View Full Version : A rough initiation into the world of privates... Strangest punt I've ever had...

Punting Monkey
15-08-2020, 04:37 AM
So, err...yeah. Somewhat of a veteran punter, but only in shops. New to the whole private scene... Tried I'd see what's what a month ago. Got baited a big time.

Saw some profile that was perhaps too good to be true. I did filter through most very obviously fake profiles. This one didn't have multiple postings, no other photos they just got off other listings. Decided to take a gamble...

Went to the apartment in Chatswood. The room number is sent to me, but the intercom wasn't working. Whoever rented that room didn't register it with building management. After nearly 30 minutes of messages going back and forth, someone comes down to let me in.

The advert said 22yo. The lady looks 40. I'm thinking, maybe she's like the boss... Either way, something isn't right.

We enter the unit. Very dim. Then, I'm asked to walk down the corridor, which got very very dark. I entered the room which was also very dark. Even through the darkness, I could see the unkempt bed with some large towel with holes in it. All sorts of thoughts are rushing through my head. This is how murder movies start. If someone came and murdered me, chopped me into pieces in the bathroom and feed me to the pigs, no-one would find a trace of me.

Moments later, the WL comes in. I didn't even get her name. I was looking for a 22 year old Korean. But, even through the darkness, I could see she wasn't 20. She definitely wasn't Korean as I heard the two speak in Mandarin. She told me she is Singaporean.

Maybe I'm too naive and/or nice. I let out a sigh, knowing I've been baited. I tell her I'm leaving. She tries very hard to keep me in. In the end, I feel sorry for her. I couldn't tell what her age was, but she had a good body. So, I thought, "What the hell?". I mentally prepare myself of contracting syphilis from those bed alone.

Now, this is when shit got really weird. We're barely 5 minutes in.

The lady who let me into the apartment walks in. Her phone is on, but, by the angle of the phone and her finger movements, I can see she is texting. Still, I'm like "What in the actual fuck...?!" Never had someone just walk in in the middle of a session. She casually talks to the WL in Mandarin. Although I can't understand what is being said, the tone isn't good. The WL just gets up and walks out without saying anything.

The other lady tells me to face down so she can give me a massage. She tells me the WL has to make a phone call to family... An urgent phone call...

It must've been some 10 minutes of very half-arsed massage, if it can be called that. The lady was messaging the whole time with her other hand. Then, she just gets up, takes off her pants and shirt, leaving on just her bra and g-string and walks out...

Now, I'm like "WTF? x 100!". I'm in the room by myself for good 5 minutes, just walking about, checking out the black garbage bags they used to block out the windows.

The WL walks back in, lays me down, puts on a dom and BJs me. Usually, I would much prefer BBBJ, but at this point, dommed BJ was a huge relief for me. Very average BJ. Then, she began riding me...when the other lady walked in again. Same shit. Texting on her phone, almost arguing something very aggressively towards WL. Then, goes back out.

Now we're doing missionary...and the lady walks in again. Same shit. Texting on her phone, almost yelling something at WL. Then, picks up her clothes and storms out...

By this stage, my brain is fried. I am so so very confused. I mean, what in the actual fuck was taking place here? Who does that? Even if the other lady was a pimp, no pimp would just walk in in the middle of the session, so casually, multiple times. No knock or nothing.

Then, I thought...maybe she fancied me a bit? So, I asked the WL if her "friend" would like to join. She says "Another $100". I'm like, "Yeah, whatevs". I hand her the money, she goes out, returns and tells me her friend will come join soon.

Except, all fucking hell broke lose and the other lady stormed in, yelling shit to WL non-stop, all the while starring at my penis. I don't know whether I'm supposed to laugh or cry, get annoyed and yell at them both. But, I just do what people who are totally bewildered do. Silenced. Then the lady storms out again. I have no idea what is going on. I just tell the WL, "I think I better go". She takes out $100 from her wallet and gives it back to me.

I go into have a shower but decide not to after seeing the state of the bathroom/shower, carefully tip toe above the basin to wash around my tool. I come out of the bathroom, no one's there.

And I saw myself out of the apartment.

My mind completely blown for all the wrong reasons...

15-08-2020, 11:43 AM
sorry buddy I couldn't but laugh to see the scene.

15-08-2020, 01:24 PM

Dude that is bizarre.
Do you still have the contact details? Might be worth putting that up to save others from that shitshow.

Such a shame but hopefully you have better experiences in the future.

15-08-2020, 01:34 PM
Holy shit that is messed up.
I had an incident once where the reception had to come in in the middle of my session cos they had double booked the girl and wanted to cut my session short.

This tho, takes the cake. It’s like it was a script from a movie.

15-08-2020, 02:25 PM
Wow what an absolute spin out Punting Monkey. Seeing as you are knew to privates be careful booking from E&B, Locanto Etc. As they are very very hit and miss.

15-08-2020, 03:04 PM
From an amazing experience at 42g to this.... Monkey are you golden my friend haha. Keep the posts coming.

15-08-2020, 04:57 PM
Holy shit wow what a read. Super curious what private this is. Can you link us the ad?

15-08-2020, 05:25 PM
Oh shit I’m scared now. I’ve some site want to try too but didn’t go yet. It so far from comfort zone now hahaha

16-08-2020, 11:56 PM
Hahahaha sorry bro this is funny and fucked up at the same time. I have had people, friends, wl, etc walked in and joined in but non like this crazy shit hahahhaah.

17-08-2020, 03:08 PM
@punting monkey, glad you are safe, have seen enough movies to know places like these is where people get murdered. As punters we should very carefull you will never know what you are entering into in private in calls amd same applies for WL when they do outcalls.

18-08-2020, 10:33 AM
Omg that's really rough. Hope you have a better experience next time... if you ever decide to try again

18-08-2020, 10:53 AM
seriously messed up

thanks for the heads up

this post would really turn people away from seeing privates

always considered the possibility of some gangster turns up mid session to extort you

18-08-2020, 04:25 PM
Sorry are, had to LOL while reading this! Glad you made it out alive.

Hopefully you’ll try again and the experience will be much better

21-08-2020, 01:19 AM
fuck, I was laughing so hard, funny fucked up shit man! If only you taped the conversation to share...

26-08-2020, 06:24 PM
Wow that’s nuts! You should share the contact details to save others from this fate or worse

26-08-2020, 11:26 PM
That was quite an experience, but a good read.

01-09-2020, 04:19 PM
@punting monkey, glad you are safe, have seen enough movies to know places like these is where people get murdered. As punters we should very carefull you will never know what you are entering into in private in calls amd same applies for WL when they do outcalls.

Very true. You wouldn't want to be on the news just like the businessman who was murdered by a sex worker in Cairns. :startle:

02-09-2020, 12:24 AM
Thats such a dark comedy...looks like a scene from a movie by Woody Allen!! And dude you can write so well, I pictured everything, even the towel . Hope next punt pays back

06-09-2020, 09:41 PM
Ugly scene. But hey, only makes the next one all the more exciting!!!👍👍👍

13-10-2020, 08:47 AM
So funny - and scary too !

13-10-2020, 09:51 AM
Hahaha that is horrific

22-10-2020, 10:14 AM
I guess my experience yesterday fits here well.
I found one on Locanto. Sounded good. Exchanged messages. All good.
Went to the apartment. She let me in.
I knocked the door. This is where the nightmare began.
Door opened and a previous customer was walking out. Very uncomfortable.
She was sending him off fully naked.
She took me to the makeshift room.
I asked if she had shower. She said yes, but I'm sure she didn't. I asked her to wash again.
I reduced my time to just 20 min.
Then she placed a towel. It was slightly wet! I was thinking how can this get any worse.
Wait.. Wait.. She reached for gel but instead took dettol and spread it on my poor man! Please don't try this at home.
She was apologetic. I went to wash it off and cooled my boy down.
At this point, I was thinking of leaving. But, I knew I wasn't going to get my money anyway. I thought I'll get a BJ and leave.
So, I asked for a coveted bj. I always go for the covered to be careful. She had the worst technique.
She took the condom out and started giving hj. That was in fact better than her bj!
Then she suddenly spit on my dick to lubricate! Seriously? All my careful covered bj is down the drain.
That's not all.
I was so disgusted, went to have shower thoroughly. Came out of the shower and there was another guy started coming into bathroom through a second door.
I need hypnotic thropy to forget this day.
All this drama happened on level3, 197 York st.

24-10-2020, 02:57 PM
You wonder whether some establishments do take cleanliness and maintaining hygiene seriously. It can put punters at risk of contracting illnesses and diseases. For the shops it's all about money. I wonder whether anyone has sued an establishment where he contracted some disease due to poor health and hygiene practices.

Please see article below about contracting STIs from contaminated bed sheets and towels.


25-10-2020, 07:28 AM
I had a bit of a break and decided to see my regular near Town Hall. I message her and she was available in about 30-45mins.
We have great chemistry and she pampers me really well hence the revists. However, this session seems rushed.
We normally have time for a relaxing massage afterwards and she is always fine going a bit over time providing she does not have bookings after mine.

This time she quickly told me to shower and leave because she made a mistake with back-to-back booking. She apologise and must have forgotten leaving her little time to get ready. She told me if I leave quickly I can get a discount next time. We started to shower together then I hear the door buzzer go off. She dries herself in quick time and left me in the shower to dry off myself as she normally does that for me - yes she pampers me. I normally bring a backpack with towels, toothbrush, toothpaste, mouthwash, cups etc to store my phone, wallet and clothes. Anyway, was in such a rush to leave that I accidentally spill water on her other clean towels and as I finish putting on my underwear she whisk me away out of the room. Luckily managed to put my clothes on as I depart her apartment.

I check my bag and noticed I left my dettol mouthwash and my wallet which had my office access keycard. Message her and told her I need to come back up to pick up the things I left behind because I cannot get back to work. Returned after 25-30 mins. Managed to access her apartment and text her again telling her I am outside and I am lightly knocking on her door. She told me I must be quiet and wait until she finishes in the bathroom. Being respectful I waited until she finishes using the bathroom and I can hear she has walked out, after a few minutes of silence I access the bathroom and got my stuff. At this point I did not notice anyone else was in the apartment other than her and her flatmate (so I assumed). I left and text her I have left.

It was our usual punt (with her and YMMV) with the exception of her back-to-back (overlapping) with her booking with no time to get ready for the next customer. As for leaving items behind, it happens sometimes, not often but it does happen same applies to overlapping bookings. After reading Dingo's AR I thought.... nah it cannot be. I will ask her what really happened next time.

25-10-2020, 05:32 PM
After reading Dingo's AR I thought.... nah it cannot be. I will ask her what really happened next time.
Was it at xx7-xx9 York st?

27-10-2020, 05:53 AM
This can be the script of a Christopher Nolan film!

27-10-2020, 01:43 PM
Here’s a cpl

At a ML private’s apartment . Been seeing her first in a shop and now private a few years. So know her real well.

She goes into bedroom to get some oil . Tables in the lounge room . I hear her phone ring and next I hear are curtains in bedroom been ya sled aside and her saying yes I can see the moon .. then silence . Then hushed words hangs up

Comes into room and says BF was outside . Too surprise her. She’s super nervous , but continues with the hour booking . But what’s weirder we go to the bath and get sissy then bedroom and she does her usual FS Play Routine with Me

I leave almost 2.5 hours later . Find out later her BF Waited for her too finish. Aside from her initial nervousness and my constant concern he’d let himself in . She kept on going and beyond initial booked time.

Another been woken in a brotheL while a joint BORDER FORCE/police operation unfolds around me ...

We all have curious experiences . Whose ever shared theirs at a dinner table ?