It seems like every time I go punting, maybe once every 3-6 months, I end up with a sore throat, or a cold or something. All STD tests I've ever done due to being scared have come back false.
This week I went to a pretty popular shop on pitt street to see an ML; had BBBJ but nothing else. No FS, no kissing, or anything to do with my mouth. Just her jerking, and BBBJ... and somehow I've now got a sore throat.

Has anyone else experienced this? Is it just because I don't go punting enough, and that punting is the adult equivalent to a kids daycare center where it's one of the few times other humans spit, piss and possible fecal matter and things might come into contact with your mouth, eyes and nose, and if you're not commonly exposed to it you're going to get a cold?

The place was clean, and the lady was a cute 20 something year old asian girl with no visible sores or anything. She looked healthy and good. She definitely wasn't sick...
Well, just to be safe in terms of STDs is there any advice on when I should get tested just to be sure? 2 weeks was the correct show up time right?