My Hk fetish started from this video. (I wanted to embed, If someone know how to do it, let me know thanks!)

This CF is very old. Probably more than 20 years. When i was young,(please remember that I am officially early 20's in this forum LOL) i liked too much Donald and this CF, listen carefully his "sar larng hae yo, milkis!" Sexy..

Then when i was teenager, I mesmerised by many HK movies, such as Happy together, Mou gaam dou, in the mood for love.. From this time to now, Andy lau is my dream guy >_< even though he is older than my mum I would going out with him.

Then i came to Australia, met a lots of good looking HKies, most of times we had fun. 2 times I fall in love etc.

I don't know why i am still obsessed HKies,. I have met fish net stocking fetish, foot fetish but no one was like me! Hehe

Do u have a particular fetish?