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Thread: Lets tear down all the statues. Basically these guys are all arseholes!

  1. #21
    Super Fans (忠實Fans)
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    Yep the sins of the past are also the sins of today.

  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by CockoftheRoot View Post
    Of course people in history should be judged by current standards if we’re to learn anything about the past, .
    That totally ignores the context of the times. We are perfectly capable of learning from the past without reacting like it happened yesterday. They were brutal times, not like today - at least in civilised countries. People on both sides were made coarse and brutal by a desperation to survive. The colony was barely hanging on, the aborigines were barely hanging on. They fought each other. They killed each other. The British had more muscle in the end. Back in England meanwhile they were still hanging children of ten or twelve in public for minor crimes. Grow up wiith that literally in your face and the importance of historical context, the way the times damaged psyches and dulled consciences, becomes clear. Even the best people had contradictions and were victiims to varying degrees of their own times. There was no escape from it. Read The Fatal Shore as a primer. If you put everything you could and should put onto a plaque, on some statues it would be all plaque and no statue, like Andrew Peacock was all shiver and no spine. If a plaque and a statue invites people to learn more, then it is doing its job, I agree with you.

  3. #23
    Super Fans (忠實Fans)
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    They were brutal times because they were the ones to incite such brutality. The British have a well known history for this. And who writes the history of this country? Why it's the white folks, of course! The same shit happens in the US. You're not going to learn much about the stolen generation and all the monstrosity that white people have caused our indigenous people - nor will you hear about how the Chinese were treated during the gold rush times. This country needs healing and acknowledging all the bad shit and making it transparent as well as teaching it in schools would only benefit our future generations. Don't sweep shit under the rug and pretend like everything is hunky dory and then say: "Oh hey why are you guys mad?"

  4. #24
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    some of these angry left wing loonies must be overdue for a decent blowjob.. statue vandalism is the lad t thing on my mind as some Korean goddess impales her throat on my cock!

  5. #25
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Quote Originally Posted by rooter View Post
    I love this tear down the statues movement.
    Basically all these arseholes that got a statue built for them are people who had power, privilege and wealth.
    And how did they get their power, privilege and wealth?
    Well in most cases by killing people, ripping off people, and being racists.
    Fuck these arseholes!
    Let's tear down their statues!
    There are some OK guys for sure who helped people, built hospitals etc, but most of them are arseholes!
    Tear down their statues!
    Does this mean that Madiba’s statue should also be torn down?

  6. #26
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    laughed when one of the ratbags got knocked to the ground and injured when the statue toppled on him. Instant karma

  7. #27
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    Well, we might be debating it here with reasonable literacy but those on the streets shouting slogans and expelling virus with each shout are a different matter. It might even be amusing that a giant statue of Cook giving the two fingered salute gets right up their noses, along with the virus.

  8. #28
    Baby Member(留言版初哥)
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    Quote Originally Posted by rooter View Post
    I love this tear down the statues movement.
    Basically all these arseholes that got a statue built for them are people who had power, privilege and wealth.
    And how did they get their power, privilege and wealth?
    Well in most cases by killing people, ripping off people, and being racists.
    Fuck these arseholes!
    Let's tear down their statues!
    There are some OK guys for sure who helped people, built hospitals etc, but most of them are arseholes!
    Tear down their statues!
    Oi dipshit keep your political views to yourself nobody cares what you think. Last time I checked this was a punting forum

  9. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by CantCme View Post
    Oi dipshit keep your political views to yourself nobody cares what you think. Last time I checked this was a punting forum
    Rooter was speaking tongue in cheek and being provocative to raise some hackles.

  10. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by CockoftheRoot View Post
    Like when a guy kills his wife and people say he was a good bloke though...
    Eh? What does a frontier war in colonial times with natives spearing settlers and soldiers shooting blacks have to do with a bloke murdering his wife in modern day Prahran, Vic?

  11. #31
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Quote Originally Posted by God Member View Post
    Well, we might be debating it here with reasonable literacy but those on the streets shouting slogans and expelling virus with each shout are a different matter. It might even be amusing that a giant statue of Cook giving the two fingered salute gets right up their noses, along with the virus.
    Ha, well said. It’s funny, I got a liberal arts degree and was an avid environmentalist for some years. Then at some point a few years ago (around the time I started a business) I started seeing the world with more complexity. Or maybe less emotion is another way to put it. I read recently that the difference b/w liberals and conservatives are that the former are ruled by emotion and the latter by reason. And it’s absolutely true! 5 years ago I would’ve been at these protests - now, because I think about the issues so much more (rather than acting with my gut emotional reaction) I just look at these people as clowns, ruining their cause.

    Anyway enough politics for now I guess! Hope everyone had a fortuitous punting day. I think I’m going to try J Nami tomorrow 😋😀

    Will let you know if I do

  12. #32
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    Don't we already have a "Punters' Autonomous Zone" (PAZ) in Surry Hills (in comparison to other draconian parts of Australia) where our balding middle age men can eject their loads freely in any way they choose? Unlike America where law enforcement abandon such areas in fear of their lives, in Sydney we are free to fuck and get sucked almost in the shadows of the Surry Hills Sydney Police Centre (HQ), irrespective of whether you are white, yellow, brown, Aborigine or Red Indian. Life's good!

  13. #33
    Loyalty Member(超級無聊鬼)
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    Quote Originally Posted by hornedone View Post
    Don't we already have a "Punters' Autonomous Zone" (PAZ) in Surry Hills (in comparison to other draconian parts of Australia) where our balding middle age men can eject their loads freely in any way they choose? Unlike America where law enforcement abandon such areas in fear of their lives, in Sydney we are free to fuck and get sucked almost in the shadows of the Surry Hills Sydney Police Centre (HQ), irrespective of whether you are white, yellow, brown, Aborigine or Red Indian. Life's good!
    As long as you have the money LG. Sydney is the sex capital of Australia.

  14. #34
    Junior Member(有D料到)
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    Isn't this post political and getting away from the subject of sex and our glorious sexual addiction?????
    I'm more thinking of which ML to visit next...

  15. #35
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Quote Originally Posted by CockoftheRoot View Post
    This sounds a bit like the argument that a woman can’t be the leader of the country because their hormones make them too emotional and they might start a war on their period. Of course men aren’t affected by testosterone at all...
    Unless you’re saying that conservatives are just unemotional psychopathic cunts?��
    Haha, obviously it’s difficult to taint everyone with the same brush (on either side). But broadly speaking, over the last few years I’ve seen a tendency for the left to become overly emotional and fanatical about issues, even when presented with data that completely contradicts their position. Of course the right is great at doing this too. But on the left you’re not even allowed to stray from the mainstream opinion anymore, or it’s bye bye career, life etc. Btw to be clear I still consider myself a liberal, but that doesn’t stop me from seeing their faults, and also being able to appreciate the positives of conservatives!

    I think we’d all be a lot better off if everyone chilled the fuck out and licked more pussy

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