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Thread: You might need to think about twice before doing business with this agent

  1. #1
    Baby Member(留言版初哥)
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    You might need to think about twice before doing business with this agent

    As a member of this forum, I have always tried to make a contribution, given this is a wiki-punting guideline to me. Yet, this thread may be a little bit different from others, which is not a goddess recommendation; rather, it could be a warning to many others, when any of you happen to know this agent and are thinking about making any booking with him / her - DiamondsClub.

    As far as I know, this agent is not that active in this forum. Yet, it used to have many gorgeous girls. As an old customer, I used to go crazy about one particular girl managed by this agent. And at that time, I did have several good-quality sessions. However, the customer service is really below the average. Many info given by him or her is quite different, and even opposite to what the girl told me during the session. At the very beginning, I've found some trivial things, like bringing black sock and high heel into the session, are two different stories being told by the agent and the girl. I remember, at least 2 or 3 sessions, (s)he promised to do so and confirmed 100% even 1 min before the session. Then, when I went in, the girl is not aware of that at all.

    And recently, when (s)he recommended 1 taiwanese girl and gave the info - i.e. that day would be her last day, I found out every piece of info was incorrect - i.e. the name, photo (the actual look of the girl is totally different from the photo), the rostering (the girl is on every Tue and Thur, and has no idea about the 'last day'). And this is not the worst part, the worst part is: when I tried to confirm those info with him/her to see if any mistaken arrangement, (s)he pissed off and blamed me to be too picky. It is like, when you purchased some goods and came for the post-product service, the face of that worker in store is like a shit to you, compared with the same face when you gave the money.

    I don't know if anyone is familiar with this agent. If any, please do share your experience here. For those who are not, you may want to avoid the agent like this, no matter how many good girls they have. Sometimes, I don't think they understand what does 'service' mean ...

    PS: for those who are interested in and want to see if I'm only telling one side of the story, please see the attached chatting history.
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  2. #2
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    Inside the best looks girls

    The last good punt I had with diamonds was over 3 months ago. I think you are referring to T, I or Natsuki as the girl you were crazy over. They were the agency's most popular girls.

    I don't use diamonds anymore. They don't have the quality anymore, if they did I would be there.

    Why don't you just go Jap Haru @ 5 star or Taiwan Amber @ 45 George St. I have tried both and can guarantee 9/10 looks and 9/10 service for both girls.....

  3. #3
    99 Premium Member (特級會員) Max Impact's Avatar
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    I'd say Haru is booked out on her last day today but he could try!

  4. #4
    Junior Member(有D料到)
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    I did warn about this agency several months back. I had one good session. And that is it. And that is it. Not worth for the charge. Filthy apartment. Lucky if you get a hotel.

  5. #5
    Super Fans (忠實Fans)
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    I think the agency is still good. Yes sometimes there are communication issues between the two partners, but the one partner goes out of his way to locate talent and to deliver. Sometimes managing their girls is not easy; we need to be understanding when the agency is basically good.

    ps i miss Natsuki and T. 😢

  6. #6
    Junior Member(有D料到)
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    Yupe once upon a time it was good. I recommended it and then i dare not again...

  7. #7
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    Inside the best looks girls
    @ rgoh. Thanks for your T report. She really was amazing.

    @ OP, try to remember the good experiences you have had with diamonds like you have clearly had, no bad feelings. Move on, Good luck!:

  8. #8
    Baby Member(留言版初哥)
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lenka_X5 View Post

    The last good punt I had with diamonds was over 3 months ago. I think you are referring to T, I or Natsuki as the girl you were crazy over. They were the agency's most popular girls.

    I don't use diamonds anymore. They don't have the quality anymore, if they did I would be there.

    Why don't you just go Jap Haru @ 5 star or Taiwan Amber @ 45 George St. I have tried both and can guarantee 9/10 looks and 9/10 service for both girls.....
    Thanks for sharing, bro ...

    Yes, I was referring to T who is just beyond words. And you are exactly right. Ever since then, the quality there has been declining. I was hoping they would bring back some T alike girls. Yet, so far, it is not even close. But the last straw is really that customer service and attitude. Anyway, bad things can be turned out good, as I finally can decide not to do any business with them and move on ...

  9. #9
    Baby Member(留言版初哥)
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    Quote Originally Posted by rgoh View Post
    I did warn about this agency several months back. I had one good session. And that is it. And that is it. Not worth for the charge. Filthy apartment. Lucky if you get a hotel.
    I wish I could see your warning earlier !

  10. #10
    Baby Member(留言版初哥)
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    Quote Originally Posted by rgoh View Post
    Yupe once upon a time it was good. I recommended it and then i dare not again...
    So I've spoken aloud here for many bros :-) ... I hope it is still not too late and help other bros to avoid it ...

  11. #11
    Baby Member(留言版初哥)
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lenka_X5 View Post
    @ rgoh. Thanks for your T report. She really was amazing.

    @ OP, try to remember the good experiences you have had with diamonds like you have clearly had, no bad feelings. Move on, Good luck!:
    On a second thought, @Lenka: do you mind sharing some good agents with T alike girls ? personally, I'm not into the brothel; instead, prefer a private session with the girl in a hotel ...

  12. #12
    Baby Member(留言版初哥)
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    Do you know what is the duty for agent?

    For all customers who read this thread,i say a sorry at front. (my english not good i know, but i wish you guys could try understand this reply.)

    After this customer argue with me at that day, my partner told me about girl change her mind and will stick with us 2 more week. I feel really sorry for making this misunderstood between 3 of us.

    But. do you know what is the excatly duty for us? I mean does any agent reception needed to answer this kind of question? If so, i quit, that will be too hard for me to running this business because i cannot guarantee girls are always be honest to

    me and they never changed mind. I literally cant. How about you, andrew? Another sorry for wasting you guys time to read it.

  13. #13
    Super Fans (忠實Fans)
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    I sympathize with the owner here. Sometimes their job is difficult. We get the benefit.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by andrewshawn View Post
    On a second thought, @Lenka: do you mind sharing some good agents with T alike girls ? personally, I'm not into the brothel; instead, prefer a private session with the girl in a hotel ...
    I have not been using agencies and private as much as before. I found the expensive top end market very good beginning of the year, in which I tried many and had amazing experiences with 9 and 10/10 looks girls. But now I can't seem to locate any 'T calibre' girls so for me its not worth it, and have gone back to the shops.

    So not sure about the top end market at this time....

  15. #15
    Loyalty Member(超級無聊鬼)
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    Sometimes it's hard if the girls change their minds. Can't blame the boss for that. Girls are fickle creatures. Unless he was lying lol.

    When I tried them a few months ago and booked a girl, initially the recep was quick to agree she was available at that time. But later on mentioned she wasn't and didn't know when she will be free. It was a bit weird that he said ok at first but I guess things change quickly. Anyway he replied qiuckly so wasn't a big deal.

    the apartment was clean enough. It was actually a nice and fairly new unit. But the shower was not cleaned regularly I felt as the bathtub floor was quite dirty. The other apartment where the girls stayed was better even though it's not as new.

  16. #16
    Baby Member(留言版初哥)
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    Quote Originally Posted by DiamondS CLUB View Post
    For all customers who read this thread,i say a sorry at front. (my english not good i know, but i wish you guys could try understand this reply.)

    After this customer argue with me at that day, my partner told me about girl change her mind and will stick with us 2 more week. I feel really sorry for making this misunderstood between 3 of us.

    But. do you know what is the excatly duty for us? I mean does any agent reception needed to answer this kind of question? If so, i quit, that will be too hard for me to running this business because i cannot guarantee girls are always be honest to

    me and they never changed mind. I literally cant. How about you, andrew? Another sorry for wasting you guys time to read it.
    I'm surprised to see your reply, Mr DiamondS CLUB, as you said and I quoted - "I literally do not care", when I told you I would share this experience with others ...

    do you know what is the excatly duty for us? I mean does any agent reception needed to answer this kind of question?
    - first of all, I'm not sure if this is a rhetorical question. Assuming it is not, then please bear my own understanding here as I'm not sure if there is an unanimous and official definition of 'the duty of an receptionist' in this industry. To me, a simple answer is Yes. As the first and unique customer service window to your business, answering customers' questions would be number one in your daily to-do list. And a further answer to your question here is - i.e. not only the question that matters, but also, why a customer is asking this question even matters more. Back to our case, have you ever thought about why I'm asking those questions, given your not-so-good record of fulfilling what you promised for whatever reasons ? As I said later in our chatting history, which you did not care at that time, the reason why I'm asking is to see if any mistaken girl arrangement, by taking the following into account: 1). the photo cannot match with the girl; 2). rostering information is not correct; 3). your historical broken promise. Just try to imagine this, when you purchase something from a shop and find it not the same as the box describes and this happens before, how do you feel ? and how do you even further feel when you come back to the shop to check the goods with them, and they do not give it a damn.

    If so, i quit, that will be too hard for me to running this business because i cannot guarantee girls are always be honest to me and they never changed mind. I literally cant. How about you, andrew? Another sorry for wasting you guys time to read it.
    - you are just playing around and misleading the audience here to try to get their sympathy. The essential point in this warning thread is to show my disappointment on your impatient attitude and bad customer service. Of course, no one can ensure everything from others' mouth at every single time. But as a good and patient receptionist, you could simply say "Sorry about all this, mate, let me check with the girl to see if any misunderstanding here; then come back to you, shall we ?" instead of your strong self-defensive argument right back at my question - e.g. "I'm a receptionist, not a mommasans", "kid question, I'm done", "I literally do not care", etc.

    After this customer argue with me at that day, my partner told me about girl change her mind and will stick with us 2 more week. I feel really sorry for making this misunderstood between 3 of us.
    - now, you feel sorry ... but do you ? through your highlighted, rhetorical question, I doubt it ...

    At last, for what it is worth, drop your receptionist title as your immediate self-defensive personality won't do any good for either the customer, your business, or yourself. Do what you are good at, e.g. discovering new and gorgeous girls behind the scene and letting your partner or whoever has that patience to do the job of receptionist ....

  17. #17
    Baby Member(留言版初哥)
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lenka_X5 View Post
    I have not been using agencies and private as much as before. I found the expensive top end market very good beginning of the year, in which I tried many and had amazing experiences with 9 and 10/10 looks girls. But now I can't seem to locate any 'T calibre' girls so for me its not worth it, and have gone back to the shops.

    So not sure about the top end market at this time....
    Thanks, mate, I do feel the same with you ... maybe we just need to look around and be patient (will PM you if I've found any) :-) ...

  18. #18
    Baby Member(留言版初哥)
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    Quote Originally Posted by sukeong View Post
    Sometimes it's hard if the girls change their minds. Can't blame the boss for that. Girls are fickle creatures. Unless he was lying lol.

    When I tried them a few months ago and booked a girl, initially the recep was quick to agree she was available at that time. But later on mentioned she wasn't and didn't know when she will be free. It was a bit weird that he said ok at first but I guess things change quickly. Anyway he replied qiuckly so wasn't a big deal.

    the apartment was clean enough. It was actually a nice and fairly new unit. But the shower was not cleaned regularly I felt as the bathtub floor was quite dirty. The other apartment where the girls stayed was better even though it's not as new.
    I don't blame him for girls changing minds; yet, I do blame him when he responds like this: "ok, kid question again, I'm done", "I literally do not care" ...

    Anyway, thanks for sharing your experience here, bro. I guess I just need to move on from this thread :-) ...

  19. #19
    Baby Member(留言版初哥)
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    Quote Originally Posted by andrewshawn View Post
    I'm surprised to see your reply, Mr DiamondS CLUB, as you said and I quoted - "I literally do not care", when I told you I would share this experience with others ...

    - first of all, I'm not sure if this is a rhetorical question. Assuming it is not, then please bear my own understanding here as I'm not sure if there is an unanimous and official definition of 'the duty of an receptionist' in this industry. To me, a simple answer is Yes. As the first and unique customer service window to your business, answering customers' questions would be number one in your daily to-do list. And a further answer to your question here is - i.e. not only the question that matters, but also, why a customer is asking this question even matters more. Back to our case, have you ever thought about why I'm asking those questions, given your not-so-good record of fulfilling what you promised for whatever reasons ? As I said later in our chatting history, which you did not care at that time, the reason why I'm asking is to see if any mistaken girl arrangement, by taking the following into account: 1). the photo cannot match with the girl; 2). rostering information is not correct; 3). your historical broken promise. Just try to imagine this, when you purchase something from a shop and find it not the same as the box describes and this happens before, how do you feel ? and how do you even further feel when you come back to the shop to check the goods with them, and they do not give it a damn.

    - you are just playing around and misleading the audience here to try to get their sympathy. The essential point in this warning thread is to show my disappointment on your impatient attitude and bad customer service. Of course, no one can ensure everything from others' mouth at every single time. But as a good and patient receptionist, you could simply say "Sorry about all this, mate, let me check with the girl to see if any misunderstanding here; then come back to you, shall we ?" instead of your strong self-defensive argument right back at my question - e.g. "I'm a receptionist, not a mommasans", "kid question, I'm done", "I literally do not care", etc.

    - now, you feel sorry ... but do you ? through your highlighted, rhetorical question, I doubt it ...

    At last, for what it is worth, drop your receptionist title as your immediate self-defensive personality won't do any good for either the customer, your business, or yourself. Do what you are good at, e.g. discovering new and gorgeous girls behind the scene and letting your partner or whoever has that patience to do the job of receptionist ....
    My sorry just because my manner and stopping this childhood argument,i think everyone here understand what's happened.No one want lie to others by natural. you might misunderstood again. And i m really happy for losting you and my business now runs easier and not that noisy. (No more reply for this thread, such wasting time.)

  20. #20
    Baby Member(留言版初哥)
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    A talk to aus 99 customers

    As reception, i have to acknowledge there are misunderstanding between customers, girls and me. What if there are a kind of misunderstanding not really influced your benefit neither broke your dag, do not quarrel with us about trifles except your angry is just based on the distrust from begining!

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