View Full Version : General talk Strange experience

31-10-2020, 05:02 PM
Guys, just sharing as I want to vent out haha. I am a rnt guy not into full service, last week for some reason I thought I’ll give FS a go and I know all the best shop for that matter but I was in Sydney west so thought I’ll just go for one in Rydalmere as was passing by that area. One of those days where you go crazy sbd want a fck.

Paid for 45 mins what they call as gold service. In the room, took a shower and on bed, didn’t expected wonders the girl pretty normal not a bombshell.

She start with bj and did clean my boy with a wet tissue even after shower, was pretty ok bj
And then she gets ready for the main part and asks me with Condom ?

Wtf I was like is that even a option, then just to test it I said ok without it, she grabbed lube and lubed her pussy and was getting ready to get in the position like cowboy and I stopped saying with a Condom

There was a pause on her face and she said good, I asked do you really do without it and she replied no way she always do with Condom. A complete u turn. She leaned to get her little bag and I said look just give me hj, she said why and I said I just need to finish with that. Quick hj and then took bloody hot shower and left

So my return to FS was a shocker, I didn’t go ahead with it anyways but I think it’s better I’ll stick to RNT, don’t know if this is going on normally in shops but safe sex is really the basic norm and must be followed

Do the shops educate these girls at all

Sorry I am not judging but this was not I was looking for

31-10-2020, 06:15 PM
22 rydalmere is the only shop in rydalmere with gold class service. The other dont have classification if i remember correctly.

31-10-2020, 06:51 PM
I think it's a language barrier. When the girl asks "condom?" she is asking if you would like to fuck now.

Some customers want more actions before the main event and be upset if the girl puts on condom too early gives the feeling she is trying to rush you.

31-10-2020, 11:49 PM
I think it's a language barrier. When the girl asks "condom?" she is asking if you would like to fuck now.

Some customers want more actions before the main event and be upset if the girl puts on condom too early gives the feeling she is trying to rush you.

It maybe that but tbh I got impression she was ready to ride without it. No one will do it for free so may be you are right. The thing is I won’t even go for it if free

31-10-2020, 11:51 PM
22 rydalmere is the only shop in rydalmere with gold class service. The other dont have classification if i remember correctly.

Haha maybe but I think I’ll not name n shame as this incident was a really strange and as @holi day said it maybe a language thing

01-11-2020, 10:28 AM
In my world, if it’s not on... it’s not on.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

01-11-2020, 04:06 PM
With this tough market, some girls might want to impress you so that you will be a regular. Is she a older girl...i,e MILF or some young girl?

She must be in late 20s, maybe in the 28 to 34 range, as was nothing too astonishing with her looks pretty average body I am sure she had nursed a baby before as I could see some stretch marks

01-11-2020, 04:15 PM
The WL was just being polite and playing a submissive role.
This is typical behaviour of many WLs, especially Asian WLs.
Rather than than giving orders and saying “we are using a condom” which makes it look like she is the boss, instead she frames it as a pretend question thus creating the illusion that you the man/customer is making the decision of yes or no.
But in fact you the customer never had the choice, she was going to use the condom all the time.
Women and WLs in particular, and Asian WLs in particular have all sorts of behaviours, words, gestures, techniques call them what you want to create the illusion that the man is in control and in charge and so fluffing up the male ego.
This sort of thing is like second nature to most women. It not necessarily something fake or forced or insincere. It’s just what they do.
WLs often frame things as questions eg Shower? Condom? Handjob? Sex? Doggy? etc.
It’s just sounds more polite and submissive than barking out orders, which would be a turn off for many guys.

Labia Vortex
01-11-2020, 10:18 PM
Typhoon in a spoon
Just say no thanks
Not an issue