View Full Version : Mirrors, Porno, Lighting, and Music in Brothels. Turn on or turn off???
23-02-2013, 08:30 PM
Hi guys
What do you think of the following distractions/additions at brothels.
1. Porno on the TV screen
2. Music
3. Mirrors
4. Lighting - bright or dim
Any other things you can think of?
Do you find that they enhance the experience or detract from it?
Are they a turn on or turn off?
Here's my 2cents.
1. Porno. Don't need it and I think it's a bit rude toward the WL too.
If a 21 yo Japanese girl sucking your dick isn't stimulating enough for you then you should give it up.
2. Music is OK as long as it's just in the background. I prefer to listen to the sounds the WL and I are making. And you definitely don't want radio complete with DJs ranting and ads!!
3. Mirrors are awesome! There are so many views and angles you miss without mirrors.
4. Lighting. You are paying big bucks for a gorgeous girl - you want to see her!
But you don't want it too bright either.
And two more turn offs I have just thought of are smelly towels and cheap and nasty shower gel.
the wizard
23-02-2013, 09:01 PM
Stuff that i prefer
1. Definitely lighting, I always turn it up, no excitement fucking in the dark, need to see and see well.
2. A nice comfy chair for sex.
3. Mirrors-not enough of them i find
4. Music Ok, as long as it's not too loud, i generally like everything loud, movies etc, but not when the music drowns
out the natural sounds of slurping, slapping, kissing, moaning.
Just like the tv screen you generally won't notice it after the girl walks in the room.
I need to bring in some Ken Davies Cd's ( natural rainforest sounds etc) to create some
ambiance, but it would probably send both of us to sleep- not what i really want
5. Decent air con, Ginza has portable units in each room and they really work well
6. Shower in the room/ ensuite
7. clean towels
8. the girl !!!!!
23-02-2013, 09:17 PM
Hi guys
What do you think of the following distractions/additions at brothels.
1. Porno on the TV screen
2. Music
3. Mirrors
4. Lighting - bright or dim
Any other things you can think of?
Do you find that they enhance the experience or detract from it?
Are they a turn on or turn off?
Here's my 2cents.
1. Porno. Don't need it and I think it's a bit rude toward the WL too.
If a 21 yo Japanese girl sucking your dick isn't stimulating enough for you then you should give it up.
2. Music is OK as long as it's just in the background. I prefer to listen to the sounds the WL and I are making. And you definitely don't want radio complete with DJs ranting and ads!!
3. Mirrors are awesome! There are so many views and angles you miss without mirrors.
4. Lighting. You are paying big bucks for a gorgeous girl - you want to see her!
But you don't want it too bright either.
And two more turn offs I have just thought of are smelly towels and cheap and nasty shower gel.
Totally agree with you
1. Actually I have had a couple of girls ask lately if I mind if they turned the TV off.
2. Soft music is OK and relaxing for a massage.
3. Mirrors are good, but sometimes I get too preoccupied to look.
4. I like to see the girl and what I’m doing, if she turns the lights down really low I always ask I am that ugly that you don’t want see me? They nearly always reply that its more romantic.
Another turn off is wet soggy towels piled on top of each other as a bath mat, you don’t know who used the towels before and who has been standing on them.
24-02-2013, 12:47 AM
I hate when ladies dim the lights, I want to actually see her body, so many girls have hang ups about there bodies when they are absolute hotties..
24-02-2013, 08:08 AM
exactly the same as you guys above...
had one session with the radio on and it was annoying as hell!
24-02-2013, 09:25 AM
I occasionally frequent Midas and Juliets, both places dim the lights excessively I sometimes ask the ML for a torch so I can find the shower! and K Pop music well not my cuppa.
the wizard
24-02-2013, 10:21 AM
it was so dark at 64 once, i couldn't tell what cash i was giving Sophie, i could have been giving her a unintentinal tip.
k pop is ok
24-02-2013, 10:47 AM
we all seem to have the same preferences. all of them seem easy to meet. why don't the shops get it? often you go in there and it looks like....... um, yeah, we'll.. ...
I'd like to add: clean sheets pleeeeease! ( yuk). Most shops offend, including those who wish to be at the top end.
notable well ru. and well presented exception: 5*.
carmen farquis
24-02-2013, 01:01 PM
the pornos at 533 are horrible. thet have one with a guy that looks like herman munster and yesterdays one they kept on spitting
1 mirror (girls looks so sexy in different views)
2 music (nice music will be good)
3 lights (I like darker warm Light, Hazy sexy)
4 porno (doesn't matter for me)
Polonius the Pedant
25-02-2013, 09:12 AM
Smell. the room can smell like sex (who are we kidding?) but I've been to shops where the smell of mould or, worse, sewerage just dominated the booking.
Light some vanilla candles, buy an airwick, open a window for Christ's sake.
25-02-2013, 12:02 PM
1. Porno off
2. Music - K-pop, house music, top 40 usually ok. SF - no more classical, ugh! Would rather ML making sounds in my ear so I don't care if a little bit loud.
3. Mirrors - I like big mirrors so I can check out the naked ML.
3. Lights - soft mood light but not too dim.
25-02-2013, 01:50 PM
1. You can have porno on the tele, but the customer must have control over it. If i want it off, it should be that way. I dont mind porno for the resting time.
2. Music must have variety, same as porn the customer must have control over it.
3. Mirrors are a must have, i want to see her reactions during doggy and such.
4. Lights i like soft as well, i want to see her but not clear enough so i can see her blemishes etc.
25-02-2013, 02:15 PM
I turn any radio off or down to almost vanishing level.
Porno is great! You don't have to pay any attention to it if you don't want to, but sometimes I've liked hearing the groans and moans. And sometimes I've used it as a fresh visual image to get me on the inevitable path to an orgasm. When you feel this, you switch your attention back to the girl and within thirty seconds her big soft arse bumping into you, does the rest!
It feels like YEARS to me since the screens at 64 have ever been on. I want them! boo hoo hoo :cry:Their absence is one of the reasons I've sometimes had difficulty coming. (Others could be heat and sweat.)
I always adjust the dimmer switch up to the perfect level for me. It is always too dark otherwise.
Mirrors go without saying.
25-02-2013, 02:54 PM
I wonder if the shops read threads like this.
They should! Market research like this normally costs you thousands of dollars and they are getting it for free!
Shop owners if you are listening, this I'd what the punters are saying.
1. Porno. Not necessary. Don't waste your money on lots of flat screen TVs and porn. Just one TV in the waiting room is enough.
2. Mirrors. Punters like them. They are not absolutely essential but would be appreciated.
3. Lighting. Soft lighting- we want to see the girls. But not too bright!! Dimmer switches are a good idea.
4. Background music is OK. But not loud music and no radios. 5. Fresh clean sheets
6. Fresh clean towels (properly laundered).
7. Air conditioners. Especially in hot sticky Sydney summers.
8. Air fresheners. Nice smelling rooms.
9. Nice shower gel. This is actually even more important for the girls who have to shower many times per day - cheap shower gels are very harsh on their delicate skin.
None of the above things are expensive to provide (except for the Air-con and maybe the mirrors).
They could all be easily provided and make our punting experience much nicer. And nicer for the girls too.
This thread shoudnt be taken as a complaint and is not directed at any particular shop.
And many of you already provide most of the things listed. It's just some honest feed back from punters.
25-02-2013, 03:09 PM
Great summary bro one other point how about showers that work and beds that dont rock the whole building when your pumping the lady.
25-02-2013, 03:10 PM
Shop owners if you are listening, this I'd what the punters are saying.
1. Porno. Not necessary. Don't waste your money on lots of flat screen TVs and porn. Just one TV in the waiting room is enough.
Rooter, didn't you just read my post above?
25-02-2013, 03:16 PM
8. Air fresheners. Nice smelling rooms.
One of the first things I do after giving the girl the dough is re-open the door she has just closed to get some genuine new air into there.
Artificial chemical air "fresheners" (ha ha) layed on top of already stale, shower humid air is just the pits. I've had to leap quickly and stop the girls from spraying the shit around.
25-02-2013, 03:47 PM
Rooter, didn't you just read my post above?
I was trying to summarize what the majority said. The overwhelming majority said they are not interested in watching porn when seeing a WL.
25-02-2013, 03:50 PM
Great summary bro one other point how about showers that work and beds that dont rock the whole building when your pumping the lady.
good points bro!
The bed and the shower are the two most important things after the WL.
Keep the input coming. I will update the list in a few days.
25-02-2013, 04:16 PM
I was trying to summarize what the majority said. The overwhelming majority said they are not interested in watching porn when seeing a WL.
I must be representative of vast numbers of guys though.
Porn as an aid to orgasm? Who ever heard of that weird concept? :D
25-02-2013, 04:38 PM
I must be representative of vast numbers of guys though.
Porn as an aid to orgasm? Who ever heard of that weird concept? :D
When you are wanking for sure!
Or fucking your wife you have been married to for 20 years. Absolutely!
But when you are with a 21yo hottie ????
25-02-2013, 04:51 PM
I dont like the porn even if I am sitting in the waiting room doesnt do much for me its so fake.
25-02-2013, 04:56 PM
When you are wanking for sure!
Or fucking your wife you have been married to for 20 years. Absolutely!
But when you are with a 21yo hottie ????
It will probably happen to you too, but at 52 yrs I can't always rely on just my cock's sensitivity anymore. I hardly ever stop talking about the way the mind takes over more in sex the older you get. My mind therefore sometimes has to seek any and all - including the girl of course - sources of mental and visual stimulation. So I'd be representative of vast numbers of guys, as I said.
And yes, the fact that she is a 20 year old hottie is a big part of that mix!
25-02-2013, 05:20 PM
It will probably happen to you too, but at 52 yrs I can't always rely on just my cock's sensitivity anymore. I hardly ever stop talking about the way the mind takes over more in sex the older you get. My mind therefore sometimes has to seek any and all - including the girl of course - sources of mental and visual stimulation. So I'd be representative of vast numbers of guys, as I said.
And yes, the fact that she is a 20 year old hottie is a big part of that mix!
Fair enough bro. Point taken. I was just summarizing what the majority of punters were saying.
25-02-2013, 11:17 PM
Nevertheless, I also represent hope for the majority of you that are younger than me, that yes, you too, can be pleasuring 20 year old girls, and yourself, well into your future.
All of you now can do a mental calculation of the age difference between me and you, and know - so long as you keep yourself as fit and active as you were in your twenties - that you can look forward to the sum of those years separating us, and more, with confidence you'll still be drilling hot, young pussy for their duration.
Nice thought eh?
And I'm far, far from being retired!
It is very true that you have to enlist your mind more as the years pass (which is why a dud punt has much more impact on me than it would with most of you) but that is a just the fact we all face - or will face.
At times though, my cock is still on a hair trigger, as mentioned in my review of 64's Joanne and 64's Nico.
Rooter, if the shop owners do take your advice to gain free research from this thread, I am glad that my input into it will be part of what they read.
Max Impact
25-02-2013, 11:39 PM
Yes to everything except pussy hair please.
26-02-2013, 02:14 AM
I like 150w of lighting and no music and no porno.
every time i have to do my sex proper with WG.
no smile and no acting on the bed, i like serious sex session.
when i have a porno actress on the bed, i wear 3D glasses :cool2:
26-02-2013, 06:04 AM
Nevertheless, I also represent hope for the majority of you that are younger than me, that yes, you too, can be pleasuring 20 year old girls, and yourself, well into your future.
All of you now can do a mental calculation of the age difference between me and you, and know - so long as you keep yourself as fit and active as you were in your twenties - that you can look forward to the sum of those years separating us, and more, with confidence you'll still be drilling hot, young pussy for their duration.
Nice thought eh?
And I'm far, far from being retired!
It is very true that you have to enlist your mind more as the years pass (which is why a dud punt has much more impact on me than it would with most of you) but that is a just the fact we all face - or will face.
At times though, my cock is still on a hair trigger, as mentioned in my review of 64's Joanne and 64's Nico.
Rooter, if the shop owners do take your advice to gain free research from this thread, I am glad that my input into it will be part of what they read.
Well, as you get older, the more women that will become available to you as well. In your 20's and 30's the prospect of paying a woman in her 40's for FS may turn you off but if you're in your 50's, as long as she is fit and healthy, not so big a problem plus you have a lot of 20 and 30 year olds still.
26-02-2013, 10:16 AM
Yes, very true Jellyshots. It always gives me a grin when I read some posters grizziling about the wl being thirty five or more. Hey! My tongue still hangs out like a dog's when I see them. The early twenties girls are a different kind of fun.
26-02-2013, 11:22 AM
I received a PM from a shop saying they were following the thread with interest and taking the suggesstions on board.
So keep the input coming - make yourself heard.
Well done punters!!
Hopefully more shops are tuning in too.
26-02-2013, 05:51 PM
Ok, for the massage shops, can you trial Almond Oil instead of baby oil. It absorbs into the skin better and comes off easier in the shower. It may even be cheaper in bulk.
22-04-2013, 07:11 PM
Hi guys
What do you think of the following distractions/additions at brothels.
1. Porno on the TV screen
2. Music
3. Mirrors
4. Lighting - bright or dim
1. Big no, especially when the screen is doing something the girl won't allow.
2. Soft background music, no talking is ok.
3. The more the better.
4. Dimmer so you can increase the light for a fresh pretty young girl and ...
Any other things you can think of?
Some places, mostly budget, have shower problems:
- hot water is not hot, then it gets super hot all of a sudden
- impossible to adjust the shower temperature
- not enough water flow
- shower too small to wash properly in
1. Soft music is nice but none is ok..the sounds made during sex are already a big turn on
2. Dim but not too dim lighting As watching is part of the fun (if only they used candles, they are much more romantic)
3. Mirrors definitely
4. Proper pillows, that can be used for positioning
5. Clean towels
6. Unscented shower gel
7. clean sheets
8. Water in the room
22-04-2013, 09:24 PM
Sei, clearly you are describing a home bedroom, because, as the "wrong" gender, you have obviously never set foot in a brothel. But it is still good to know what a woman prefers in in these situations. I've definitely seen my girls enjoy the mirrors for example.
22-04-2013, 09:47 PM
1. Porno on the TV screen: Not really, porn is for wanking so not appropriate in a brothel.
2. Music: Yeah 100%, I luv music during 'happy time'
3. Mirrors: Yes, but placed strategically. Sometimes it's good to admire the view in full flight but when you’re looking for a more GFE session it can kill the mood.
4. Lighting - bright or dim: 50/50. Bright fluros kill the mood and some WL's get self-conscious. But complete darkness is just as bad. A bed side lamp(s) with dimmer switch is a good compromise.
Towels which don't fluff after washing. There's nothing worse than WL needing to stop every few minutes during a BBBJ to remove towel fluff from her tongue
22-04-2013, 09:57 PM
1. Soft music is nice but none is ok..the sounds made during sex are already a big turn on
2. Dim but not too dim lighting As watching is part of the fun (if only they used candles, they are much more romantic)
3. Mirrors definitely
4. Proper pillows, that can be used for positioning
5. Clean towels
6. Unscented shower gel
7. clean sheets
8. Water in the room
Hi Sei,
You'll make a good mamasan !!
Sei, clearly you are describing a home bedroom, because, as the "wrong" gender, you have obviously never set foot in a brothel. But it is still good to know what a woman prefers in in these situations. I've definitely seen my girls enjoy the mirrors for example.
Lol..."wrong" well I never...
Hi Sei,
You'll make a good mamasan !!
haha thanks Ahlungor but I wouldn't know the first thing about it :)
22-04-2013, 10:42 PM
haha thanks Ahlungor but I wouldn't know the first thing about it :)
That, I can help, not from me of course but I can introduce a couple of my friends to you.
If you are interested.......hehe
22-04-2013, 10:55 PM
Lol..."wrong" well I never...
:) Wrong gender to be a visitor to a brothel is what I meant!
22-04-2013, 10:58 PM
Wrong gender to be a visitor to a brothel is what I meant!
I took a girl to a Brothel once, only had to pay for the room!
I took a girl to a Brothel once, only had to pay for the room!
Now that's a story I would like to hear, pls share!
22-04-2013, 11:23 PM
Hi Sei,
Now that's a story I would like to hear, pls share!
Note to Sextus: you won't want to read any further than this :)
Some time ago I met a fresh young WL and we had a really great session together, real GFE. Afterwards she gave me her number.
Not long after this she quit the business.
She flatted with some conservative friends in the city.
We hooked up every now and then as fuck buddies, but needed to go somewhere besides her flat, for obvious reasons.
I used to be a regular at a certain city Brothel and suggested we go there one time (she never worked there).
We rock up, I asked her to wait outside while I went in to talk to the Pappasan.
He agreed to my request and said $50 for the room for an hour or so, he wasn't too fussed about the time.
So I go outside to get my girl and lead her up to the room. There was no one inside so she was not seen by anyone.
We showered, had a good session, then left.
On the way out the Pappasan called out "come back anytime"
I guess it would have been more exciting if the girl had not been a WL before!
I have thought about taking a partner to a brothel before as a kinky thing to do but never got around to doing it, thinking it would be hard to explain how I knew about the place :)
I have taken a partner to a stip club before though, and we both got a private strip together!
23-04-2013, 07:32 AM
Hi guys
What do you think of the following distractions/additions at brothels.
1. Porno on the TV screen
Don't really like it, tends to be a bit of a distraction for me.
And sometimes for the WL as well, they should be focussing on the task at hand
2. Music
Only experience that I had with music was when they had loud dance music in one of the rooms,
was really distracting.
3. Mirrors
YES!! Multiple angles create such a immersive experience.
The brothels I got to tend to be "massage shops" so have the wall to wall mirror.
Having one of the ceiling is a nice touch too, especially when you're just lying there chatting and hugging.
4. Lighting - bright or dim
Generally bright, as stated before by others, I wanna check out the hot bodies,
but some girls are just really shy about it.
Any other things you can think of?
Glasses or bottles of water
Having a themed room, just for something different
Having the girls dressed a bit cosplay would be fun, rather than the usual lingerie/bikini.
23-04-2013, 09:08 AM
5 star has a nice big ceiling mirror in a room, I still remember looking atWhisky's beautiful body in it while she was giving me DTBBBJ.
Wrong gender to be a visitor to a brothel is what I meant!
Apologies, did not mean to move the hread off track.
Not related to turn ons/offs but
An unscented shower gel will mean you dont go home to your partner smelling like almond milk or spring flowers etc which might give you away
Another thing to include in the room might be mens deodourant, for hygiene as well as after session cover ups for the attached punters out there
Why dont they play jazz? So much sexier...
Hi Sei,
Note to Sextus: you won't want to read any further than this :)
Some time ago I met a fresh young WL and we had a really great session together, real GFE. Afterwards she gave me her number.
Not long after this she quit the business.
She flatted with some conservative friends in the city.
We hooked up every now and then as fuck buddies, but needed to go somewhere besides her flat, for obvious reasons.
I used to be a regular at a certain city Brothel and suggested we go there one time (she never worked there).
We rock up, I asked her to wait outside while I went in to talk to the Pappasan.
He agreed to my request and said $50 for the room for an hour or so, he wasn't too fussed about the time.
So I go outside to get my girl and lead her up to the room. There was no one inside so she was not seen by anyone.
We showered, had a good session, then left.
On the way out the Pappasan called out "come back anytime"
I guess it would have been more exciting if the girl had not been a WL before!
I have thought about taking a partner to a brothel before as a kinky thing to do but never got around to doing it, thinking it would be hard to explain how I knew about the place :)
I have taken a partner to a stip club before though, and we both got a private strip together!
Clever and very
the wizard
23-04-2013, 09:39 AM
Sei , that's perfect , I love jazz, not elevator type but something
With lots of sax .
I just might take a cd in next time, something different to the the dance stuff- which is ok anyway...
Ps would love some soft Japanese background music for Ginza, it would really give the session some ambience.
23-04-2013, 10:22 AM
Ps would love some soft Japanese background music for Ginza, it would really give the session some ambience.
Yes, that "Cherry Blossoms" Sakura song would be nice!
This is it (
23-04-2013, 02:48 PM
Sei , that's perfect , I love jazz, not elevator type but something
With lots of sax .
I just might take a cd in next time, something different to the the dance stuff- which is ok anyway...
Ps would love some soft Japanese background music for Ginza, it would really give the session some ambience.
Not the type that Yogo Ono sang please !
the wizard
23-04-2013, 06:58 PM
How about the music from the Japanese Wedding scene from 007- you only live twice.
Here it is accompanied by Images of Jav stars.
23-04-2013, 07:04 PM
How about the music from the Japanese Wedding scene from 007- you only live twice.
Here it is accompanied by Images of Jav stars.
that's better, but only works with GFE not PSE ! :miao:
23-04-2013, 07:27 PM
How about the music from the Japanese Wedding scene from 007- you only live twice.
Here it is accompanied by Images of Jav stars.
Not bad!
There are some nice Reon Kadena links from this :)
23-04-2013, 07:31 PM
I think there should be a Geisha in the corner of the room playing the koto live.
Then half way through the session she joins in for a 3some.
rooter I like the way you think!
24-04-2013, 02:32 PM
How about the music from the Japanese Wedding scene from 007- you only live twice.
That photo of Sean Connery made up as an Asian reminded me of all the movies I grew up with where you couldn't find an Asian actor on screen to save your life. Even as a kid, I used to wonder why they were always western actors made up as Asians. I used to figure, umm, maybe Asians couldn't act?? Both ideas, the filmmakers and mine, were weird though!
Here then, is an unholy gallery roll call to add to the poor taste Connery shot! he he he..
Spanish actor Ricardo Montalban (
A theatrical Peter Lorre... (
An incredibly western looking David Carradine! (
Russian actor Peter Ustinov (
Katherine Hepburn in "The Good Earth" (I think.) (
An absurd Rex Harrison in "Anna and the King of Siam." Look at that western nose of his! (
The best for last! A preposterous, drawling John Wayne as Genghis Khan! (
24-04-2013, 07:03 PM
Looks like this thread is wandering a bit. I must say though that young people like Sextus should not need to watch porn while he is on the job. Personally I find the American porn they play boring, nobody looks like that and dicks that big are impossible, plus the mechanical moaning, cumming sounds are annoying, fortunately it is easy to ignore.
My pet hate though is the shops that only have one music CD that they play ad nauseum, especially if you become regular at the shop. Much as I like Green Sleeves the 100th time I hear it I feel like tearing the CD player out and throwing it through the window, if there is one. Not really.
Stuffy rooms that smell of showers, cigarrette smoke, sex and mould is also a turn off, even worse when it is covered by some cheap spray.
24-04-2013, 07:23 PM
Lol, after the first month, I think I heard all of the classical chinese songs at SF that I could stand. Big thanks to Tiffany for grooving it up...
24-04-2013, 09:02 PM
Looks like this thread is wandering a bit. (
You wanna say that again....pilgrim?
the wizard
24-04-2013, 09:04 PM
Looks like this thread is wandering a bit.
I think I'm to blame.....
24-04-2013, 09:10 PM
No Wizard, I confess to being my own creation, and so I accept all due punishment for it... :electric_shock:
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