Hello brothers!

I am back after been absent from here for about 2year! I have been single again after 18 years of commitment.

Anyway been fooling around a few RNT and full service shop last few months and tried some really nice gals.
6 Cleg St Artarmon is still my favourite k doll place with wl at their early 20 for under$200/hr.

But this is not about 6 Cleg St Artarmon. I have been offered bbfs for a gorgeous 23 year old ml. I am quite shocked as you could imagined. I have seen this ml a few time and always have fun with part 2 but bbfs.... I turned her down by telling her I didn't have enough cash on me. Ever since I been thinking about her.

Should I take up the offer again next time we meet? Do you guys think she had feeling for me or just after the money? I would like to take up the offer if there is no emotion attached from her side.There are no shower at the shop and out of the last few times I was there I don't think anybody have fuck her or cip to her.

And please do not ask who and where as I DO NOT LIKE TO SHARE BBFS if I was the only one she chose as I do not and had not gone bbfs with a wl or ml ever.