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Thread: $750/week Disaster Payment (yay/nay)?

  1. #1
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    $750/week Disaster Payment (yay/nay)?

    With the recent increase for Covid19 Disaster Payment in NSW to $750/week now, how does brothers here feel about that?

    I know it is nothing, knowing in sydney, we need at least $1600/week to survive with mortgage, bill, and family. Of course, it is different case for younger people who doesnt feel the burden yet.

    Ive been getting mixed feelings about this because I am not eligible, but at the same time, knowing that our tax will increase once covid19 finished, and not getting my hands on this free money now meaning i am literally donating a.t.m.

  2. #2
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    Well it's better than nothing and a lot more than the pension (I get neither).....

  3. #3
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Quote Originally Posted by bistro View Post
    With the recent increase for Covid19 Disaster Payment in NSW to $750/week now, how does brothers here feel about that?

    I know it is nothing, knowing in sydney, we need at least $1600/week to survive with mortgage, bill, and family. Of course, it is different case for younger people who doesnt feel the burden yet.

    Ive been getting mixed feelings about this because I am not eligible, but at the same time, knowing that our tax will increase once covid19 finished, and not getting my hands on this free money now meaning i am literally donating a.t.m.
    There is no fee money everyone will be paying for this for the rest of our lives but I hear what you are saying I don't get anything myself

  4. #4
    Junior Member(有D料到)
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    Yeah, I don’t get anything either

  5. #5
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    at least it’s way better than JK or JS. They were 550-600. It’s not long to go till 4 weeks will end. I saved more money staying home without travel, petrol, buying outside food. I calculated that i had only spent 500 in groceries and bit of take away food since start of 1month lockdown. Normally i spent 250-300 per week in just food & petrol.

  6. #6
    99 King Member (帝皇會員) GoldfishMan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by suka02 View Post
    at least it’s way better than JK or JS. They were 550-600. It’s not long to go till 4 weeks will end. I saved more money staying home without travel, petrol, buying outside food. I calculated that i had only spent 500 in groceries and bit of take away food since start of 1month lockdown. Normally i spent 250-300 per week in just food & petrol.
    There were 239 new cases today. Still think we're gonna be out of this in 4 weeks? It's looking like an exponential curve now.

  7. #7
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Here,there and everywhere in between.
    No chance this will be over in 4 weeks. At the current rate there will be 500 new cases per day in a fortnight.

    There is going to need to be a lot more support offered before this is all over.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by GoldfishMan View Post
    There were 239 new cases today. Still think we're gonna be out of this in 4 weeks? It's looking like an exponential curve now.
    Will blow out for a while still, the protestor influx hasn't yet come to fruit.
    my prediction is we will be locked down a further mth the way things are going.
    Getting bored now but other than that its not too bad.

    All in all $750 a week is bloody awesome, its not like that kind of money just drops outta the sky for you

  9. #9
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Bye bye exit from lockdown. I think we will be slapped with another 4 weeks of lockdown.
    Things are not looking good 😰

  10. #10
    Loyalty Member(超級無聊鬼)
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    Quote Originally Posted by GoldfishMan View Post
    There were 239 new cases today. Still think we're gonna be out of this in 4 weeks? It's looking like an exponential curve now.
    I said a while back that this will go into October maybe even November

  11. #11
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    didn’t expect to be 239 this morning. Thought was ranging 100-150. We failed it from the start had it too easy on things.
    Lot people will go crazy mentally for this longer lockdown, i dont mind myself. I don’t have business or credit card/loan. Infact with the gov. i intend to save lot more. Will have a blast in spending when this is over.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vader View Post
    I said a while back that this will go into October maybe even November
    Yep, I wouldn't mind getting a haircut at some time..take care, A 70 year old man with a mullet is not a good look, like an old man wearing headphones......

  13. #13
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Quote Originally Posted by warwick1 View Post
    Yep, I wouldn't mind getting a haircut at some time..take care, A 70 year old man with a mullet is not a good look, like an old man wearing headphones......
    i was just looking its been 6mths since i got a haircut but i'm just lucky my hair is slow lol

  14. #14
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Haven't read into the news too deeply as yet today...

    When do these increased disaster payments 'expire'? That will give an indication around how much 'scope' the state government has to continue the lockdown.

    239 new cases today, 66 of which were infectious while out the in community.

    Some sections of the media already reporting that the 'Crisis Cabinet' is already talking about what September might look like in terms of an extended lockdown.

    Percentages of the overall population vs those who are infected / in hospital / have died are what?

    There is no leadership. The alternatives at both State/Federal level is Labor? Wow...

    The majority of these cases are mild. If people aren't getting the message based on what has happened over the last 18 months to be respectful of their personal hygiene and how it can affect others around you, then we really are a selfish society.

    I'm happy to go and get vaccinated at the earliest opportunity, but at the moment that is no guarantee that is going to keep me and the rest of society out of lockdown.

    These lockdowns are bulls*** - there is something much bigger at play here than prevention, cure and reduction in spread of a virus.

    Even when we get our vaccination rates up to the same levels as some other countries around the world (mainly UK and US) - and then we still get 1000s of new transmissions daily once the shackles are off, do we really trust these idiots in State Parliaments across the country not to lockdown again in panic and also hard close borders? I certainly don't - again they aren't real leaders. They've show time and time again via National Cabinet that they don't care what mandates may be made or suggested at the Federal level and they are in it to protect their own interests.

    If NSW is truly the 'gold standard' for managing this pandemic - then how about we stop this fear mongering at the 11am press conferences every day (is that really all they do each day - write the fear script in preparation for the 11am PC) and realise that we are not going to 'zero'. What is our plan to co-exist with this? Get on with it Gladys !! The economy of our city & state cannot stay in lockdown any longer than the 28th August. You've got one month...

  15. #15
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    MDPorto: Percentages of the overall population vs those who are infected / in hospital / have died are what?
    Quick link to answer this question. Vaccination rates are on another link. It's a bit tricky to assess the two column charts (middle, bottom) due to the Y axis data divisions but I have accurate figures if you want them.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by suka02 View Post
    didn’t expect to be 239 this morning. Thought was ranging 100-150. We failed it from the start had it too easy on things.
    Lot people will go crazy mentally for this longer lockdown, i dont mind myself. I don’t have business or credit card/loan. Infact with the gov. i intend to save lot more. Will have a blast in spending when this is over.
    The government failed with its handling of international flight crew.. Responsibility lies solely on them..

  17. #17
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    MDPorto: I'm happy to go and get vaccinated at the earliest opportunity, but at the moment that is no guarantee that is going to keep me and the rest of society out of lockdown.
    There's quite a lot of commentary around the future when "full" vaccination is achieved. Some say it's the way out, others say it will enable us to live with the virus. There's a bit of truth in both these opinions but nobody can really make predictions as this unfolds. Regardless of how much govt desires it there will be a vaccine saturation point above which no more of the population will get vaccinated. There will always be a proportion that will be at risk.

    Using the UK as an example (because they are further down the track with a broadly similar demographic) reveals some interesting sociological turns.

    "Freedom Day" didn't quite pan out as everybody imagined. A part of the population are reluctant to come out of restrictions for various reasons, others embraced it but then got slapped with the news that "Vaccine Passports" were likely for entry to pubs, clubs, eateries etc. This has already been implemented in France, Italy etc.

    The NHS (National Health Service) app, which is optional and based upon Bluetooth proximity, pinged thousands. 1.6 million put into 10 day isolation, disrupting services and logistics. They're now having to exempt certain people to keep things going. This is simply a "soft" self imposed lockdown.

    A radio host returned form Spain and was advised by the NHS she was a casual contact of a positive case on the flight. Even though all passengers were required to take Lateral Flow tests prior to boarding she was put into isolation a week after arriving back into the UK.

    The ironical thing is that she:-

    a) Had Covid last year.
    b) Had positive antibody tests.
    c) Had double jabbed vaccination.
    d) Had no symptoms.
    e) Had two negative PCR tests.

    The UK has 71% fully vaccinated with 88% having one jab. It's also been calculated (but no firm data) that 90% of the population have antibodies.

    So if our various governments follow this philosophy (they often do) then getting back to "normal" and freedom from restrictions is years away, if ever.

  18. #18
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    According to this official site that tracks vaccination globally the UK is at 55% fully vaccinated...

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by dannyboy View Post

    According to this official site that tracks vaccination globally the UK is at 55% fully vaccinated...
    Sorry, rather than look at an "official" site I prefer to look at an official "official" site for govt statistics as per this link:-

    Unless you think the govt is telling porkies, that is!

  20. #20
    99 Premium Member (特級會員) rooter's Avatar
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    Money for nothin'. Can't argue with that.

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