View Full Version : General talk Does punting stop you getting a girlfriend?

everready 2
16-09-2020, 12:25 AM
I've been an on and off punter for years.
It's been like an on and off hobby.

While I don't think punting stops you keeping a wife or girlfriend, I'm tending to think punting can stop you finding a girlfriend when you're without a partner.

And the longer you go without a girlfriend, the more this can apply. Fortunately, touch wood, so far - sometimes almost miraculously - I've always been able to find another girlfriend, just when I thought it may never happen again. But, I definitely think I would have found them quicker if I hadn't been punting.

When you're without a girlfriend and punting, it's easy to find sexual satisfaction, so you tend to not even make the effort of finding a girlfriend. I think it is a dangerous state of mind to get into. I'm in that place at the moment.

Any thoughts?

Labia Vortex
16-09-2020, 12:51 AM
Sex is only one part of a relationship
Always enjoyed taking a woman out to dinner theatre movies
BBQs etc
So punting never got in the way of looking for a partner as I was always interested
Once I got married and my wife’s interest in sex waned punting has kept me sane ( sorta)
And the marriage intact
She’s a great friend/ partner whom I wouldn’t want to lose
Plus it would cost me a fortune...lol

16-09-2020, 08:43 AM
punting has kept me sane ( sorta)

How do you manage the 2. I mean are they mentally sperate so you just switch mindsets? E.g alter egos

Or you keep one side totally business focus... so no attachment (sorta ) hahah

16-09-2020, 10:40 AM
Yes i did stop punting for couple of years when i met my partner but fire between couples fade away eventually, when that happens to keep your animal instincts alive punting now and then will keep your relationship running. I punt once or twice in a month and barley get any from my partner now a days, may be we have sex once every 4 to 6 months and we are still in our early 30's. Lack of sex is what causes marriages and relationships to break most of the time.

16-09-2020, 10:44 AM
You should also add another thread.
Does having a gf or wife stop you punting? I think no lol. Most of us here does have a partner or more.

16-09-2020, 11:04 AM
Well for me, past experience is that dating is cheaper than punting as punting at >250/h is not sustainable unless you're made of money...so personally it doesn't stop me from attempting to find a gf.

16-09-2020, 03:21 PM
I agree with timtam, the other way probably is a lot more common. Sometime I think punting is like a supplement to keep the relationship good. Since unfortunately some ladies their libido could come down, or for whatever reason it is.

16-09-2020, 03:33 PM
I've been an on and off punter for years.
It's been like an on and off hobby.

While I don't think punting stops you keeping a wife or girlfriend, I'm tending to think punting can stop you finding a girlfriend when you're without a partner.

And the longer you go without a girlfriend, the more this can apply. Fortunately, touch wood, so far - sometimes almost miraculously - I've always been able to find another girlfriend, just when I thought it may never happen again. But, I definitely think I would have found them quicker if I hadn't been punting.

When you're without a girlfriend and punting, it's easy to find sexual satisfaction, so you tend to not even make the effort of finding a girlfriend. I think it is a dangerous state of mind to get into. I'm in that place at the moment.

Any thoughts?

Not at all, I didn't have a girlfriend even before I started punting.

16-09-2020, 06:17 PM
Punting shouldn't stop you from going out and finding a girlfriend. If the girlfriend is keeping you satisfied in all ways possible and she really loves you and is not seeing anyone else behind your back, then why would you become a 'butterfly' (term used by Thai girls referring to the kind of man who will not be satisfied with one woman but is likely to be interested by other females than their wife or girlfriend)? In the end, every person is different.

16-09-2020, 08:07 PM
Not at all, I didn't have a girlfriend even before I started punting.

This is true for me too, then met someone and it's been a very long time between drinks, now that's all behind me so gave punting another go to see what i had missed out all those years previously...apparently i missed a lot :slobber:

16-09-2020, 10:49 PM
How do you manage the 2. I mean are they mentally sperate so you just switch mindsets? E.g alter egos

Or you keep one side totally business focus... so no attachment (sorta ) hahah

Think this is why many bros see a girl once or twice and not make her a regular as may develop feelings for the girl - if she is good at GFE.

Best mindset is enjoy the moment from when enter the doors, leave the real world behind & escape for the half/hour indulging pleasure & time with the ML/WL and switch back to real world when time is up.


17-09-2020, 01:56 AM
Sex is only one part of a relationship
Always enjoyed taking a woman out to dinner theatre movies
BBQs etc
So punting never got in the way of looking for a partner as I was always interested
Once I got married and my wife’s interest in sex waned punting has kept me sane ( sorta)
And the marriage intact
She’s a great friend/ partner whom I wouldn’t want to lose
Plus it would cost me a fortune...lol

Agree with this one. Punting will never replace the enjoyment of having sex with a partner.
It feels much better when the girl enjoy the sex as well, not just rush you to cum so she could go for the next client.

23-09-2020, 09:04 AM
I quit punting when I got married. I was a long time punter and then moved to SEA countries and had a absolute ball there before finding a good non-WL from a good background and imported her back here with me. But its getting a bit boring and my mind has been wandering and I wondered if I could actually punt again or would I not do it. still undecided whether to get back in fully to punting

24-09-2020, 12:54 AM
Well for me, past experience is that dating is cheaper than punting as punting at >250/h is not sustainable unless you're made of money...so personally it doesn't stop me from attempting to find a gf.

dating is cheaper? depends on the lady u date I guess.

and if u end up marrying her, and (shudder to think about it) having a few kids, u would know which is really cheaper.

24-09-2020, 02:11 AM
Stay single is the best way to punt!!!

25-09-2020, 01:03 AM
Of course lol single is the best

25-09-2020, 01:46 AM
dating is cheaper? depends on the lady u date I guess.

and if u end up marrying her, and (shudder to think about it) having a few kids, u would know which is really cheaper.

haha yes very true! If you date a gold digger, then it could end up pretty bad... And 100% agree if you have kids... Hopefully I won't!

25-09-2020, 07:52 AM
Does punting stop me getting a girlfriend?
No. That would be more likely due to my horrendous personal hygiene, Quasimodo looks, and inability to not be a sarcastic prick. Punting is way down the list to be fair.

25-09-2020, 09:51 AM
I don't punt while in a relationship. I would expect the same in return.
Does it stop me getting a girlfriend? No.
Does it alleviate built up sexual frustration meaning I'm less likely to just 'settle' for someone? Yes.
I've found I've become more choosy with who I decide to date, not based on looks or anything like that, just that I don't feel I need to date someone just to fill a gap. May be that's to do with punting, maybe maturity, maybe a combination.