I’ve just started dating a very attractive ML that has been mentioned on this forum. We met at a gym, not via her work. In fact I’ve never visited where she works and not interested in going there. We haven’t had sex yet and considering I’m a male slut I’d generally be in her pants in two seconds. In fact she has offered me to go back to her place but out of respect for the relationship I declined. I don’t want to seem too forward or rush the start of something beautiful.

Besides I still have other girlfriends I want to taper off (dump), she knows and I’ve told her that I don’t love them, which is correct.

My thoughts are, should I tell her I know what she does for a job? That I’ve read reviews on her or should I wait till she, if ever, tells me? I don’t care who she’s been with yesterday, today or tomorrow as that is totally not what this about. It’s about her and I. Maybe bringing her work into our relationship would spoil it. Perhaps I just leave it quiet and not say anything?

Sometimes you can experience déjà vu and to be truthful I knew this relationship was a longtime coming and now it’s arrived. When you first meet someone you can game things out. This one took six months but I knew the jackpot was well and truly worth it.

In the meantime she’s still working and putting smiles on your faces 😊