I've seen in the past where users of this forum have submitted negative reviews, and for whatever reason, often these guys would get attacked or criticised (and unfairly). But I know when I read these reviews I value them as much as the positive reviews. So hopefully, there will be some of you who will appreciate this review.

I have had poor experiences in the past with some girls, but I figure you get what you pay for. I have never had bad service in the $300+ range previously until Audrey. So when I have had the poor service it's been in the under price $200 range and so I let it slide.

However, I feel compelled to write a review about my booking with Audrey - the starfish princess, given I had to pay $350 for the privilege. And I guess I'll prepare myself for all the other users that will come to her defence and of MOC and critique/attack my review.

Basically, if you are short on time, my issues with her were:

1. no DFK - I had to constantly ask if she could use her tongue to kiss. Her lips were sealed like a clam, and maybe once or twice I caught sight of her tongue
2. She was a starfish in bed - no affection or effort.
3. she clock watched. It ended up being a 45 min session. What do you do when the girls wants to finish and says times up - it just kills the moment when you have to say, "Are you sure - we have some more time left?" I could have said something, but then everything becomes so awkward.

I had an early indication that something was wrong because when I tried to kiss her in the shower, she pulled away, but I just put it down to her slowly warming into the action. She was quite good at talking and having a conversation - she was happy to do that. But unfortunately, it was like that for the rest of the session - no DFK (at least there was plenty of pussy juice - so she must have been turned on enough, but not enough to give me a GFE).

And before you ask - no, I didn't smell -I had used mouthwash etc etc and I was friendly etc and this was early evening so she wasn't tired.

To add to my misery, the booking started more than 30 mins late - MOC mucked me around with apartments. They told me to go to the lobby of Apartment/hotel A. So I wait there for 10 mins. Then they tell me to go to Apartment B. James takes me up to the Apartment - stinks of smoke, there's a vacuum cleaner in the entrance to this tiny bedroom and cigarette butts in an ash tray next to the bed. so then he tells me to go back to the lobby of the first place and wait there. Finally can go up to the room - small and pokey - classy (not).

Straight after my session I called MOC to voice my disappointment. After 2 days of going back and forth with MOC, it became a case of he says, she says. Obviously, Audrey is going to deny everything. So in the end MOC has refused to do anything. Not sure what happened to the philosophy of the customer is always right. I would have thought as a goodwill gesture MOC could have offered some sort of discount for a future booking with another girl. The reality of the situation hit home when they said if I could prove that Audrey had done the wrong thing, then Audrey would have to agree to refund me $50 (this is how much they said I could get back if she agreed to it). So of course she is going to say she provided excellent service - and after all she has gone into this business to make money - not to give it back.

No doubt, there will be others who will have had a better time with Audrey and the old saying about YMMV gets wheeled out. But as a regular user/reviewer on this forum, others should be aware that just like me, it could be hit or miss with her, and given there are plenty of other agencies around, definitely think about booking a girl who you know will give consistently good service.

Anyway, hopefully, I won't have any more dud roots for a long time to come - such an expensive bloody waste of time and money. And hopefully, I have saved some users/readers of this forum some money and time as well by writing about this.