View Full Version : General talk Lack of new talents

16-10-2020, 01:14 AM
I've always liked to try new girls rather than keep seeing a favorite ML. With the border closed, this year has been the worst:

have hardly seen any new fresh young faces;

some good ones from last year started charging more;

with many city workers WFH, lots of girls stayed at home too and must be booked before coming into shop. I liked to see a lineup but it's getting harder with girls WFH (waiting from home) as well.

return to normal asap!

16-10-2020, 08:23 AM
I agree, this year has been the worst for punting.
In addition to what you said, I also found that some shops have hired sub-standard girls because they couldnt find anyone else.

16-10-2020, 07:35 PM
COVID-19 is definitely affecting the industry. I miss the new girls. The shops are definitely compromising with who they hire. Also prices are going up for the sub standard offering. I can’t wait until international travel and student visas return.

16-10-2020, 10:23 PM
Yeah it sucks, but that’s just the reality of life these days.
If you are healthy and have a job consider yourself lucky.
Anything else on top of that is icing on the cake.

16-10-2020, 10:41 PM
Cant believe my luck . No one want to share her i will then
I just discovered a Gem of the year (2020) at Summerville..unbelievable luck- she's young, cute ,sweet nd adorable . Her name is Fiona ;)
Works Tuesday, Friday nd Sunday. Thx me later.

two of the best ml in Sydney is at Summerville- The queen Anita and little princess Fiona

16-10-2020, 11:13 PM

My experience has been good during covid met a few nice new MLs..sure we don't have international students coming in, but those that are here many took on ML jobs after their jobs in other industries affected.

I have been lucky to meet a few good looking and friendly MLs.

17-10-2020, 07:53 AM
I’ve really struggled to find young, enthusiastic MLs lately. Her enjoying the session is my most important criteria.
Maybe 10 punts this year, none particularly memorable.
Previous years so many amazing memories.

17-10-2020, 09:48 AM
international boarder close until at the end of next year.

17-10-2020, 10:47 AM
international boarder close until at the end of next year.

while the boarders may not come, the border should be open by then.

17-10-2020, 02:16 PM
I think we are too spoiled, we should be thankful atleast we got brothels and massage parlours open, remember when everything was closed during april and may of this year. We are not going to have new foreign pussies for another 2 years atleast but we got something.

17-10-2020, 02:58 PM
those that are here many took on ML jobs after their jobs in other industries affected.

I think this is one of the advantages of covid. Pretty girls who usually dont do this line of work and we wouldn't get a chance to meet, now have come to do this line of work.

Also this is just my theory, that legit massage shop girls could start offering extras because incomes are affected due to drop in customers

17-10-2020, 03:43 PM
international boarder close until at the end of next year.

A long time to wait if you want to go overseas and visit places in Thailand.

I agree with Carissawhore. We are fortunate enough to have brothels and RNT shops open and there are still enough girls to go around.

19-10-2020, 04:55 PM
Due to restrictions many overseas girls are not able to come and young students keep going back home via online learning that's why a huge shortage of girls around..... I can't imagine what is like for next year lol may run out of girls

19-10-2020, 05:17 PM
Receptionist from a brothel went back to china last week, she said business was really slow and had saved enough to buy herself an apartment in her city and apparently paid $6000 for flight tickets due to covid

19-10-2020, 06:28 PM
I’ve been told by a couple of ladies that it is very difficult right now. Nowhere near as busy as pre covid.
Basically just surviving but then this thing is different for everyone.

19-10-2020, 08:03 PM
Will be interesting to see if there will be an 'outflux' of ladies come nearer to Christmas time when tertiary studies finish for the year. Some will probably be forced to go home and then not able to get back. If the international border stays closed through next year there could be a different feel to the industry.

For now I've got such a big list of repeats and new to try MLs to work through. The vast majority of ladies I've seen, along with the services I've received, post- COVID shut down have been fantastic.

20-10-2020, 10:19 AM
my favorite girls are blocked outside and waiting for border reopen

21-10-2020, 12:59 AM
I think this is one of the advantages of covid. Pretty girls who usually dont do this line of work and we wouldn't get a chance to meet, now have come to do this line of work.

Also this is just my theory, that legit massage shop girls could start offering extras because incomes are affected due to drop in customers

I wish your theory is true, but unfortunately so far this seems to be a bit of wishful thinking.

my impression is that covid19 was not nearly enough to push pretty girls into this line of work if they weren't already doing it before.

More likely steps they'd take: head home, ask family for assistance, cut expenditures.

A case in point: a pretty ML I saw a few times last year said she works in the shop mostly to earn some extra cash to travel, this year she stopped working in the shop because she can't travel any more so no longer needs the extra cash.

21-10-2020, 12:22 PM
I wish your theory is true, but unfortunately so far this seems to be a bit of wishful thinking.

my impression is that covid19 was not nearly enough to push pretty girls into this line of work if they weren't already doing it before.

More likely steps they'd take: head home, ask family for assistance, cut expenditures.

A case in point: a pretty ML I saw a few times last year said she works in the shop mostly to earn some extra cash to travel, this year she stopped working in the shop because she can't travel any more so no longer needs the extra cash.

For many girls, this job provides them with the opportunity to purchase luxuries such as LV bags and designer label clothes and to travel and stay at decent hotels and resorts. For some girls, it allows them to send money back home to assist their families or to purchase property in their countries. However, many are not in severe financial hardship as perceived by some punters. It is also worthwhile mentioning that the majority don't pay tax which enables the government to pay for government services.

21-10-2020, 03:27 PM
I agree with cuteguy, alot of the girls get an allowance from home and do this work to travel around Australia (when borders are open) staying at the best resorts and enjoying themselves whilst young. It costs their families alot to send them here to study (so they must be well off) as you can see from the universities who are bleeding right now because of the lock down.

21-10-2020, 03:44 PM
I’ve really struggled to find young, enthusiastic MLs lately. Her enjoying the session is my most important criteria.
Maybe 10 punts this year, none particularly memorable.
Previous years so many amazing memories.

Sorry, I had to laugh at the enthusiastic comment....

I heard of a WL bitching because a guy took longer than 5 minutes to cum.

Now that would be lack of anything including enthusiasm !!

21-10-2020, 03:55 PM
Maybe joking, 5 minutes less is very rare.

21-10-2020, 04:11 PM
Maybe joking, 5 minutes less is very rare.

She was not joking !!

21-10-2020, 05:19 PM
Maybe joking, 5 minutes less is very rare.

I reckon I lasted 6 minutes with you hahaha. 😘

21-10-2020, 06:07 PM
Mr RayRay now you’re joking!

22-10-2020, 09:20 PM
5 minutes is a marathon!!!!!