Firstly sorry for the @s I'm doing this on phone and it's a PITA to to try and quote multiple times.

I'd see it as a given to double check medication before taking it, I have definitely heard of the complicationa with diabetic and blood medications. @massage_addict.
Tribulus is pretty safe otherwise as far as my research on it.

@Johny77 only on cap per day. I'd always take the minimum needed.

@kiki kong
I'm not big on supps, I already take protein and creatine (I'm off it atm and will be back on it on next month) I'm in shape and healthy, but I thought I'd tgive this a try to see if this actually does anything hence 'guinea pig'. I'd say I have 'nornal' sex drive mostly, I'm not generally constantly horny, but I'm not passing up any opportunities for a mad perv either.

After taking this though, I'm in T1000 mode.

Anyway, thought I'd pass it along and share my experience.

Try it and see if it doesn't do anything then it doesn't do anything.

Happy punting!