Have been to quite a few places in Sydney
Also learnt a lot from Ahlungor/Caffrey, and the other people on here who share information and reviews

I have learnt that a lot of people on here are not serving a useful function
In otherwords they are shit stirrers, who rile up people who are actually reviewing
Examples I saw since I started visiting this site last year include Speech Writer, who was doing a good job, and then someone stirred him up wrong way, and he gets the boot
He is far most informative to me than 10 other of the non reviewers who are hear with small talk only
Creepyguy has posted some unacceptable stuff, including bare etc, but at least you can tell he is posting some true experiences - juist have to read between the lines
Caff posts things, and people say TLDR - when you look at what his critics write, the critics have written (NRTR - NO reviews to read)
Then I read from mods that you dont have to review to post in here. Fair enough

I also saw people pissing off Ahlungor, a guy who looks like he has been reviewing and posting threads for years and years. Writing a person off as a shill, when you arent contributing yourself, seems pretty unfair.

I know not to get pissed off by baiters, and so will ignore anyone who is just on here to annoy others and have nothing useful to add. I recommended this to other people too - if you are reviewing, be aware of the trolls, and call them up for this

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