I have only known about this forum for about the last six weeks, and the collective wisdom and knowledge I’ve found on it has been great. I can’t thank you enough for leading me to expand my mind and my sexual experiences. What a gift you have given.

Before this, for years, I had been punting in a complete solo vacuum, and stuck in a bit of a rut (literally!) Sometimes this led me to really unsatisfactory experiences, and I’ll just relate one here briefly that occurred quite while back at an anonymous shop somewhere in SW Sydney. It is the kind of experience, that if it had occurred recently and was broadcast in this forum, would be more than enough to remove the girl from a job she is in no way suited for, and also prevent the fraudulent removal of the folding stuf from anyone else’s wallet.

I was only given the choice of one girl and she looked slim and pretty enough, so ok, let’s do it. But when we got onto the bed she just lay there like a plank. And this before planking even became a craze. When I tried to warm things up with a few kisses and caresses, her lips stayed hard and cold - oh yeah, and closed too.

Well, alright, this isn’t working I thought, and I really wanted to retain some sense of mood and excitement, so I rolled onto my back to indicate it was time for some attention to be paid to ny cock.

The first thing she did was push my legs apart so that I was the one who became the starfish (and I really dislike being controlled like that.) This gave her enough room, as she knelt between my legs, so that my legs didn’t touch her body. She rolled on a condom, and then pulled a whole heap of tissues out of the box and put them all over my lower belly and groin, so that she didn’t have to touch my skin at all! I looked like I was about to be wheeled into major friggin’ surgery!

I fought down the rising mood killer by looking at the ceiling and deciding to concentrate on the feeling alone as she took me into her mouth. But unsurprisingly, she was no good at this either. She was holding my cock - in tissues! - too hard where it emerged from the large circle of white tissues on my belly. And I was aware of very little feeling apart from the too regular scraping of her teeth over my poor, sensitive head. It was like fucking through the slats of a white picket fence, hoping there wasn’t a dog on the other side of it.

This was hurting me more than anything, so I got her to stop. I don’t know how I was still hard, but I was, and I decided to just finish things off while I was still capable of it - about ten minutes into my half hour. I got on top of her, after she had applied some lube and I pushed in, but she just wasn’t flexible. You know that shithouse feeling guys, where you can feel her thighs - not her pussy - pushing back against you everytime you push forward? Like she is trying, in a symbolic way, to push you back out of her? It makes it a struggle, a pyschological struggle, more than a physical one, though it is that too.

But with a big mental effort, I just upped the pace and was lucky to come about two minutes later, but not too well because there had been such a shithouse build-up. I then showered and got the fuck out of that shop never to return.

I think the term “punters” refers much more to the fact that we are up for it, engaged, more than just in the gambling sense of the word. I used to have to judge within one minute of meeting a girl just what she was going to be like, and I did try my best at that. Butt his forum means that I can gratefully put that part of my life behind me now, another gift on your part. One I will try to return in my own AR’s.

But I don’t want to get a negative vibe going too much on what is an overwhelmingly positive forum. To all the girls that have given me such fabulous experiences, or even just good to very good ones, and to who I have retained such appreciation and affection for, I love you!

And to the forum audience out there, I hope that your own negative experiences have been vey few and far between. My own ones only occurred, as I said, because I had been such a lost and solo punter for so long, but I now have you, my forum, as my friend and guide.