I recently visited Stanmore Massage to fulfill a long-standing fantasy of mine - a foursome. I chose Polla, Soda, and Candy as my companions for the evening, drawn to their voluptuous figures.

Upon arrival at the reception, I was pleasantly surprised to receive a slight discount. The rate was 350 for an hour with three lovely ladies. The atmosphere was charged with anticipation and excitement, as none of the girls had ever participated in a foursome before.

We initially attempted a massage, but within minutes, my desire got the better of me, and I found myself drawn to Soda's enticing curves. Her reaction was immediate and the other girls, not wanting to be left out, began to engage with me as well.

One of the ladies suggested that for an additional fee, they could provide oral pleasure. I readily agreed, eager for the experience. Shortly after, they proposed a full-service experience. While their initial price seemed steep, we were able to negotiate down to a more reasonable rate.

Once the terms were agreed upon, we fully immersed ourselves in an unforgettable experience. I began with Polla, who seemed the most eager. She claimed to have reached climax within minutes, a claim that felt genuine. Next was Soda, who desired a more intense experience. As I obliged her, Polla and Candy kept me company, their breasts pressed against my face.

To prolong the experience, I had to pause every few minutes, even resorting to slapping my own arousal to desensitize it. Candy was next, and I took her from behind. Soda, however, felt unsatisfied, so I returned to her, giving her my all. She later told me she had climaxed four times during our encounter.

Finally, I returned to Candy, this time in the missionary position, with Polla and Soda pressed against my back. Soda, still eager, received one more round of attention from me before I reached my own climax, just managing to remove my protection in time for her to receive my release on her chest.

The rest of the evening is a blur, as I was completely spent and drifted in and out of consciousness, vaguely aware of a gentle massage.

In conclusion, it was an incredible experience, one I would recommend to those seeking a more adventurous form of entertainment. Cheers!