Hello brothers,

I'm long time quiet reader and this is my first real post here.. I've been to many places around sydney, rnt, fs, privates, and seen too many girls to remember.

Recently I've been seeing this same girl exclusively at rnt shop for 8 months, we started to go out outside the shop and you could guess, as I know her better as a person we somehow develop a mutual feeling and I fell in love with her.

I started to see her once a week, then twice, thrice and so on, in the shop or outside, and this soon becomes a pattern, everytime i see her i would give her financial help even when we dont do anything.

She is very intellectual girl and have clear mindset of what she wanted to achieve in life. I can see that although shes popular, she is struggling emotionally and doing it only to survive until this year. I can communicate with her and talked about anything, even porn and dick pics that always circulate on my guys only whatsapp group. This is what made me to fall in love with her, other than physical reason of course.

I am married, its going downhill however, and i've told her about it, and my marriage issues once i felt i have a feeling for her.. She was fine with it. I have now reached the point where I would leave it for her.

But couple weeks ago when i went to her place she cried and told me she is seeing another guy. He doesnt know what she does for living. Part of the reason is when she look at me, she always remember that we met at the shop and it brings her memories that she doesnt want to remember. She started to make distance to me, and although i said i wanted to support her financially, she disagrees.

She agrees to still see me outside, as a friend, I'm still madly in love with her and i still want to win her back but I feel I'm losing the battle here.. I should have known better.

One thing that could help me to step back is perhaps going back to seeing other girls, but at this point i feel its hurting more as i know i still love her and have no interest in punting.

I dont regret falling in love with her, I need to share and vent before I'm getting mad