Quote Originally Posted by MeaningOfLife View Post
I just came back from an amazing couple of massages.
My shoulder was really stiff and sore but it was also Friday which for me means Tiffany day.
So I was faced with a dilemma see the sexy seductress Tiff or get a good strong massage.

As it happened fate stepped in and gave me the best of both worlds.

I called trying the book Tiffany for 1 hour but for the time-slot I wanted only 30 mins was available.
Upon arriving I was once again welcomed by Vicki and explained my problem.
Vicki graciously offered Tiffany for 30 mins followed by another 30 by her!
This was an offer WAY too good to refuse.

So 30mins of fun time with the cute and sexy Tiffany(better than ever!) and then 30 with the absolutely skilled masseuse Vicky!

Let me just add that everything that people have said about Vicky's massage skills is 100% correct!

What an awesome double they make!
This is called MeaningOfLife! Well Said!