Hi all recently I got a rather strange offer from a ML - would like to know if more experienced members can shed some light on this.

First of all, I frequent FS shops but do not often go to the rnt places. So this could be a rather trivial issue, but for my lack of experience with the rnt side of the game play.

This is the second time I met this Chinese ML, who, I would say, is quite young (under 30 for sure) and reasonably attractive. She gives a good massage and is quite pleasant to talk to. We also had decent conversation going throughout both sessions. So when I was in the mood, I asked if FS is available at the beginning of the part 2. The first time I asked her (in the previous encounter), she hesitated a little and said: "Not today, maybe if you see me next time." So when I saw her for the second time, I made the request again. She seemed to hesitate a bit, then said:"Not in here".

I was a bit puzzled but then she said:"We can meet at the outside, maybe at your home at the weekend." She then gave me her phone number (sent a neutral testing message afterwards and it is genuine). I was like:"...???" as this is the first time I was given this kind of offers.

So how should I proceed? I've been to the punting scenes for more than a few years and have got phone numbers from various wl (not ML as I don't go rnt often). I have also dated a few WLs (some for extended period of time and no, none were money diggers). But it always started with me asking for the phone number not the other way around.

Could more experienced members advice how I should proceed? Is her intention

  • Just doing the honest deal outside (i.e., I pay money, we go to bed)
  • Wanting to go on a semi outside date (i.e., I pay for a good meal or buy her stuff, we go to bed) and maybe see how things go
  • Anything else I am not aware?

I don't mind either the first or second options. I mean these days to get someone on tinder to go to bed with you, one often has to fork out a bit. No I am not desperate for a relationship, but am open to possibilities.

Maybe some background of me:
  • Chinese background, early 30-ish
  • Decent income (let's say post tax 6 figures - but all she knows is I work in the office)
  • In general considered polite and gentle by most girls

Any suggestions/recommendations/warnings/scolding from experienced members are welcome. And no, girl and shop details will not be shared either in the threads or via PM. Any guess as to who that girl is in the reply will not be answered. Thanks in advance.