Quote Originally Posted by 11Bravo View Post
80 times/5 months, so basically every other day. Busy bee. 34 posts... ... ... and how many AR's? Obviously, reciprocity not in your vocabulary, nor your actions. Now freeloading...

Vincent + his fantasies... The handle changes but the story stays the same. Damn, these weeds grow fast... But it does explain your reciprocity ratio.
For starters the post was to say this site has helped me in my punting journey.

Yes I’ve written reviews. Under other guises here and on other sites. So I’m not a freeloader and if anything I pay far more than my way at the shops and brothels. So the economy has benefitted. The girls benefit also. I like to help other businesses.

The story stays the same. Yep. I do punt a lot because I can. The shops know it. I only have to walk in and I get the VIP treatment. Perhaps you can come along and watch. Better still, participate. I’ll shout. It’ll cost you nothing. See how I operate.

As long as you validate the adventure back on this forum you’re free to present yourself next week. It’ll shut up the naysayers once and for all.

Two hours of fun with 4 hotties for you next Friday.

No fantasy 11Bravo, reality.

Go for it!

Christmas has come early.

My past reviews are truthful and so are this weeks adventures. Why shoot that down? Don’t people want reviews? That’s why I hesitated reviewing previously. In fact I get targeted because of the volume. I’ll even go as far as saying it’s jealousy. So I stopped reviewing.

Would you like me to write a review on the four girl two hour session yesterday? I can. It’s a fact.

The four girl session I’ve booked for next week.

What about two reviews on that? Turn up and you’ll be writing your own review 11Bravo. It’d be interesting, two perspectives on the same session.

A first for this forum.

This is the problem. I feel people don’t want me writing reviews and I’ve almost stopped posting.

Do you see me “spamming” the forum with 2000 posts in a month? No. I stopped doing that.. Now you throw at me you’ve done 34 posts. I’m getting flak for that too.

Anyway, accept my offer 11Bravo it’s genuine and it’ll be fun 👍