention this are:
    1. If you're interested in back walking, this seems to be on offer, or at least a possibility.

    2. You don't meet an all-star EVERY time. You enjoy the experience AND the fact that NOW YOU KNOW.

  12. #12
    99 Premium Member (特級會員) 11Bravo's Avatar
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    Evaluate the Validty of Your Sources

    A link to an AR posted in another thread about false advertising. Included here for completeness and as a warning to be careful of certain sources and fits under the tag "Other".

    As Mom used to say, "Don't cut off your nose to spite your face". It wasn't a case of accepting a bad situation, just accepting a reasonable alternative.

  13. #13
    Loyalty Member(超級無聊鬼) 17012430's Avatar
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    What a great entry to the forum. Welcome!

  14. #14
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    Education is Expensive

    Person's Name : Momo

    Establishment : Summerville

    Month/Year of Visit : Jan 2023, 11:30 am

    I'd tried several legendary ladies at Summerville (Pen, Ice), and now wanted to expand my experiences. Picked Momo based on the photo. MY experience, Summerville's photos are accurate, even if some of them (say Donna) are positioned for the most favorable impression. Arrived, up to the room, and on the journey up the stairs, my heart was "all a flutter". Momo was wearing a MICRO dress and clearly had forgotten her panties. She leading the way, with every step, every swish of the dress, got a nice view of the lower cheeks with no g-string strap. Yes, indeed, I assumed that this would be memorable... It was, BUT not in the way I imagined. You know what they say about assume - it makes an ass out of u and me.

    So, up to the room. Her Summerville "bio" said she was "open minded", she knew how to dress, and she knew EXACTLY what was on display. Into the room, I took a shower, stripped, and got on the table. As per MY norm, laid a pineapple beside my head; it had always worked before. Momo was from Taiwan. But all my attempts at conversation went NOWHERE. I'd have gotten more response from a chatbot v1, monosyllabic responses, NOTHING initiated from her. Bio said "good English" but I've have better responses from "no English" girls - at least they try.

    Massage was putting me to sleep, though NOT in a good way. BORING... BORING... BORING, it's the BORING alert. Towel over any part of the body she was working on, so no skin-to-skin contact. I might be old, but I'm not diseased. It was simple squeezing, 1 hand per leg, working up to the hamstring, then back down, never close to the Y, always staying either at the foot of the table or at the lower end. Again, and again, and again, BORING. The switch to the back did not improve things. She stood at the side of the table, reaching across, again with a towel barrier, pushing, moving up the back, down the back, up the back, down the back. Seriously, I really was falling asleep it was so boring. It was the worst massage I've had here; at least at Station Street, there was some teasing. Here, none.

    On the flip, she asked about extras. I pointed to the pineapple on the table beside my head. She HADN'T seen it, which should have been NO surprise given she'd never moved past my waist. MY conclusion was that she was concerned that I might take advantage of her dress state, or lack thereof. But that's not really my style unless I have permission.

    This was a case of a deadly embrace. Given her dress, I was waiting for an extra offer, she was waiting for me (I guess). She now mentioned NHJ, I said yes, and she stripped. Nice rack, nice body, but she again positioned herself at my waist. Only by really stretching could my fingers graze her side or leg, but fondling was obviously NOT on the agenda. She made NO offer of any type of upgrade.

    Still the optimist, I enquired about Spanish. She didn't understand, so a bit of pointing and simple words got the message across. Now it's a known fact that light travels faster than sound, so I had my answer immediately, just by the expression on her face, one of utter horror and disgust, as she actually physically drew away, even before the "NOOOOOOOO!!!!" reached my ears.

    OK, here's a lemon, some lemonade? Her HJ was of the butterchurn type. Again, pretty difficult to screw up a HJ, but she managed. I would have had better luck with a robot, because MAYBE there might have been some programming for a little bit of expression. Seems we both had reached the same place, each of us wishing fervently that we were someplace else. Being a cheap charlie, I closed my eyes, forgoing vision of the young lady with the nice body in front of me, imagining I was with another. Eventually, came to the conclusion we were both wishing for.

    Now one thing about Summerville, reception does call the room for, what it seems like, a 15 minute warning. Annoying to say the least. Momo answered, told me I should take a shower. Silly me, I thought it was clean MYSELF up (seems she had no interest in ANY type of contact), then return for, again, my experience, a head massage to fill out the time. Now, I DON'T need 15 minutes to shower, dress, put on my makeup... As I exited the shower, she was busy cleaning the room, including stripping the table, which again, light vs sound, I knew before she said "finished". Yea, duh.

    Now curiosity had me ask, "Next time..." (her look was a traditional WTF), "next time, do you do full service?" Answer was yes. How much? $130 (as I remember). Fine. Unlike others there, she bolted from the room first, disappearing, no showing me the way out. 1 hour, delivered just a bit under 50 minutes. A $140 debacle.

    But lessons learned (I was still in junior high): make YOUR interests known at the start. Assume nothing is understood. While some girls will offer upgrades, others won't. Silence is not golden unless you're interested in wasting some of yours.

    My take, she was ONLY interested in 1st class extras, and considered me a BUDGET ECONOMY class customer, wasting her precious time. And given my (I say) maturity, (you say) old, she wanted nothing to do with me, relying on her looks rather than service.

    But enquiring minds want to know, so I did book her, ready to pay First Class. I expected grimness, but did want to try before I complained, just so I would know HER experience with ME. However, the punting gods intervened, thankfully, providing for a much more enjoyable experience.

  15. #15
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Wow there are lots of shops in Maroubra

  16. #16
    99 Premium Member (特級會員) 11Bravo's Avatar
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    Person's Name : Jasmine

    Establishment : Bodytone 299

    Month/Year of Visit : Dec 2022

    I'm old enough to remember life BEFORE the internet, and am amazed at the info it can find. Searching one day, I stumbled across Bodytone 299, Anzac Parade. Checked their roster (no photos), and found 2 Indians on the roster, one, Jasmine DD. Now that's an itch I've wanted to scratch for a long time, and from traveling far and wide, when an opportunity presents itself, I go for it.

    I was a bit leery as it was only my 2nd punt here, but... shop opened at 11:00, I was there at 11:07 (not that I was eager, I just wanted the best possibility to catch that large breasted Indian). Actually 1 punter ahead of me on the stairs. He had rung the bell, door opened, he walked in, asked if he had a booking (he had) and he was led to a room and the girl summoned. Next up, me. I didn't have a booking, so was shown a room and asked to wait. I would wait to see what happened, then ask.

    Here, lineups are done right. The available girls, sequentially, come into the room, introduce themselves and their nationality (hi, I'm Cathy from China; hi, I'm Tina from Thailand; hi, I'm Claudia from Columbia). All are in lingerie; bra, mostly g-strings. At this time, there were 6 or 7 availability. About the 4th or 5th, it was "hi, I'm Jasmine from India". Bingo, jackpot. This girl was RAIL THIN, with some double D's sticking out. It was almost cartoonish, that mass on that THIN frame. If it was a doll, it wouldn't stand up on its 2 feet, toppling over. For the sake of completeness, I let the lineup finish, taking a chance that in the final couple of minutes, a new punter might arrive and claim my target. At the end of the lineup, I was asked to choose. Jasmine it was. Was told she'd be in shortly. She was, asked for and paid $160 for an hour.

    So, exploring UNKNOWN territory here. She asked me to take a shower (every room has a glass cubicle shower, toilet is down the hall). Stripped, showered, naked face down on the table. She starts a massage. Standard, average, nothing to see here. Not saying it was good, not bad. Being new, and being conscious of her nationality, I asked if touching was OK. It was; no groping, just some nice light touching (me on her). Some nice conversation during the massage, her English excellent if a bit accented.

    Time for the flip. She removed the bra and g-string. Now I am not expert, able to distinguish between D's, DD's, etc., but they were massive, only sag was due to gravity acting on mass. She was young, somewhere in her 20's. She was sitting near the far end of the table, doing some slight leg stroking. And... and... and... There we were. I was totally baffled, it was a blank slate to me. It's like, when I go to a restaurant, I like to see a menu, to know what's on offer. If no menu, then the waitress gives me the dishes of the day. Here, I was CLUELESS of what protocol was. Part of that, in my inexperience, my naiveté, her youth, her nationality, I didn't want to step out of bounds. Finally I reached back to the only thing I knew, NHJ. Yes, no problem, which she delivered with finesse. Cleaned me up, bit more massage, I jumped in the shower, then she did (sequentially).

    Trying to salvage SOMETHING from this incredibly expensive NHJ, to gain some knowledge, I NOW (idiot) asked about Spanish. Yes, possible. Wanting to know the breadth of what was available, asked if she did FS and how much. Yes, possible, $130. OK, obviously LATE, but at least now I knew, and had info for a return/pass decision.

    Lesson for today: check your shyness at the door, she has heard it ALL before. The worst she can say is "No". (Well, I guess she could run screaming from the room, but I would think that's rare.)

    SIDEBAR: I STILL don't understand this pricing structure. Normal hour massage is $70, VERY standard (OK Summerville is $90, but that's hotel room nice). $50 for a NHJ, $50 more for extras. What the $160 gets you, BY DEFAULT? I do remember reading one AR where a punter was yelled out and asked to leave when he started asking services provided during the introductions... It's not a brothel, it's a massage shop with the standard "NO sex" signs (ha, ha) posted. So what should/could you expect as the default for this price?

    To be continued...

  17. #17
    99 Premium Member (特級會員) 11Bravo's Avatar
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    Person's Name : Jasmine

    Establishment : Bodytone 299

    Month/Year of Visit : Feb 2023

    Some fantasies demand to be transformed into reality. No getting around it. Life is too full of regrets anyway. This one could be satisfied. Late December, called Bodytone to book Jasmine. She was off for the holidays, back in a month. Called late January, she'd start Sunday. Fine. Walking around Maroubra one late morning, trying to decide where. Considered Massage Center, but then I remembered Jasmine. What the hey, worth a shot (pun attended). Called, she was busy NOW, but in 30 minutes... Made an hour booking without any hesitation, and just enough time to take public transport to the shop.

    Up the stairs, doorbell, yes, I have a booking, Jasmine. Great, shown a room by a, from the back, very fetching backside in a g-string. Of course, forgetting any lessons, FORGOT to ask her name for future reference...

    Jasmine enters in the usual bra and g-string. VERY fetching. That GIRL is RAIL THIN, barely a hip flair, but that rack? Genetics? Something they put in the curry? And I knew they were legit... She remembers me; believable as I do stand out here, and we pick up on several discussion threads that we'd started the first session. She's a bit surprised and pleased that I've returned. Given the disaster of the original meeting, I'm not sure if I should be pleased or not.

    I knew the total price was OTT, brothel diamond plus category. But the opportunity was in front of me, and I was going to grab it with both hands (among other body parts). Paid the $160, confirmed FS was $130 (yes), stripped and jumped in the shower while she went to settle the bill. After drying off, pulled out $130 from my wallet, along with a condom (SO naive I was wondering if she had any - you ARE welcome to laugh).

    On the table, she returns, massage, again nothing to write home about. But I wasn't here for a massage; I am NOT repeating my earlier mistakes. (You WILL make mistakes, key is to LEARN from them and NOT repeat). I ask for the flip, I sit up, she puts on my condom (on ME, ha, ha), THEN starts the bj. Don't you just HATE it when the CORRECT order is reversed? With FEW exceptions, a CBJ doesn't do anything for me, and this is NOT an exception.

    I suggest we move on... She hops up on the table, perpendicular to the length, leaning back, ass on the edge of the table, feet on the edge of the table, legs in a V, bent at the knees. She is VERY dark, but that flash of pink is VERY enticing, standing out from her dark skin. She uses some lube on herself and me, and I position for entry, standing. Along with being VERY thin, she is VERY tight, and it is NOT a slip-n-slide process; takes some effort. Once in, besides her warmth, I give my hands something to play with - like I said, that rack is legit.

    This is fun, but variation is the spice of life. I request "change", and she lays lengthwise on the table for some missionary, legs spread. Still a push to enter. Again a change request to doggy, and she readily flips. That rear view is SOMETHING to behold, one of those "OK brain, take a mental snapshot". Some deep full thrusts, but then... FMTT, I misjudge the outstroke, and now I'm outside. The bold is correct because it's ONLY me, the condom is still in-situ. Bad but also good because the view of the white dangling condom contrasting with her dark skin, half out, is very erotic. I grab the condom and pull, there is tactile resistance (I said she was TIGHT). From experience, while it is POSSIBLE to re-coat a loose condom, it's really a time waster, and I do have a spare (lesson learned a LONG time ago).

    Before I can say anything, she says "no problem", jumps up, and grabs her clutch purse. Opens it, and my naivety flies out the window; the purse is FULL of condoms ("always be prepared" seems to have been learned by her). She's rifling through the condoms (no doubt looking for that extra large, but most likely looking for a cheap one). On it goes, mission continues.

    She turns around, bending over the table, one leg vertical, foot on the floor. The other leg is lifted up onto the table, along with the foot. An inverted "L". VERY fetching, and spread about as wide as possible. With a bit of pushing, re-entry is achieved, and off we go. Very fetching view, her slenderness EVIDENT. Not anorectic, no bones showing, just SLENDER. But I do want to enjoy the frontal view, so back onto the table in missionary. Very adept, she's got her legs tight around my waist, crab like. I reach the point of no return, deep as possible, and it's done.

    Even with the a/c, I'm sweating, and the shower is welcoming. After I finish, she showers. The Indian box has been checked (pun intended).

    Now, with any fantasy, the reality is most likely less. MY fantasy was with an Indian MILF in a sari... If those are 3 specifications, only one was met (the first). And here's some OBVIOUS news... while height, weight, hair, size, can vary, the BASICS are the same. So why Indian, PRC, Thai, Indo, European matter, certainly, they do, but why? Something I can't answer.

    WIR: would I repeat? Nothing to complain about, the experience was delivered. But the price... can pass, for ME, better value elsewhere. Now, if there ever was an opportunity for an Indian MILF in a sari - yes, I'd go for it. Otherwise,...well..., I've always been known as an Asian studies major.

  18. #18
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Quote Originally Posted by 11Bravo View Post
    Person's Name : Jasmine

    Establishment : Bodytone 299

    Month/Year of Visit : Feb 2023

    Some fantasies demand to be transformed into reality. No getting around it. Life is too full of regrets anyway. This one could be satisfied. Late December, called Bodytone to book Jasmine. She was off for the holidays, back in a month. Called late January, she'd start Sunday. Fine. Walking around Maroubra one late morning, trying to decide where. Considered Massage Center, but then I remembered Jasmine. What the hey, worth a shot (pun attended). Called, she was busy NOW, but in 30 minutes... Made an hour booking without any hesitation, and just enough time to take public transport to the shop.

    Up the stairs, doorbell, yes, I have a booking, Jasmine. Great, shown a room by a, from the back, very fetching backside in a g-string. Of course, forgetting any lessons, FORGOT to ask her name for future reference...

    Jasmine enters in the usual bra and g-string. VERY fetching. That GIRL is RAIL THIN, barely a hip flair, but that rack? Genetics? Something they put in the curry? And I knew they were legit... She remembers me; believable as I do stand out here, and we pick up on several discussion threads that we'd started the first session. She's a bit surprised and pleased that I've returned. Given the disaster of the original meeting, I'm not sure if I should be pleased or not.

    I knew the total price was OTT, brothel diamond plus category. But the opportunity was in front of me, and I was going to grab it with both hands (among other body parts). Paid the $160, confirmed FS was $130 (yes), stripped and jumped in the shower while she went to settle the bill. After drying off, pulled out $130 from my wallet, along with a condom (SO naive I was wondering if she had any - you ARE welcome to laugh).

    On the table, she returns, massage, again nothing to write home about. But I wasn't here for a massage; I am NOT repeating my earlier mistakes. (You WILL make mistakes, key is to LEARN from them and NOT repeat). I ask for the flip, I sit up, she puts on my condom (on ME, ha, ha), THEN starts the bj. Don't you just HATE it when the CORRECT order is reversed? With FEW exceptions, a CBJ doesn't do anything for me, and this is NOT an exception.

    I suggest we move on... She hops up on the table, perpendicular to the length, leaning back, ass on the edge of the table, feet on the edge of the table, legs in a V, bent at the knees. She is VERY dark, but that flash of pink is VERY enticing, standing out from her dark skin. She uses some lube on herself and me, and I position for entry, standing. Along with being VERY thin, she is VERY tight, and it is NOT a slip-n-slide process; takes some effort. Once in, besides her warmth, I give my hands something to play with - like I said, that rack is legit.

    This is fun, but variation is the spice of life. I request "change", and she lays lengthwise on the table for some missionary, legs spread. Still a push to enter. Again a change request to doggy, and she readily flips. That rear view is SOMETHING to behold, one of those "OK brain, take a mental snapshot". Some deep full thrusts, but then... FMTT, I misjudge the outstroke, and now I'm outside. The bold is correct because it's ONLY me, the condom is still in-situ. Bad but also good because the view of the white dangling condom contrasting with her dark skin, half out, is very erotic. I grab the condom and pull, there is tactile resistance (I said she was TIGHT). From experience, while it is POSSIBLE to re-coat a loose condom, it's really a time waster, and I do have a spare (lesson learned a LONG time ago).

    Before I can say anything, she says "no problem", jumps up, and grabs her clutch purse. Opens it, and my naivety flies out the window; the purse is FULL of condoms ("always be prepared" seems to have been learned by her). She's rifling through the condoms (no doubt looking for that extra large, but most likely looking for a cheap one). On it goes, mission continues.

    She turns around, bending over the table, one leg vertical, foot on the floor. The other leg is lifted up onto the table, along with the foot. An inverted "L". VERY fetching, and spread about as wide as possible. With a bit of pushing, re-entry is achieved, and off we go. Very fetching view, her slenderness EVIDENT. Not anorectic, no bones showing, just SLENDER. But I do want to enjoy the frontal view, so back onto the table in missionary. Very adept, she's got her legs tight around my waist, crab like. I reach the point of no return, deep as possible, and it's done.

    Even with the a/c, I'm sweating, and the shower is welcoming. After I finish, she showers. The Indian box has been checked (pun intended).

    Now, with any fantasy, the reality is most likely less. MY fantasy was with an Indian MILF in a sari... If those are 3 specifications, only one was met (the first). And here's some OBVIOUS news... while height, weight, hair, size, can vary, the BASICS are the same. So why Indian, PRC, Thai, Indo, European matter, certainly, they do, but why? Something I can't answer.

    WIR: would I repeat? Nothing to complain about, the experience was delivered. But the price... can pass, for ME, better value elsewhere. Now, if there ever was an opportunity for an Indian MILF in a sari - yes, I'd go for it. Otherwise,...well..., I've always been known as an Asian studies major.
    Amazing review mate! Any ideas where is she now as she is no longer on roster?

    $290 seems ok for 1 hour.

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