here are a few Haiku I wrote tonight.
They are pretty crap but I just thought I would share them with you bros.
Actually, strictly and technically speaking they are not even Haikus
There are very strict rules about what is a Haiku and I have broken them all.
But who gives a fuck!
Haiku, Jazz, Sex, Poetry, Life ... who give a flying fuck about rules ... just do ... just ENJOY!

Here they are ...

Youthful Nippon girl
Pert full breasts,
tight wet pussy
You emptied my balls

Crouched in baku* position
She submissively accepts
My offering

*Japanese for doggie

Full round bottom
The sound of two balls slapping.
The echo of ecstasy

Empty wallet
Empty balls
My heart is filled with joy.

Satori is only 19
Epiphany just turned 20
Nirvana is all of 21

Doggie, mish, cowgirl
Position, position, position

Nipple, pussy, clit
Cock, balls, cum


Hugging in the doorway
We politely say mata ne
but in our hearts
we know it's sayonara

Kimochii! Kimochii!
Iku! Iku! Iku!