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Thread: Why being a high-class escort has made me a better mother - Samantha X

  1. #1
    99 God Member (神級會員) AHLUNGOR's Avatar
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    Why being a high-class escort has made me a better mother - Samantha X

    Just because she works in an industry that is frowned upon by some and feared by many, Samantha X wonders why people assume it affects her ability to be a good parent. Daily Telegraph 10/09/15

    How could that awful woman of loose morals possibly say being an escort makes her a better parent?

    In case you don’t know my story, I’ll sum it up briefly. I was a journalist for more than 15 years; first in London, before moving to Sydney, where I met the father of my children, who are now aged nine and six.

    Yet I was fiercely ambitious and at 36, worked three days a week in magazines as beauty director and two as a freelance TV producer. The money wasn’t great — the payback was mental health and sanity.

    Then my partner and I split, with 50/50 custody. I had no family, no support and had to juggle a pretty intense work schedule and two young children. Alone.

    I became that guilt stricken mother who dropped her kids off to school just as they were opening the gates and was the last one to pick them up at 6pm. At work, I was the harassed employee who would run into work late, and sneak off early to beat the traffic.

    I wasn’t doing either job very well. The kids needed me and so did my bosses. And I was letting both parties down.

    As for a social life? Pah! The men I dated left me feeling either used or suffocated. One “forgot” to tell me he was married because he “didn’t think it mattered”. I didn’t realise another date was a high profile criminal until I googled his name while on the loo during our dinner date.

    I was sick of being used and let down, never seeing my kids, and never having any money.

    So, to cut a very long story short, I did what I used to secretly dream about — I became a high-class escort.

    Yep, I decided if some man wanted to part with hundreds of dollars for an hour of my time, I jolly well was going to let him.

    And they did.

    At the peak of my new-found career, I was charging $1000 an hour. I was barely making that a fortnight in my “real” job working long days and taking work home with me.

    So, for the first time in my life, I did something extremely unconventional. At the grand old age of 40, I jacked in the real job, and swapped my computer and commuting for high heels and Agent Provocateur. And Samantha X was born.

    And suddenly, I was able to give my kids something I hadn’t ever given them much before — and that was my time.

    My role as Samantha saw me working two, maybe three evenings a week — and mostly the weeks when the kids were at their dad’s.

    It meant I could amble in the mornings, walk the kids to school for 9am, volunteer at the school canteen on Tuesdays, and be one of the first mums to pick the kids up at 3pm.

    School holidays were no longer a blur of reluctantly asking other parents for play date favours and spending a small fortune on vacation care. Samantha took a break and Mummy was home all day every day.

    My home was filled with the smell of cooking, new furniture and fresh flowers, not rushed takeaway, dogs that hadn’t been walked and damp clothes in the washing machine.

    My kids were getting the best of me, I had more disposable income and gone were the days of me coming home ratty and exhausted.

    Happy parent — happy kids.

    Before you unleash your disgust at me, just pause for a second.

    My kids have never been exposed to abuse, neglect, bullying, or danger. They are adored, popular and well adjusted kids I’m proud to be the mother of.

    Just because I chose to work in an industry that is frowned upon by some and feared by many, why on earth do you assume it affects my ability to mother?

    I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Your profession does not determine what kind of parent you are.

    Doctors do not necessarily make good parents and criminals do not necessarily make “bad” parents.

    Kids need oodles of your love, time, patience, nurturing and safety. And that’s it.

    What you do as an adult is really nothing to do with anyone apart from you.

    In the year I have gone public, not one person has said anything remotely negative to my kids about my job to them.

    In fact, since going public, I have been inundated with hundreds of emails from single mums around the world asking for help. These women are lawyers, bankers, teachers, counsellors. I even had a lady from the tax department wanting to know how to break into the industry.

    I’ve also set up an elite agency now, Samantha X Angels, employing some of these women, and most of my Angels are mums. One is even a grandmother.

    Recently, I mentored a mum of four young boys in London over the phone. Her husband died three years ago and she’s struggling. She wants me to mentor her to become an escort so she can support her kids.

    Does that make her a bad mother?

    The only people whose opinions I care about and will ever care about is that of my kids.

    So I will end this article with the wise words of the most intelligent and rational person I know; my six-year-old daughter.

    “Mummy, what you do for your work is your business and your business only.”

    I couldn’t have put it better myself.

    Samantha X is the author of Hooked (Random House).

    Without good customer services, there will be no business!!

    Directory of all my After Reports:

    This is what RnT is all about - photo thread:!!

  2. #2
    Loyalty Member(超級無聊鬼)
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    Interesting article. As a punter i see wl and ml as people first, so i do not think lesser of her due to her chosrn.profession. In some ways i admire thosr that choose to do it cuz i know it's something i could not do in their shoes.

  3. #3
    Loyalty Member(超級無聊鬼) garfield's Avatar
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    When the kids are small should not be too much problem, problem starts when they are older and if friends learned about the mom's job could pose a challenge.

  4. #4
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    She obviously can handle the job and good luck to her it seems to be working for her.

    I don't think any less of her cause she is a working lady but unfortunately it can be difficult for the children if their friends find out.

    Its a pity society doesn't just treat it as a job or profession they want to stick labels on it and a stigma.

    She is indeed fortunate to be able to earn $1000 per hour and so have lots of time and money to do the things she wants in life, in her case spend time with her children good luck to her well done.

  5. #5
    Super Fans (忠實Fans)
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    She is so hot

  6. #6
    Senior Member(無間使者) Milhouse's Avatar
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    Is she really worth 800-1000/hour??

  7. #7
    Super Fans (忠實Fans) cato's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Milhouse View Post
    Is she really worth 800-1000/hour??
    I agree... I don't think any hooker is worth $1000 an hour

  8. #8
    Loyalty Member(超級無聊鬼) garfield's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cato View Post

    I agree... I don't think any hooker is worth $1000 an hour
    Monetary value is all relative. To a business tycoon, 1000 is nothing.

  9. #9
    99 God Member (神級會員) AHLUNGOR's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cato View Post
    I agree... I don't think any hooker is worth $1000 an hour
    Yes and no brother Cato !

    I agree, for a straight out WL in a brothel, $200-$300/hr for an Asian girl and $200-$400 for a Caucasian girl Max .

    But for escorting with high class call girls , c-d list models/ celebrities, ex porn stars, ex playmates etc. you are paying a lot more than just for the root, you are pay for the vanity and a tick on your bucket list that sort of thing etc . IMHO !

    Ps. Just imagine a regular punter keep offering big money to the same ML in order to fuck her but she only wants to take $60/hr + $50 tip and no other extras - $100, $200, $300, $500, $1,000 - in the end it's not really for the fuck any more ! It's for the chase, the challenge and the male's conquering mentality, he just has to have her ! You see what I


  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Milhouse View Post
    Is she really worth 800-1000/hour??
    To me or you it is probably too much although I must admit I did try a $1000 punt to find out if they were better than the $240 ones I was having at the time.

    For me the answer was no!

    But if your Packer or similar then $1000 is only pocket money and so nothing to them.

    Lets face it some guys have more money than they can ever spend even at $1000 per hour for a hooker.

    For me these days I go for the $150 per hour girls and punt more often than I would if I spend $300 per hour and there are some great girls around at the $150 rate you just have to decide what suits you, how much you want to spend and how often you want to punt.

    We are so lucky in Sydney we have so much choice!

  11. #11
    Senior Member(無間使者) HookedonHookerz's Avatar
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    I doubt she was getting $1000 per hour regularly. More in the area, I was charging 450$ per hour and got tipped $550. So essentially $1000 an hour. Also she mentioned at her peak. So the most she ever got per hour.

  12. #12
    99 God Member (神級會員) AHLUNGOR's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Oneonone View Post
    To me or you it is probably too much although I must admit I did try a $1000 punt to find out if they were better than the $240 ones I was having at the time.

    For me the answer was no!

    But if your Packer or similar then $1000 is only pocket money and so nothing to them.

    Lets face it some guys have more money than they can ever spend even at $1000 per hour for a hooker.

    For me these days I go for the $150 per hour girls and punt more often than I would if I spend $300 per hour and there are some great girls around at the $150 rate you just have to decide what suits you, how much you want to spend and how often you want to punt.

    We are so lucky in Sydney we have so much choice!
    Exactly, as brother Travelmate would have jumped in and said : $300/hr ! That's 10 x 30 min massage sessions for him at 501 where HJ is included !

    But more realistically for me , a $300/hr session = nearly 4 x weekly 30 min RnT session @$85.00 a shot ($35/30 min massage plus $50 tip !)

    Would I rather go once a month and pay $300 for one shot ! Sure I can afford it but no bloody fucking way man , love to stick to my weekly punt instead !

    It's just me


  13. #13
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    Why being a high-class escort has made me a better mother - Samantha X

    I think in her case it made her a better mother because she could spend more time and money on and with her children.

    However there are plenty of great mothers out there that have not had the money or time that she has had to spend with their children.

    I respect all mothers who devote their life to their children and struggle to give them the time or money they would like they are the really great women.

  14. #14
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Quote Originally Posted by Oneonone View Post
    Why being a high-class escort has made me a better mother - Samantha X

    I think in her case it made her a better mother because she could spend more time and money on and with her children.

    However there are plenty of great mothers out there that have not had the money or time that she has had to spend with their children.

    I respect all mothers who devote their life to their children and struggle to give them the time or money they would like they are the really great women.
    Fully agree there are some super mums carrying some drop kick dads out there ,not as often but sometimes it the other way round too

  15. #15
    99 King Member (帝皇會員) CunningLinguist's Avatar
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    I just checked out her website, you have to sign up to see her galleries now, also whe is a Mammasan for other WLs.
    This story came out quite some time back and I remember when I checked out her galleries then it was free and I thought she had seen better days, I guess she is cashing in on her "fame" now.

  16. #16
    99 Premium Member (特級會員) cisco's Avatar
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    I want her

  17. #17
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    And at $1000/hr she could only work 1hr...
    Any actually have time to put on makeup, perfume, buy nice lingerie etc....

    All to enable her to charge that next time.

  18. #18
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Are they natural boobs Ahungor,they look it to me.

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