Quote Originally Posted by chariot View Post
Agreed. Women do get suspicious if you act suspicious

But in many cases the man is just careless

Clear your wallets and pockets regularly. Ensure your phone has no clues

Women don't like finding these things: Box of condoms. A used condom. Female earring. Texts on phone from a lover.
Piece of paper with a woman's mobile number on it. A massage shop business card
Shopping receipts payment for with flowers or condoms.
Perfume on collar. Buying new clothes and looking more well groomed than usual

Women also don't like you texting secretly when you think noone is watching

If you leave crumbs (clues) lying around in your wallet or trousers or at home, and the Queen Bee will surely find them
If my partner found any of those she would not be suspicious , she would be packed and gone.