So the time has come. This will probably be one of my last posts. The backstory is in one of my other threads but to summarise - I’ve got a problem. After reflecting for a while, I’ve realised how messed up I’ve become. A little bit of background - I’m in my mid-20s, work in the banking industry and for as long as I remember, have always been very driven and motivated. I went through a break up with my ex a few months ago, “coincidentally” got back into the punting scene, joined this forum and things have spiralled downhill from there. I’ve become addicted. In one of the threads , someone mentioned that “men think about sex 7000 times a day” – for the past few weeks, this number is definitely on the low end for me.

I’ve made up excuses along the way, I tried to fool myself into believing I was using punting to “try to improve my sex game”. The truth was, I was using punting to try and get over my ex. I was merely replacing one problem with another. And I know better than this – I’ve got things to do, goals to achieve, people to meet and a future right in front of me. Why waste it thinking about sex all day? Yes, I like to fuck but not when fucking is all I can think about. And sadly, that has become the case.

Things have got to change. I have to move on. It’s been an absolutely pleasure being on this forum and I enjoyed every moment of it. I used to think all punters are seedy old men and all WL’s are slutty bitches. But this forum has changed my perspective. All of you are intelligent, funny, knowledgeable and unique in your own way. Thank you guys for all your contributions.

Special mentions:

  • Punterman – for putting up with me. I have a lot of respect for you and look up to you in many ways. Please don’t take my “brash” comments personally. They were all “a bit of fun to lighten up the day”.
  • Speechwriter – for your publishable ARs. Really admire your ability to capture the moment and effort in pumping out those 3000 word masterpieces. Look forward to picking up a copy of your punting book in the future, I’m sure it will be a bit hit.
  • Christmas – for bringing fun and festivity to the forum. You are a very interesting character – smart, charismatic and truly engaging. All the best with your shops.
  • Harrycd – for being such a consistent contributor even though you’re new. It was great having you around.
  • Mr Bastard – for giving me support and advice when I needed it. All the best.
  • Targajajouka – for giving me some shop recommendations.

Some of the highlights:

  • Was exciting to start such a diverse discussion on Awkward lineups which ended up getting over 10k views in 2 days!
  • The prospect of Christmas coming out of retirement for a punt with Punterman, with the possibility of me joining for MMF. If this ever happens, please let us know!
  • Coming up with “crackpot” theories about what the world will be like in the future, with everyone in the thread thinking I’m some sort of nutcase (which is partly true).

My punting journey has come to an end. My last punt will probably be next week. Still haven’t decided where yet but it will be somewhere good.

Thank you everyone and all the best!