Bill_100 in his report on Ginza's Remi, said he was having some trouble with her "which was a blow to my ego, as I can usually get most girls to come without difficulty."

Without difficuty! Wow!

Bill_100, mate, could you offer everyone the techniques you use that you have found work best to make the girls come? This is your experience, which is so incredibly valuable to you, but also to the rest of us, and I would so appeciate if you could take a little bit of time in the necessary detail to help the rest of we brothers with this advice. And also help the girls we see of course!

What about the rest of you too. Are there really good techniques you have - even fail safe techniques - that you have found to work in your own experience to get the girls to orgasm?

I, for one, would print out the results of this thread and pin it over my toilet so that I could read it and remind myself of all this collected wisdom everytime I go for a slash. ie, more than a dozen times a day, seven days a week. And even with my slow brain, some of it would hopefully sink in eventually.