As we're all aware, most of the establishments we visit will use WeChat as a communication and/or advertising platform.

Like some of us out there I'm generally curious about security and privacy, and the Wechat app has a lot of unknowns around it.. However in the spirit of good punting and opportunities, I'm looking into it.

For those that do use WeChat or have intimate knowledge around the app, I'd love to hear your thoughts and information around Wechat. Particularly

• How much of your own information do you have to give to the platform?
• How much can shops see your personal information? (Name, number, any ID docs, etc.)
• Can you hide/delete certain elements in the apps from prying partners or relatives?

Acknowledging that we are all aware that WeChat is the app of choice for a particular state and hence there will be some level of surveillance and unknown.

I tried searching the forum for a knowledge base - More than happy for others to generate their own questions in this thread.