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Thread: 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥BIG J is breaking the record again of 2Days $6000 escrot to perth by a boy!🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

  1. #1
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    🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥BIG J is breaking the record again of 2Days $6000 escrot to perth by a boy!🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

    THU 17/01 - Sat 19/01 Escorts got confirmed by a young chinese boy!

    See her before Thur or after sun this week!
    Let you see what the "real pretty" taiwanese is looking & doing!!!

    MOC SC

    -------------------------------------Big J TOP Chinese review from "Another Rossi of MOC!!! --------------------

    【服务项目】:ml 、bbbj、毒龙、口爆、颜射等

    好久没有来写验证贴了,最近实在是忙得抽不出时间来。今日上MOC的网站,顺便看两眼,忽然发现上面有一个 身材相当火辣,非常合我心意的女孩子J,看看资料,来自宝岛台湾,年轻女生,性感,身材火辣,皮肤好,服务 多,态度好。这岂不是极品,当下没有多想,立刻电话预约两个钟。
    到了时间来到楼下,按钟上楼。一进门,一个非常娇小的女生站在门后,笑容非常的甜美可人。进屋后,仔细一看 ,小美女一个,长相嘛有点张韶涵的味道。黄色的直发,身穿桃红色紧身裙,腰身相当纤细,但是臀部非常翘挺。 当时眼前一亮,捡到宝了。

    赶紧进浴室洗了一下。这时候姑娘问我要不要帮我洗,但是本人喜欢一个人洗,所以就很礼貌地回绝了。这里说一 下,确实要赞一下这个姑娘的态度,真的是相当的不错。一般情况下,大部分女生都是在客人的要求下才会跟客人 共浴,但是主动提出跟客人共浴的是很少的。我洗完了出来,MM就贴上来,抱住我,一顿非常激烈的香吻,同时 MM的双手一直没有闲着,在我周身游走,相当给里。当然,我的双手也没有闲着。MM周身的皮肤非常紧致,也 很光滑,蜂腰碟肚,臀部小巧而翘挺,但是摸上去非常有质感、手感上佳,而且非常有弹性。MM湿吻的时候,身 体不断在我的怀中扭动,给人的感觉相当投入。但是MM唯一的缺点可能就是胸部太小了,可能也就是A+吧,但 是那娇美的翘臀和烟柳纤腰绝对能弥补胸部的损失。

    MM说话的声音很好听,但是不会让你觉得想很多台湾女生般的做作和嗲,所以跟MM呆在一起很舒服。退去MM 的衣裳,几近完美的身材暴露在我的面前,尤其是MM的私处没有一丝毛发,非常干净,也没有任何异味。关键是 MM的私处颜色非常的粉嫩,颜色非常诱人,娇艳欲滴的感觉。这时候,MM非常贴心地爬上来,来了一次长达数 分钟的激吻,同时我的手也没有闲着,不断地刺激这MM的私处,很短时间,私处已经洪水泛滥了。随后,MM开 始用舌头漫游全身,感觉非常的酥麻。紧接着,MM开始重点照顾小弟弟。这里必须说一下,MM的口技非常了得 ,在我的印象中属于上乘,虽然舌头不是特别灵活,但是MM的深喉却相当到位,那种深入浅出、亦步亦趋的感觉 ,让人非常容易冲上云霄。除此之外,MM还花了相当大的精力用舌头充分照顾了大腿根、会阴以及肛门,MM的 毒龙钻也是非常了得,让我相当佩服。

    玩了大概半个多钟头,示意MM给我戴上套套,之后MM问也没问,就直接翻身坐了上来。这个不得了了,MM的 小腰和翘臀简直就是电动小马达,在MM快速而有深度的运动下,我的血压迅速飙升,同时,MM不断用手抚摸这 自己的身体、嘴唇,不断地咬着嘴唇,这样的场面香艳无比,就是我这种老手都感觉非常销魂和满意。就这样,M M在我身上做了十几分钟,一直非常卖力,也很投入。我看MM这么用心,所以就让MM躺下,准备来个传统的方 式。这时候,我才发现,MM运动时间很长,现在已经满身大汗淋漓了,真的是一个非常实在的妹子 。

    MM躺下后,我提枪进入,这时候我才发现,原来MM的阴道很窄很紧也很短,很容易就能查到很深的位置,躺在 床上的MM也大呼过瘾,不断地让我大力一点、快一点。这时候的MM,全身大汗淋漓、紧咬嘴唇、眉头紧皱、面 色绯红,双脚紧紧地勾住我的腰,私处也不断地送向我,阴道也在不断地收紧。看这个场面,我决定换上我最喜欢 的后入式。这个姿势,MM的诱人支出才完全显露出来。MM趴在床上,臀部光滑翘挺,腰部曲线毕露,随着我的 运动,MM的屁股不断地向我送过来,而且节奏刚好跟我配合的天衣无缝。最关键是,这种姿势,MM的阴道夹得 更紧更有力,不多一会儿,我就有了交货的感觉了。

    这时候,我再次让MM躺下来,用传统式快速地抽插了大概5、6分钟,一种相当悦人的感觉冲上百会穴,我急忙 拔出小弟弟,对准MM的嘴射了出来。由于小弟最近一个月一直在禁欲,所以这次的量相当的多,而且射出的速度 也非常的快。一部分射到MM的脸上,还有相当一部分被MM吃到嘴里。这还没完,MM舔干净了小弟弟后,又不 间断地给我口了7、8分钟,在我的示意下才结束了服务。那个感觉真的相当的给力。而且最关键的是,MM舔的 时候由于嘴里有很多精液,所以MM就不断地出口水,所以效果是非常完美的。再加上,MM的脸上还挂着很多的 精液,一边还用非常妖媚的眼神看着我,同时还不断地口着。这样的服务是我在悉尼这么多年的寻春生涯中第一次 遇到的。必须提出表扬。

    总体来说,这个MM是不可多的的极品。身材至少可以打9分以上,除了胸部稍小,其他的部分接近完美。服务技 巧我给9.5,服务态度我给10分,女友感觉我给10分,因为MM后来跟我聊天说,她把每个客人都当成自己 的男人来服侍。不过MM告诉我刚刚做这个,还没有两天,很多事情不是很懂。想想也难怪,如果是老手的话,该 偷懒的地方绝对会偷懒的。尤其是颜射这个方面,虽然大部分的中介女孩都说可以做颜射,但是真正做的几乎是凤 毛麟角,原因很简单,因为过后她们还需要重新化妆,很麻烦。但是这个妹子做这些服务都绝不犹豫,所以说,如 果要在悉尼地区的话,我给这个叫J的台湾妹子“援交MM榜眼”的名号。当然,“状元”还是留给Rossi的 。

  2. #2
    99 God Member (神級會員) wilisno's Avatar
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    Haha, almost my comment in Chinese, including the comparison with the benchmark Rossi !
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  3. #3
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    I am surprised to see this.

    Actually i've never checked Chinese forum until tonight one of SydneyCat clients sent me the link to see if this is the coco@SydneyCat and i said yes.

    The client in Chinese Review said she even did a CIM after bJ with cum load for another 7,8 mins without clients' requests!!!.......what the services she provided? Unbelievable amazing!!!

    Duncan MOC SC

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Wow, She seems a new MOC legend. However im curious that how many bros are able to read chinese at this forum?

  5. #5
    99 God Member (神級會員) AHLUNGOR's Avatar
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    From Sydney CBD to Central
    Thanks Duncan for reposting this review in Chinese, feel like reading all those HongKong and China forums..........haha

    All the best

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  6. #6
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    anyone care to translate?

  7. #7
    99 God Member (神級會員) wilisno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jj12345 View Post
    anyone care to translate?
    Too long to translate, but the theme is similar to my report !
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  8. #8
    I think i need a translator

  9. #9
    99 God Member (神級會員) wilisno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sinchankeren View Post
    I think i need a translator
    There are apps on the iPhone that translate the whole text, search for it !
    I was shown by QQ of 5* once, she just copied and pasted her whole report on the apps, and 5 versions of translations came up !
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  10. #10
    99 God Member (神級會員) AHLUNGOR's Avatar
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    From Sydney CBD to Central
    Here is the google translate:

    Sexual interest rate channel]: MOC
    【Opened engage Address】: APARTMENT
    [Open out time: 12/01/2013
    Services: ml, bbbj, Duron, mouth explodes, Bukkake, etc.
    Environmental equipment:
    [] List price: 600/2H

    A long time not to write validation stickers, recently it is too busy to spare the time to. On the MOC website today, and look at the way the two suddenly found a figure quite hot, very to my liking girls J, take a look at the data from Taiwan and Taiwan, young girls, sexy, hot body, good skin , multi-service, good attitude. This is not the best, the moment does not think much, immediately telephone appointment two bell.
    To the time came downstairs, upstairs and ring the bell. A door, a very petite girl standing in the door, very sweet smile. Entering the house, look closely, a little beauty, looks Well a little Angela taste. Yellow straight hair, wearing a pink tight skirt, is quite slender waist, hips very Alice Ting. Then shines, to find the gems.

    And quickly went into the bathroom to wash a bit. This time the girl asked me not to help me wash, but I like a wash, so it was politely turned down. Here, you sure you want to praise this girl's attitude is really quite good. Under normal circumstances, the majority of the girls are at the request of the guests will with the guests bath together, but offered to bath together with the guests is very small. I took my hands out, MM Tieshanglai hugged me, the meal very intense kisses, at the same time the MM hands has not been idle, walk in my whole body, quite to the inside. Of course, my hands have not been idle. MM whole body skin is very compact, very smooth the waspish dish belly, buttocks compact and Alice Ting, but feels very texture, feel good, and very flexible. The MM wet kiss when the body constantly twisting in my arms, and the impression is quite invested. That But MM only drawback may be the chest is too small may also A +, but that the charming Qiaotun absolute and Yan Liu waist to make up for the loss of the chest.

    The MM voice sounds good, but will not make you feel like a lot of girls like Taiwan contrived and whine, so stay with MM very comfortable. Receded MM's clothes, almost perfect body exposed in front of me, especially MM private parts without a trace of hair, very clean, no smell. The key is the private part of the color of the MM very matte, the color is very attractive, mouthwatering feeling. This time, MM is very intimate to climb to the time up to several minutes kissing my hands have not been idle, continue to stimulate the private part of the MM, a very short period of time, the private part has been flooding. Subsequently, MM began with his tongue roam the body, I feel very dumb. Shortly afterward, MM began to focus on care of the little brother. Here it must be said, very terrible MM ventriloquist, are superior in my impression, although the tongue is not particularly flexible, but the MM Deep Throat place, the kind of easy, every step of the feeling of people very easy Chongshangyunxiao . In addition, MM spent considerable effort to take good care of the thigh with his tongue, perineum, and anus, MM Duron drill is also very smart, so I quite admire.

    Play about half an hour, a schematic the MM give me wear a condom, and after MM asked did not ask directly turn over and sat up. This incredibly the MM small waist and Qiaotun simply electric motors, my blood pressure is rising rapidly in the rapid and in-depth sports MM, MM constantly stroking this body, lips, and constantly biting his lips, such a scene is eclectic incomparable I veteran feeling of ecstasy and satisfaction. , MM me ten minutes, has been very hard, very invested. I see the MM so attentively lie down, prepare a traditional way, so let MM. At this time, I found that the MM exercise time is very long, now covered in sweat, and really is a very real sister.

    MM lie down, I put the gun to enter, this time I found the original MM vagina is very narrow and very tight very short, can easily be found in a deep position, lying in bed hooked MM, constantly I strongly ground, a little faster. When MM, systemic sweating, biting his lips, his brow wrinkled, pale crimson, feet firmly hooked my waist, private parts sent to me vagina are constantly tighten. See this scene, I decided to put my favorite after-in. This posture, MM tempting expenditure was fully revealed. MM lying in bed, smooth buttocks Alice Ting, waist curve absolutely shattered, with my movement, MM ass constantly sent over to me, and the rhythm just fit me perfectly. The most critical is that this posture, the the MM vagina folder tighter more powerful little while later, I have a feeling Delivery.

    At this time, I once again let the MM to lie down with the traditional style quickly thrusts for about 5-6 minutes, a rather pleasing feeling rushed hundreds will cave, I hurried to pull out the little brother, alignment MM mouth shot out. Brother last month has been abstinence, so the amount of quite many, and the injection speed is very fast. Part of the incident on the MM's face, there is still a considerable part of MM ingest. This is not finished, MM lick little brother, and continuously give me mouth for 7-8 minutes, until the end of the service in my schematic. That feeling is really quite a force. And the most critical is the MM licking mouth semen MM to continue to export water, so the effect is very perfect. Plus MM's face hanging a lot of semen, and she looked at me with a very seductive eyes, also continue to mouth. This service is first encountered so many years in Sydney, I look for spring career. Must commend.

    Overall, the MM is not much of the best. Body can play at least 9 points or more, in addition to the the chest slightly smaller, the other close to perfect. Service skills to the 9.5 service attitude to 10 points, girlfriend feel I gave 10 points, the MM chat with me later said she put each guests as their own men to serve. But MM just told me to do this, not yet two days, a lot of things do not really understand. Think it is no wonder that, if a veteran, the lazy will definitely lazy. Especially Bukkake aspects, although most of the intermediary girls Bukkake say you can do, but really do is almost rare, the reason is very simple, because after they also need to re-make-up, a lot of trouble. But the sister do these services without hesitation, so to say, in the Sydney area, I give this sister of Taiwan called J "compensated dating MM second place," the name. Of course, the "champion" or left Rossi.
    Without good customer services, there will be no business!!

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  11. #11
    99 God Member (神級會員) wilisno's Avatar
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    Geez ! Some Google translated sentences are almost the direct opposite to the real meaning of the text !!!

    For example, the first sentence of the last paragraph :

    " Overall, the MM is not much of the best. "

    It should be :

    " Overall, MM is absolutely one of the rarest find for top quality stuff !"

    The last sentence, I have no idea what it means in the translation :

    " Of course, the "champion" or left Rossi. "

    It should read :

    " Of course, the Grand Champion remains to be Rossi. "
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  12. #12
    99 Premium Member (特級會員) rooter's Avatar
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    That google translation is awesome!!
    It's the funniest post I have read in ages!!
    It's hard to pick my favourite sentence. It's all champagne comedy but maybe my favourie is this one :

    In addition, MM spent considerable effort to take good care of the thigh with his tongue, perineum, and anus, MM Duron drill is also very smart, so I quite admire.


  13. #13
    99 Premium Member (特級會員) rooter's Avatar
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    Oh and next time I book a girl I am going to insist upon the following services being provided :

    Duron, mouth explodes, Bukkake, Environmental equipment

  14. #14
    Loyalty Member(超級無聊鬼) Eureka's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rooter View Post
    Oh and next time I book a girl I am going to insist upon the following services being provided :

    Duron, mouth explodes, Bukkake, Environmental equipment
    Mmmm .... Environmental equipment must mean the Vibrator runs on solar power!!

  15. #15
    99 God Member (神級會員) wilisno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eureka View Post
    Mmmm .... Environmental equipment must mean the Vibrator runs on solar power!!
    So you can have the session in the backyard under the sun ?
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  16. #16
    99 God Member (神級會員) AHLUNGOR's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eureka View Post
    Mmmm .... Environmental equipment must mean the Vibrator runs on solar power!!
    This environmental equipment is actually a title = the facilities of the apartment, not a service.


  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by AHLUNGOR View Post
    Here is the google translate:

    Sexual interest rate channel]: MOC
    【Opened engage Address】: APARTMENT
    [Open out time: 12/01/2013
    Services: ml, bbbj, Duron, mouth explodes, Bukkake, etc.
    Environmental equipment:
    [] List price: 600/2H

    A long time not to write validation stickers, recently it is too busy to spare the time to. On the MOC website today, and look at the way the two suddenly found a figure quite hot, very to my liking girls J, take a look at the data from Taiwan and Taiwan, young girls, sexy, hot body, good skin , multi-service, good attitude. This is not the best, the moment does not think much, immediately telephone appointment two bell.
    To the time came downstairs, upstairs and ring the bell. A door, a very petite girl standing in the door, very sweet smile. Entering the house, look closely, a little beauty, looks Well a little Angela taste. Yellow straight hair, wearing a pink tight skirt, is quite slender waist, hips very Alice Ting. Then shines, to find the gems.

    And quickly went into the bathroom to wash a bit. This time the girl asked me not to help me wash, but I like a wash, so it was politely turned down. Here, you sure you want to praise this girl's attitude is really quite good. Under normal circumstances, the majority of the girls are at the request of the guests will with the guests bath together, but offered to bath together with the guests is very small. I took my hands out, MM Tieshanglai hugged me, the meal very intense kisses, at the same time the MM hands has not been idle, walk in my whole body, quite to the inside. Of course, my hands have not been idle. MM whole body skin is very compact, very smooth the waspish dish belly, buttocks compact and Alice Ting, but feels very texture, feel good, and very flexible. The MM wet kiss when the body constantly twisting in my arms, and the impression is quite invested. That But MM only drawback may be the chest is too small may also A +, but that the charming Qiaotun absolute and Yan Liu waist to make up for the loss of the chest.

    The MM voice sounds good, but will not make you feel like a lot of girls like Taiwan contrived and whine, so stay with MM very comfortable. Receded MM's clothes, almost perfect body exposed in front of me, especially MM private parts without a trace of hair, very clean, no smell. The key is the private part of the color of the MM very matte, the color is very attractive, mouthwatering feeling. This time, MM is very intimate to climb to the time up to several minutes kissing my hands have not been idle, continue to stimulate the private part of the MM, a very short period of time, the private part has been flooding. Subsequently, MM began with his tongue roam the body, I feel very dumb. Shortly afterward, MM began to focus on care of the little brother. Here it must be said, very terrible MM ventriloquist, are superior in my impression, although the tongue is not particularly flexible, but the MM Deep Throat place, the kind of easy, every step of the feeling of people very easy Chongshangyunxiao . In addition, MM spent considerable effort to take good care of the thigh with his tongue, perineum, and anus, MM Duron drill is also very smart, so I quite admire.

    Play about half an hour, a schematic the MM give me wear a condom, and after MM asked did not ask directly turn over and sat up. This incredibly the MM small waist and Qiaotun simply electric motors, my blood pressure is rising rapidly in the rapid and in-depth sports MM, MM constantly stroking this body, lips, and constantly biting his lips, such a scene is eclectic incomparable I veteran feeling of ecstasy and satisfaction. , MM me ten minutes, has been very hard, very invested. I see the MM so attentively lie down, prepare a traditional way, so let MM. At this time, I found that the MM exercise time is very long, now covered in sweat, and really is a very real sister.

    MM lie down, I put the gun to enter, this time I found the original MM vagina is very narrow and very tight very short, can easily be found in a deep position, lying in bed hooked MM, constantly I strongly ground, a little faster. When MM, systemic sweating, biting his lips, his brow wrinkled, pale crimson, feet firmly hooked my waist, private parts sent to me vagina are constantly tighten. See this scene, I decided to put my favorite after-in. This posture, MM tempting expenditure was fully revealed. MM lying in bed, smooth buttocks Alice Ting, waist curve absolutely shattered, with my movement, MM ass constantly sent over to me, and the rhythm just fit me perfectly. The most critical is that this posture, the the MM vagina folder tighter more powerful little while later, I have a feeling Delivery.

    At this time, I once again let the MM to lie down with the traditional style quickly thrusts for about 5-6 minutes, a rather pleasing feeling rushed hundreds will cave, I hurried to pull out the little brother, alignment MM mouth shot out. Brother last month has been abstinence, so the amount of quite many, and the injection speed is very fast. Part of the incident on the MM's face, there is still a considerable part of MM ingest. This is not finished, MM lick little brother, and continuously give me mouth for 7-8 minutes, until the end of the service in my schematic. That feeling is really quite a force. And the most critical is the MM licking mouth semen MM to continue to export water, so the effect is very perfect. Plus MM's face hanging a lot of semen, and she looked at me with a very seductive eyes, also continue to mouth. This service is first encountered so many years in Sydney, I look for spring career. Must commend.

    Overall, the MM is not much of the best. Body can play at least 9 points or more, in addition to the the chest slightly smaller, the other close to perfect. Service skills to the 9.5 service attitude to 10 points, girlfriend feel I gave 10 points, the MM chat with me later said she put each guests as their own men to serve. But MM just told me to do this, not yet two days, a lot of things do not really understand. Think it is no wonder that, if a veteran, the lazy will definitely lazy. Especially Bukkake aspects, although most of the intermediary girls Bukkake say you can do, but really do is almost rare, the reason is very simple, because after they also need to re-make-up, a lot of trouble. But the sister do these services without hesitation, so to say, in the Sydney area, I give this sister of Taiwan called J "compensated dating MM second place," the name. Of course, the "champion" or left Rossi.
    Actually after i've read through this chinese review, it was a awesome and very very detailed one! It deserves kept as a classic AR for long. However after ALUNGOR brotha 's weird translated by "google 4.0 translator" , it suddenly became one page of the mystery bible.

    anyway thanks for your big job ALUNGOR brotha. Appreciate it!

    Duncan MOC SC

  18. #18
    Baby Member(留言版初哥)
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    Where is the original link for these Chinese forums

  19. #19
    Join Date
    I won't say the link right here. That's why i just quote as "".


    Duncan MOC SC

  20. #20
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    A boy's story with Big J.

    ----------------Originally Posted by woaiblonde @syd99 under Willisno's AR "j" @ moc-----------------
    total agree!
    top body! the ass is so increditable!! best ass i have ever seen! great service including CIM, kissing and lots more! top sexy and wild service!!! taiwanese model face of course!
    but my experience is bit complicated

    Welcome Woaiblonde brotha NEW to Syd99 community!

    He is the boy who booked Big J for 2days escort to Perth of $6000. (From

    Obviously he had fallen a special feelings with BIG J. That's why we've talked about nearly one hour about it. I say come to Syd99 and share your experience with all others. You could get better then! However what he said made me bit surprised but i can fully understand " I really don't wanna see Big J's too many reviews from others!"

    He is a loyal member of chinese review site and this is his first time joining to Syd99 community!

    Hope you share more ur experience and give more formatted ARs to all brothas in future.


    Duncan M⭕C™

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