Person's Name : Abbie

Establishment : Private

Month/Year of Visit : Aug 23

Contact Details/Address/Weblink :

Phone : 0410154234

Hours of Business : 10:30am - 10pm

Rates : $300 ph (no extras available)

Extras Cost : na

Services Provided This Session : FS

Age : 25 (looks early 20s)

Size/shape : slim, tall, tiny titties

Nationality or Ethnicity : Korean

Value for money/recommend? : Yes

My experience/comments :

I’m posting this review here from another account I have because I see Abbie is back touring in Brisbane.

I read some good things about Abbie and was curious to see if she’s really as beautiful as people were saying.
I rocked up to her cbd apartment and I can say that she definitely is pretty, nice face, tall, and pleasant girl. I wouldn’t say she’s the most beautiful escort I’ve ever seen, as some describe but she’s definitely a good looking girl. She’s slightly shy at first but warms up during the session and I had a good time with her.
We started off with a quite standard cbj and then after a condom change, went through a few positions. She seems a little inexperienced but some would say that ads to her appeal.
Her build is slim and her titties are nice A cups. She’s a pleasure to talk to and after some cuddling/chatting we went for round two. It was pretty much a repeat of the first and that was fine. Some light kissing but no tongue or oral on her. She asked me to look at the mirror at one point and the view was pleasing, but that was as crazy as it got.
I can recommend her for anyone that’s cool with a vanilla service with an attractive young Korean.